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gondwanalon's avatar

How does an Apple Air Tag work?

Asked by gondwanalon (23341points) June 30th, 2023

I recently bought an Apple Air Tag to track my cat as he frequently disappears for long periods (from a few hours to a little over 24 hours).

I understand that the Apple Air Tag operates through a bluetooth signal. The iPhone blue tooth is suppose to only go 33 feet out but my Air Tag app on my iPhone indicates the my cat wonders up to 0.6 miles from home. How does that information get all the way back to my iPhone?

Does the signal from my cat’s Air Tag hop skip and jump from one bluetooth device to another to get back to my iPhone?

Does the signal from my cat’s Air Tag travel up to a satellite or two and then shoot back down to my iPhone?

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2 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

The AirTag sends out a signal that is detected by other peoples iPhones, iPads etc that FindMy enabled. This then gets sent to Apple’s network and you can see where it is.

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