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JLeslie's avatar

Are you happy or nervous when you buy a house?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) June 18th, 2023

I see people on TV shows who are very excited when they buy a house, and I almost never feel happy, I feel nervous and get horrible buyer’s remorse. I need to push through fear to sign the papers. I just bought a house that is much much more money than I want to spend, mostly because of my husband, he was so happy when he walked in that house and we have been looking a long time. I don’t love the location, but it is ok. I think we are buying just as the market as turning downwards, but that is part of my usual fears I guess.

How is it for you? Especially, if you move a lot I am curious how you handle it.

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16 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Congratulations on your new house, and I feel for you, I have gone through this, twice. I recognize that I can’t ever have a “dream house”, but I adapt well whenever I do it. . Each time, though, I feel that I have made a mistake, paid too much, will never adjust.
I’ve been in this house for 25 years, I hope to leave feet first

Good luck with the adjustment, I know you were very happy with your previous place.

janbb's avatar

I don’t move a lot and when I do I am nervous as hell! But it’s always worked out ok.

Are you keeping the place in The Villages that you like so much as well?


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have never bought a house, but I am all giddy when I buy one in Monopoly.

JLeslie's avatar

Keeping my place in The Villages.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Great! I’m happy for you.

smudges's avatar

Congratulations on your new place! I think it’s likely that you’ll grow to really enjoy it, especially after you get over those nerves.

I’ve moved many times (30?), but only bought a house twice. With one, nervous as hell beforehand, happy afterward when it was too late to do anything about it. It was only 5 years old and we loved it, but had payments.

With the second, we got 5 acres also, and only paid $65,000 in cash. In a way it was more nerve-wracking because it was a farmhouse which we would need to make some changes to in order to make it the way we wanted. But no payments was a relief.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie I am glad you can keep the Villages place, I know how much you like it there.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

When I got my most recent apartment I was scared out of my mind in the interview. I got in, and have lived their for the past 5 years.

filmfann's avatar

Congrats on the new digs!

I have been nervous EVERY TIME!

We are about to sell my dream house, and we don’t know where we go next. I am terrified!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Happy and nervous

chyna's avatar

Nervous as heck! I’m always worried that I made a mistake. And the actual moving of items is gut wrenching. But the last time I moved, 20 years ago, my SIL, who I’m positive was a drill sergeant in another life, had everything moved, unpacked, in the correct place and beds made by the end of the day. With the help of about 5 other people. But still amazing.
I really think that effort put me at ease immediately and on day one I was happy in my new home.
Congratulations on your new home and I hope it’s perfect for you.

JLeslie's avatar

Thank you so much jellies for the answers. Makes me a little calmer. GA’s for everyone.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie These things are huge stressors, it’s appropriate to second guess and worry. Deep breaths (and a glass of wine wouldn’t hurt!) <3

gondwanalon's avatar

Thirty years ago my wife wanted a house that was listed for $300K. We gave an offer of $220K.
I was terrified when our offer was accepted. That was an overwhelming amount of money and I just started working at a new hospital lab. We paid off the house around 15 years ago and our house is now valued at around $660K.

RocketGuy's avatar

Obligating yourself to hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt is stressful. Moving in after all said and done is a relief and is exciting.

jca2's avatar

I think moving is very stressful but if you’re not actually moving because you’re keeping your present house, that eliminates a lot of stress. You will have the fun of buying new stuff and decorating. I think it can be both stressful and happy when a big purchase is made, of any type (car, house, etc.).

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