Do you expect a riot or a quiet protest tomorrow at Trumps indictment?
Asked by
chyna (
June 12th, 2023
from iPhone
Marjorie Taylor Green is saying she will be there to lead the fracas. Will this be another Jan. 6 or just a low key protest?
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30 Answers
I don’t expect a protest unless she starts one with fringe extremists. Most of us want to see justice done and move on.
Protest, yes. Riot, no.
There will be a few whackos that will be noisy, but not much else. I think that after the Jan 6 rioters going to jail, there is less enthusiasm for going wild.
Most of the old Trump supporters have moved on to Desantis. Only the conspiracy nuts remain so it’s hard to say with any certainty what will happen. I would not expect much though.
Margie is an idiot who loves to hear the sound of her own voice. I don’t anticipate any riots; however, I do expect to hear a LOT of whining!!! Did you see Margie meet 45 at the Georgia airport over the weekend??? She’s standing there alone, smiling & cheering as he walked down the steps. Once on the tarmac, he passed her by like she wasn’t there. She had that same look of dejection that Melania had years ago. She lost that shitty grin real fast…made my day!!! :-)
@LadyMarissa Probably dashed her hopes of being a running mate. She clearly wants it bad.
Tomorrow?? What day is that, exactly?
It’s indictment day, said Pooh.
Whatever Trump supporters do or say, I expect it will continue to have an extremely high chance of being stupid, and/or based on ignorance and lies.
Not a riot & not a protest – Just more proof that you can fool some people ALL of the time.
I don’t expect any one to show up.
Wasn’t Indictment Day last Tuesday Pooh?
Margarie Taylor Green is a one woman fracas.
gawd I just love Pooh and the gang!!
Trump is calling for his supporters to show up. I am betting they’ll show up. Trump loves a fracas. I’m betting there will be at the very least a vocal defense of Trump.
Giving lurve to anyone using the word “fracas” in this thread!
I’m expecting a dull, formal affair unless Marjorie Taylor Green takes all her clothes off and runs naked round the courthouse building.
^Not something I want to see!
Maybe Drump’s organization will pay people to show up like he has at other events.
Extra Mile Casting and Gotham Government Relations and Communications have worked together to stuff crowds for him before. Typically they pay $50 cash at the end of the event. to wear t-shirts, carry signs, and cheer. Not a bad gig if you are destitute.
@Blackwater_Park There was a shortlist of his running mates published over the weekend & Margie wasn’t on it at all. Although I don’t want her to be the VP, I’d love to watch the ensuing cat fight between Margie & Kari Lake. He might even convince them to mud wrestle!!!
A tiskit a tasket a big basket of fracas!
Kari Lake is another loser, literally and figuatively.
I see cops tackling protesters as of 4 pm EST.
On the news (regular network NBC news) they said Miami hasn’t put up security the way it was expected. Maybe it’s inadequate security, I don’t know but there’s a lot of hullabaloo/fracas/shit getting real.
He has to go to the Cuban restaurant. Probably a nightmare for the security detail/SS. He wants to keep himself relevant so people send him money.
I have NBC! Fracas type people were rushing his motorcade. (What normal citizen has a motorcade?)
It has been a fracastic indictment so far. I loved that they had to structurally alter the courthouse door to get Trump’s head in.
There was neither protest nor riot. It was a whole lot of Trump supporters wanting to show support to the ex-president. There were a couple of left-wing nut jobs that were trying to stir trouble but nothing got started. BTW, the “Fracas type people” that rushed the motorcade was one guy that was a Never-Trumper. He was one of the few trying to stir up trouble. He was the only one. And he was the only one the Secret Service tackled and cuffed and turned over to Miami PD.
^I am super happy that it turned into a non-event.
I didn’t watch the news but the pictures I saw showed a smaller number of supporters than might have beene expected.
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