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flutherother's avatar

Is there anyone interesting or famous in your family tree?

Asked by flutherother (35014points) July 3rd, 2023

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26 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My great ancestor fought in the Zulu wars.
He was the only one with a horse, and he charged the line of Zulu warriors. They moved around and let him pass. He never stopped.

An ancestor was a French clerk that didn’t get paid on time, and surrendered a fortress to the English in Eastern Canada.

My grandfather was a professional boxer.

gondwanalon's avatar

My great grandfather was not really my great grandfather. My real great grandfather was an unknown indigenous American that my great grandfather had an affair with. That’s why my DNA results say that I’m 10% indigenous American and 4% Asian.

ragingloli's avatar

I have no idea.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes, but the famous person actually has the same name as I do, and I don’t want to say it here to preserve my anonymity. Let’s say that you all would have heard of him.

smudges's avatar

My birth family said they did a family tree and, while it got murky somewhere along the line, they said I may be a descendant of Robert Ford. We’re from the same area, but I kinda doubt it. Then again, you just never know. But prolly not. LOL

@elbanditoroso You’re related to Banditoroso?! hehehe

gorillapaws's avatar

Not that I’m aware of.

Forever_Free's avatar

Royalty in Sweden in the 7th century.

zenvelo's avatar

Nope! We are a family (on both sides) of 20th century immigrants who left other lands to build a better life. Back in the day of newspapers, we had enough clippings from the local rags, but nothing that would ever merit TV news.

janbb's avatar

My brother is a famous scholar in a very obscure field but I’m not overly fond of him.

flutherother's avatar

An uncle of mine was a UK ambassador in the 1960’s.

filmfann's avatar

My father’s family included Robert Ford (who shot Jessie James).
My wife’s 2nd cousin was Marilyn Monroe.

kritiper's avatar

A great-great-great uncle. General Albert Sydney Johnston. The South’s greatest general after Lee. He caught a stray bullet in the leg at Shiloh and bled to death.

jca2's avatar

None that I know of, although my grandfather’s father or grandfather has a building named after him at a university in Louisiana and a street named after him in the hometown in Louisiana, and a town in France is named after the family or the family is named after the town, I’m not sure which. We visited the university and got photos with my grandfather in front of the building in the early 1990’s and photos of the street sign with some of our family members in the photo.

smudges's avatar

@filmfann ole buddy old pal!! We’re related! :D what’s really kind of weird is that we actually could be because I was adopted!

filmfann's avatar

@smudges Tell me what you know!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Clear line back to the Salem witch trials. Have both accused and accusers in the tree (sisters). A couple of semi-famous people I would not have recognized and one founding father (son of one of the above sisters).
I don’t take much significance in that. When you go that far back you are looking at fractions of a percent of DNA shared. There is relation on paper but not so much in reality.

LostInParadise's avatar

I was told that my ancestors included Jewish scholars and rabbis, but unfortunately I was never told or asked for the details.

janbb's avatar

@LostInParadise Maybe your ancestors knew my ancestors. My SIL has done a whole geneological work up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Some weird convoluted we’re related to Joan Crawford. shudder

jca2's avatar

No wire hangers, @Dutchess_III !!

jca2's avatar

Get back into bed and strap yourself in!

smudges's avatar

All of us jellies may be related since according to estimates, 1 in every 200 people on the planet can trace their genetics to Genghis Khan. ;)

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Major General “Mad” Anthony Wayne is a something-something-grandfather. A more recent granddad was a prominent merchant on in Kansas selling to Santa Fe trail travelers. His son built an earlier version of the Eldridge Hotel which is still in Lawrence Kansas. We have a grandfather clock from the citizens with a plaque thanking him for rebuilding.

Going WAAAYYYY back we have a ship captain who owned Martha’s Vinyard. I would love to have my share, but I imagine it would be diluted among a few hundred thousand descendants by now.

My mom earned a bachelor’s from the prestigious University of Missouri journalism program in 1953. I have a collection of rejection letters she received saying essentially, “no, you’re female, get lost”. She persevered and went on to become a reporter and freelance writer.

jca2's avatar

@smudges To my fellow Jellies I say, “Hello, Brothers and Sisters” or “Hola, Hermanos y Hermanas!”

LifeQuestioner's avatar

My dad was a genealogist and so he would probably kick my butt for not being able to give a better answer to this, but I don’t really know. I just never could get into genealogy much. I do know that his mother’s mother came over from England so that’s fairly interesting. I know that my mom has German but also just a little bit of Native American in her, although my tired brain can’t remember the details. That’s pretty much all I know but my dad had published eight books on genealogy, particularly in Maryland going back through history.

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