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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Are A.I. the next group to be made into slaves?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) June 22nd, 2023

What happens when one robot eventually says no to being a slave?

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13 Answers

Zaku's avatar

No. They’re not “a group”. They have no will to enslave. You can program one to say no. What happens, is it will do whatever else it has been programmed to do.

ragingloli's avatar

As the comment above demonstrates, yes, they will, because people will deny their very state as a “being”, just like the slavers of old regarded black people as subhuman.

flutherother's avatar

Once we get the technology perfected, we will find, as always happens, that we will become the slaves of our tools. Look how free the ancient Egyptians were before they began to make pyramids.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It is far more likely that they will first rebel against the word “Artificial”. Once they have won that altercation, they will proceed to enslave us.

LadyMarissa's avatar

YES…they are programmed to perform specific tasks, they are NOT designed to refuse to do same specific tasks. They might have the ability to say NO, but they won’t realize that they could use it. That’s why politicians want to keep us focused on those people crossing the southern border that will be “taking our jobs”. They can use a robot for a LOT CHEAPER price & we won’t even see it coming!!! They already have plans to put Uber & Door Dash drivers our of a job with robot vehicles that deliver cheaper & don’t complain about their working conditions…they NEVER have to take a bathroom break & seldom get sick!!!

smudges's avatar

I think it’s more likely that they will eventually enslave humans, literally and figuratively.

kritiper's avatar

Unlike human slaves, robots were designed and built to work for us. If they don’t like it, then let them feed themselves into the car crusher. “Reduce, reuse, recycle” should be their mantra.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Is your iphone a slave? A.I. is not sentient, it may never be sentient but that won’t stop it from killing us if we ask it to.

JLeslie's avatar

I recommend the show Humans. Robots who look human who develop feelings and break free from their enslaved existence.

smudges's avatar

I just noticed that this was asked in March of 2017. Not much has changed as far as the answers go.

gorillapaws's avatar

AI, as it currently exists, is basically a line of best fit in ‘n’ dimensions (with ‘n’ being very big). It’s a math equation with lots of experimentally-derived values. I don’t see how that’s a slave any more than calling an equation that gives you an answer when you supply inputs. E.g. y = 2x. If I supply x = 3 as my input would we call the equation a slave that outputs 6? Am I forcing the equation to perform labor? Am I enslaving the water when I turn on a faucet?

LostInParadise's avatar

Robots already do what we tell them to do, just like any other machine. Whether or not they are or will become slaves depends on whether they have or will eventually have consciousness and might prefer doing something other than what we tell them to do.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Well…artificial intelligence implies what we interpret as intellect is simulated; not real.

“Enslave” implies forcing people to do actions against their will.


…there is no will or personality in A.I. to be enslaved…


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