Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you ever switched someone's political beliefs over something you said or pointed out?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) June 23rd, 2023

Just wondering?

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27 Answers

chyna's avatar

Yes. @seawulf575 is now a devout Democrat! ~

Blackberry's avatar

Evil and/or dumb people need months of therapy and/or being proven wrong to think like a normal person.

RocketGuy's avatar

My mom got my (veteran) stepdad to vote against Trump, since Trump was so anti-veteran.

seawulf575's avatar

Probably not. And no, @chyna it was nothing you said. But I’m sure I’ll be a devout Democrat after I die.

snowberry's avatar

If we can’t even agree on a common definition, political beliefs don’t matter.

KNOWITALL's avatar

After a decade or two here, my beliefs have expanded and changed to a degree. Not radically but politically, in that I do believe in seperation of church and state. Abd that outlawing abortion is going to far, further than I think Jesus would want.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Left to himself I’m pretty sure Rick would be a dithering conservative. However we were both enamored with Obama and we’d have “debates.”
After one particularly frustrating debate I said “Are you even registered to vote?”
He said he wasn’t.
I said “No more politics until you get registered!!”
The next day he was a registered Democrat, and so proud of himself!

JLeslie's avatar

My dad has moved some of his previous views. I think some of it was talking to me, and some reading I suggested, and some was being part of a societal shift that was happening anyway.

One change he made was his views on abortion. I don’t think he ever voted or took much consideration about the topic; he never focused on it. About 20 years ago I told him about the book Freakonomics and he found some of the statistics interesting regarding the correlation between legal abortion and crime. He’s a sociologist, so possible affects on overall society interested him. Later, I told him how I was worried even back in 2006 about my safety having had failed pregnancies and living in a city that the two closest hospitals were Baptist and Catholic.

My dad during Bush really opened his eyes to the extreme religious hold in the Republican party and left the party for good, but he still maintains some conservative views on some fiscal topics, but never enough to vote Republican again any time soon.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb Being here leads me to more self-examination than any other site I’ve found. For that reason, I value it highly, as well as many jellies who challenge my belief system. If we aren’t learning, what’s the point?!

jca2's avatar

In real life, I don’t discuss politics with people unless they really push it on me. If someone gives their opinion, I might disagree but not fervently. I try not to say more than a sentence or two and then I change the subject.

My friend’s husband will make reference to “stupid liberals” and I say nothing.

smudges's avatar

@Blackberry No one said anything about being evil or dumb. Unless you just assume that anyone who doesn’t agree with you is evil or dumb.

It was a simple question…Has anyone changed their mind politically due to something you said or did? No good guys or bad guys.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thank you @smudges I mean no harm some look for a confrontation about anything .
Wulfie always claims he is being attacked when I personally don’t see it, but he always goes for blood the second he thinks he is being attacked.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Care to elaborate?^^^

gondwanalon's avatar

Yes. Me.
I uses to be liberal back in the 60’s and 70’s. I voted for Carter twice even though there was a severe gasoline shortage and skyrocketing interest rates. I somehow managed to buy a house in San Francisco with a variable interest rate loan of 17% in 1980. But when I saw that under Reagan’s first term as US President that interest rates steadily declined and the economy flowing I slowly became conservative and I voted for Reagan for his second term. Been conservative ever since.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve NEVER tried to change anybody’s mind when it comes to politics…that is until it came to 45 & I realized that he had most so bamboozled that it was a waste of time trying to convert them!!! Still, I also did NOT hold back on what I thought, but I didn’t care what they thought. I was raised that there are 2 things that you NEVER discuss…politics & religion because BOTH of those are personal opinions. Personally, I do NOT want anyone brow beating me about politics & I found the best way to keep that from happening was to just keep my political beliefs personal & private. I’ve NEVER had a political party opting to vote for the person I felt was best qualified. So, I had NO agenda when trying to tell others what they should do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Historically I’ve voted both ways. But the GOP melt down in response to Obama winning the election was so horrifying to watch that I’ll never vote republican again.

SnipSnip's avatar

^^That just means you are an uninformed voter.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ I was working for them in 1969 when they decided that their unpublished platform was…our base is too STUPID to fact check us, so we can do as we please…we say jump, they’ll say how high. Are you as informed as you think you are???

seawulf575's avatar

@LadyMarissa I believe that platform still exists and is being used today.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree with you wulfie Trump’s base is testament to that.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I didn’t limit it to one side or the other. Look how much of the left ate up the Russia Collusion lie? They knew the people wouldn’t question them at all, wouldn’t fact check, wouldn’t even think for themselves. So the left isn’t any less liable than the right in this.

RocketGuy's avatar

I suppose collusion would have meant that the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russians towards a common goal, while what happened was that the Russians worked towards Trump’s goal so his campaign never had to coordinate with them.

seawulf575's avatar

@RocketGuy Guess they didn’t like Hillary either.

RocketGuy's avatar

Hillary would have squeezed Putin’s balls on Crimea if she had won. I see where he was coming from.

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