General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does it matter if Kaczinksi's death was suicide or old age?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) June 13th, 2023

Most of the news reports said that Ted Kaczinksi (the Unabomber) died at 81 of old age.

One or two speculated that he killed himself because he had been in prison for decades, his health was failing, and he wanted to control his own destiny.

Does it matter for his historical legacy how he died?

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17 Answers

Smashley's avatar

It’s fitting for the legacy he created. He was always smarter than everyone else, so when he chose to die, not even the feds could stop him. A final middle finger to the system.

filmfann's avatar

In my humble opinion, it doesn’t matter. He was a crazy jerk.
Apparently he was crafting his bombs using discarded phone company lead sleaves. The FBI called my boss trying to find out what we did with them.

janbb's avatar

No – it doesn’t matter. At 81, how he died is irrelevent.

RocketGuy's avatar

The US govt is partially to blame for pushing him over the edge:

NoMore's avatar

He was a sicko killer. I couldn’t care less about him.

Smashley's avatar

For the record, he was a giant POS. I’m just saying he was very cunning, and suicide while in custody is fitting, no matter what you think of him.

SnipSnip's avatar

Not to me. I’ve not thought about him for years.

LadyMarissa's avatar

In my opinion, it makes NO difference…both ways he’s dead!!! Once he was arrested & put away, I stopped thinking about him. Now that he’s really gone, he gets NO more space in my head!!!

seawulf575's avatar

He was a nut job. He is a perfect argument for the death penalty. He was a POS that killed and injured people indiscriminately. He was never going to get out of jail. We paid over $1.5M to keep him incarcerated for 25 years. There was nothing redeeming about his life, his arrest, his incarceration, or his death. We could have gotten it all done long ago.

flutherother's avatar

Kaczynski had been in declining health for years which is why he was transferred from the Florence Colorado Supermax to the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina where he died. He had been suffering from late stage cancer and some sources say he died by suicide but we won’t know for sure until the results of the autopsy are made public.

That he died, and how he died, may be of interest to his victims and their families.

LostInParadise's avatar

I do not approve of Kaczynski’s behavior, but writing him off as a madman is not quite right. See the comments in this Wikipedia article toward the bottom in the section titled “Contemporary Reception”.

jca2's avatar

I saw this documentary on him a year or two ago. Very interesting.

seawulf575's avatar

@LostInParadise His political views are of no concern to me. He sent bombs through the mail to kill people and destroy places. That is not the action of a sane but unique individual. It is the action of a nut job. Right up there, in my mind, with the nut jobs that shoot up schools.

RocketGuy's avatar

To me, the lesson is: don’t mentally abuse a genius until he cracks because he will be able come up with some really dangerous retaliations.

Pandora's avatar

I don’t know about everyone else but it doesn’t matter to me. When the media reported him as dead I didn’t even recognize his name until they called him the Unabomber. Hell, I barely remembered what he looked like. All these wack jobs want to be remembered as being important and in the end, we eventually erase their names from our minds. Why? Because there will always be some new wack job to try to claim their glory. Another one bites the dust. Just glad my taxes are no longer being wasted on him. Quite a few more to go.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Doesn’t matter to me.

JLeslie's avatar

Doesn’t matter.

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