What annoys you?
Asked by
jca2 (
July 1st, 2023
What do you find annoying? In real life? Online? When driving? Wherever?
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56 Answers
When my neighbors are out by their pool very late at night and I can’t sleep because of the noise.
@janbb there was a post in a FB group called “Social Q’s” which is from the column in the NY Times, where the person wrote with a similar issue. She was the one having the parties, I believe, every weekend, all weekend. Her neighbor, an elderly gentleman, made a comment to keep it down. Many of the people responding were sympathetic to the neighbor, saying maybe you can limit the parties or not have them every day, or ask the kids to try to keep quiet in the evenings. I think screaming kids at night would get on my nerves, too.
The US not having an Autobahn to keep slow drivers out of our way.
People spouting religion at inappropriate times.
Lack of tolerance of other people and how they want to live their lives.
Distracted drivers.
Conservatives that say over and over they are really for the poor and middle class, while wanting to take away anything that helps them,but huge tax cuts for the rich are good for everyone.
People that can’t look up from their cell phone.
The letter “Z.” I mean, what’s the point?
Litter, and people who drop litter.
The postal delivery person coming to early, and delivering their package when I am still asleep.
Perforated paper or tissue that don’t tear along the perforations.
Bad drivers and other people who don’t give a rat’s ass about what is right, like caring for the environment.
People who have plenty of work to do, but just sit on their butt in front off their lap top b 9 and ignore it.
@Caravanfan ”(Hey, @gorillapaws, see what I did there?)”
Touché. You’re a clever and witty opponent. This much is certain.
Noisy kitchen appliances. Only because it wakes up my husband in my small house.
Also, when the volume is way way too loud at concerts, bars, restaurants, the movie theater, and live theater.
People who leave a mess for others to clean up.
If you go to a public area you take home or throw out what you brought. You don’t leave your empty pop can or coffee cup on the floor.
People who misuse the term Third World Country.
People who mispronounce Library (usually Libary).
I second that @LuckyGuy! It’s like why did you even come to this beautiful, scenic lake?
Videos on YouTube that take forever to get to the point. Drivers who think the far lane lane is for Billy Crash Cradock and the right lane for Farmer Jones on his Sunday drive. Do the limit or get your ass off the road. People who won’t keep their nose out of another person’s business. Politicians of both stripes. I’ll think of more I’m sure.
There is actually a list. ;)
I have a few and I’m sure more will come to me as I think about it. One is spelling errors on websites and menus, for example, a common error is spelling “Caesar” wrong, or using the word “macaroons” when they mean “macarons.” There are such things as macaroons, but more often than not, they mean macarons.
The word “walla” which doesn’t exist in print or verbally. It’s “voila” but it’s so common to hear “walla.” To me, it sounds so stupid.
When driving, people in front of me not signaling when they’re turning. They just slow down inexplicably and then voila, they’re turning. Another one is people in the left lane going slow, like zombies. Hello, move over please. When I pass them on the right, they’re staring into space (which is why I think of them as zombies), clueless that they really shouldn’t be going slow in the left lane. It is not something I deal with so often now that I’m not working, but when there’s a lot of traffic and everyone is frantic to get to work, it adds to the stress.
I remembered something else that annoys me: When I call someplace like the doctor’s office or the cable company (Comcast, yes this means you) and the automatic answer thing answers and says this big five minute speech (for example): Thank you for calling Comcast. We have the number you are calling from as being from an address at ______. If this is correct, please press 1. If this is not correct, please enter your account number. To add service, please press 1. For questions about your bill, please press 2. If you are having technical issues with your internet, please press 3. For questions about your television service, please press 4.” This whole thing is so time consuming. When calling the doctor, it says “Thank you for calling____. If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 9–1-1. If you are a doctor or hospital, please press 1. If you are a patient, calling to make or cancel an appointment, please press 2. For billing questions, please press 3. To speak with a nurse, please press 4.” So time consuming just to speak to a person.
With the cable company, if for some reason you get cut off, you have to call back and go through the whole thing all over again. So time consuming just to speak to a person.
Uber and Lyft changing drivers on me after already waiting for several crucial minutes. And not get compensated when if I was to cancel they charge me!
My e y es. Vision is different in each pne.
@mazingerz88 A friend takes Lyft and she told me that with them, if you don’t tip well, the driver rates the passengers and nobody will want to pick you up. I’m not saying you don’t tip well, but it’s good to know. I don’t take Lyft or Uber, I’ve been with others in the cars but never where I paid for it so I don’t speak from personal experience.
@Dutchess_III – get your eyes checked by a doctor (not optometrist). Then you can get good options. Cataract surgery was trouble-free for me.
@jca2 Interesting. Do Uber and Lyft drivers get info breakdown on who gave them their tips?
@mazingerz88 I know you can tip them using the app, just like an app delivery service.
@mazingerz88 It would be listed for them as “have you picked up this person before” and then it would have a record of the date, the charge and what the tip was, like when you look in your Amazon account or other shopping account, you can see past orders. So if they saw you didn’t tip or were a bad tipper, they’d be less likely to go out of their way for you.
@RocketGuy You know what you call a piece of shit you can’t get off? A Klingon.
Klingon on the starboard bow, starboard bow…
Another annoyance: when I go to restaurants or coffee shops or fast food places and the tables are dirty (dirty like grimy or sticky). It’s just gross. When I put my hands on the table and it’s tacky, grimy, sticky, it really skeeves me out.
I never go to Starbucks (because I am not into paying five or six dollars for drinks) but I spent a few hours in a Starbucks today while my car was in the shop. The table was kind of sticky, so I got some napkins, went to the bathroom, wet the napkins and wiped the area of the table where I was sitting. I am totally willing to clean before I sit, I don’t like that I have to but I’m not demanding asking them to clean it especially for me, even though they would. While I was sitting there, I had a magazine opened on the table, and when I was done and closed the magazine, the cover stuck to the table.
I know in places like that, they have staff go around with a rag and wipe numerous tables with the same rag, sticky, grimy, gross.
After being at a gross place, I feel like I need a shower.
A few days ago we ate at a great Mexican restaurant. We ordered with a male waiter and then a woman brought chips and salsa to the table. Later on I am almost positive that was the same woman busing all of the tables. Then when I asked for a box to take my leftovers home, she brought me the box.
Many restaurants the waiters clean up dirty tables and don’t even have someone separate to bus tables and I hate it, but I accept it. I hate they just touched a bunch of germy plates and then served my drink or plate to me.
@jca2 Since covid started I have been carrying a sanitizing wipe or two in my purse, and it comes in handy to wipe off a table in that very type of situation. If I don’t have one with me I use a napkin like you, or get someone who works there to clean the table. The problem is like you said, I figure the rag they are using has been used on multiple dirty tables. Gross. The germiest places in restaurants are the rags, menus, and sides of the chairs where you touch to pull your chair in.
@JLeslie And the people who clean often forget to clean the sides of the tables, which is where little kids who are sitting low down will put their sticky hands. It makes me nuts to be clean and have clean clothes on and then sit at a table that’s sticky or grimy.
I can’t tell you how many times the chairs and booth bank seats are full of crumbs, because they wipe the table and brush the crumbs onto the seats. Then, if you ask them to clean it they use a wet rag and now I can’t sit right away, because it’s wet. I usually just take a napkin and clean the chairs off myself, but once in a while there aren’t any napkins on the table yet.
@jca Exactly! A sticky table annoys me, too. I will either get a wet paper towel from the bathroom and wipe it down or use a napkin and some water and a smidge of hand sanitizer.
For me it’s wobbly tables at restaurants. It’s always an issue, the tables always have a pedestal supported by four feet. If they would just use three feet, this would not happen.
^^That is annoying. The floors are uneven in some places, especially on patios. There are usually adjustable thingies on the bottom of the table legs. Waiters often put something under one side of the table to stabilize it.
^ I’m the guy who shoved that folded napkin under the table leg!
Sometimes the table top is loose from the pedestal. All it takes is a half rotation of the table top and it is tight. I don’t know why that isn’t taught or in the job description.
@LuckyGuy I think most waiters learn quickly how to stabilize a table. Especially places that move them around for bigger parties.
In the old days, when there were more matchbooks around, a matchbook under the table leg might do it, too.
Packs of salt work in a pinch too.
Right off the little condiment cart thingy on most tables.
Hmm. At the restaurants I go to salt and pepper is provided in shakers.
@Dutchess_III Lots of restaurants of all types will have salt and pepper packets for people who take the food to go.
We usually use a napkin folded to the right thickness and shoved under the offending leg.
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