Ah, the sweet smells of summertime. What are you smelling that lets you know it’s summer in your area?
Asked by
chyna (
June 15th, 2023
from iPhone
Here, it’s the smell of blacktop. Most holey roads are being repaired. Not really such a sweet smell.
What does it for you?
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18 Answers
Gardenias, they remind me of the smell of my mother’s “shadow garden” in Los Angeles. The garden was by the front door and porch, the front door faced North and had a building wing on the West to block the Sun. It also had Angel Wing Begonias growing in the the shade.
Gasoline mowers and leaf blowers – FEH!
(And honeysuckle)
Steam coming off of the ground..
Cutter Mosquito Repellent with DEET.
There are many pleasant aromas but Cutter’s big season is right now!
Fresh hay, damp soil, nectarines, wet sand, sunscreen, perfect strawberries, warm wood, and crispy cold watermelon.
Moss and leaves and toads and whatever else makes a summer forest smell so good.
Fresh cut hay.
Hot soil from the garden.
The gorgeous cool morning air before a hot day.
Dog bath soap.
@tinyfaery Oy! We had that here last week and it may be coming again.
Mowed grass
Charcoal grill
Fresh Manure on the farm fields.
Today I smelled hot rain.
I grilled hamburgers yesterday on my gas grill. .
My nonstop sweat.
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