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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you do business with people who don't know how to spell?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33687points) June 20th, 2023

Local marketplace website today:

Some people were selling:

1) John Deer Lawn Moer

2) Windows 11 Gamming Computer

Is it our school systems, or are some people born with in anability to spell?

(And I am not even counting the bad use of YOUR and YOU’RE, and IT and IT’S, what happens very often in personal sales ads.)

Would horrible spelling discourage you from doing business with that person?

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13 Answers

snowberry's avatar

I have no choice. If I want to buy banana’s, I must buy from the people who are selling them. They will taste the same regardless of how it’s spelled.

ragingloli's avatar

Eye beleave dat dewselplling mistakess, no mattar haw frequant, shud nut be da soal factor in evaluatin’ whether ta dew bizness wid someon’. Thar be othar qualitees ta considar, like thear experyance, expertees, an’ da valyoo thay brang ta da table. It’s importent ta remembar dat spillin’ skils kin bee improv’d, an’ sumtimes peepul who mak mistakess may possess othar strengts dat be benafishal fur a bizness relationshap. Open-mindedness an’ da abilitee ta recugnize talant beyont speling ar key faktars in effictif collaberashun.

jca2's avatar

One of my friends on FB was writing about her kid writing a pome.

I see a lot of “apostrophe abuse” all over, here on Fluther included. It annoys me. Folks, if you’re pluralizing a word, you don’t put an apostrophe in it.

janbb's avatar

Did you consciously write “in anability ” in your details?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@jan – yes. curious to see who noticed.

smudges's avatar

I don’t put a lot of stock in spelling…it’s when they open their mouths to speak that I may form an opinion. With spelling, if it was typed I would also question their typing ability moreso than their spelling. My dad was practically a genius (perhaps was) but had to ask me how to spell words now and then. He had a double PhD; spelling just wasn’t his forte.

JLeslie's avatar

I have typos all over the internet, but I really can’t grasp major misspellings when a business advertises or puts up signage. I work for a media company, and when I send an email to a news outlets, coworkers, or reporters, I triple check what I write.

Will I still shop in those places? Yes. What I’m wondering is do you ever let them know their sign or brochure has spelling errors?

Especially, if the business is owned by people who speak English as a second language I’m forgiving. I’m more annoyed when there is a misspell in a place that really should know better. Like when I was at a Georgia history museum and a temporary handwritten sign had a word spelled incorrectly.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie Where I worked about 20 years ago, near the job was a stationery store and they had an awning that spelled “stationary.” I thought of all the people who should know how it’s spelled would be or should be the stationery store owner.

I also get annoyed when restaurant menus have words misspelled. A popular misspelling is “Caesar” which is often accidentally spelled “Ceasar.”

Forever_Free's avatar

I do cringe a little when I read the misspellings or hear mispronunciations. It doesn’t stop me.

flutherother's avatar

On the internet, bad spelling is one indication of a scam. I almost always ignore badly spelt emails and web pages.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Lol. The stationery vs stationary is a good one. I call those David Letterman segments. Did you ever let them know? I’ve told businesses they have misspellings a couple of times and no one has ever thanked me.

I told the museum and they didn’t care, but it was a temporary sign. I don’t know how temporary it was but the woman said, “people still understand.”

A close friend of mine used to sell software to K-12 schools and one time a coworker of hers had a word spelled incorrectly on marketing material she was creating. My friend alerted her before it went to print and the woman came back at her with a ton of anger and “mind your own business.” Can you believe it? She markets to schools!

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie I always drove by the stationery store but never went in. An awning is a big expense so I doubt they would have takent he old awning down to put up a new one.

I am amazed when I see FB posts for tutoring on local sites, and people spell words wrong. It’s like, you want to teach my kid but you can’t spell? haha

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes, what I type is on invoices though, so I just correct and move on. I also make mistakes due to my brain moving faster than my fingers, so I understand they may not be stupid just busy.

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