Have you checked out Threads?
It’s the new social media app from Meta. You join with your Instagram account.
It’s very similar to Twitter. It will allow more text content than Instagram.
I joined.
Elon Musk is furious, which is hysterical, and threatening to sue. He challenged Mark Zuckerberg to a cage fight, and that challenge was accepted. It’s really too funny.
What do you think? Will you join? Will you ignore it?
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22 Answers
No. I don’t trust Zuckerberg with my privacy. He’s a weaselly fuck. I’m not defending Musk’s Twitter choices at all, but Zuckerberg is awful in his own way. The Chinese Communist Party’s app TikTok is probably the only thing more scary from a privacy standpoint. The only big tech company I trust with my data is Apple, and that’s because they don’t earn money from selling out their users. They just sell hardware with generous margins and services with even bigger margins.
Not interested in the least.
I really don’t want more social media in my life.
I never had a Facebook account, and when Facebook started forcing oculus users to sign up for Facebook in order to continue using their headsets, I replaced my rift s with an HP reverb.
I despise Apartheid Clyde Elon, but I am not going to throw my lot in with the lizard android from space.
I started to look at it but it required an Instagram account which I do not have. I might do it later when I have a little more time.
No Instagram, rarely use FB,... I guess I’m not a “social” person.
Not a social media fan or person. I however think it also hilarious. You have the over the top Elon and the “hide in the shadows” Zuk in a cage match on all levels.
It can only be good for the press.
I love following all the silly news, can we just not let them out of the cage, after?
I won’t join Threads, but I’ll watch its progress with interest and a grin.
I don’t do Facebook, Meta, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or any of the rest of them. No, I have not tried Threads.
I find Facebook useful for some things but I didn’t join Instagram and I’m not looking to expand my time on social media.
I probably won’t join. Facebook and Fluther are the only two social groups I belong to, and I rarely check Facebook anymore.
But I think it’s pretty funny, also, at how outraged Mr. Musk is.
I don’t have an Instagram account and I don’t use Twitter so I probably won’t sign up for Threads though I like the name.
I don’t have a Twitter account so I’m not used to that type of site. I don’t plan to join Threads.
I really only use FB and Fluther. I have Instagram and Pinterest but I rarely look at them. I think they’re both good for what they’re good for but for some reason, I rarely think of them.
I like that it’s pissing Musk off. I like that it’s become pretty popular among those who don’t like Musk, and has grown pretty popular in only a few days.
Nah. I have no idea who is less trustworthy, Musk or Zuckerberg. I’m sure it’s a very close race.
No intention of doing so. From what I read, privacy is even worse than Facebook.
Yes I’ll check it out and see if it’s worth another app. :)
Does a bear use a toilet? !Hell no!
I have but only because my beloved Twitter space has gone to shit. My people are starting to travel over there.
A friend of mine tagged me on a link on facebook, but the link didn’t work. She joins everything to promote her books.
On this Q I learned I need Instagram, which I don’t have, so I doubt I’ll join Threads any time soon.
I never got the hang of Twitter.
I haven’t checked it out yet. I am still on Twitter but I will not pay eight bucks a month for a blue check mark. At some point I will ditch Twitter, when I can no longer stand it.
By the way, I got really excited when I read your question at first without the details. I thought you were talking about the movie Threads and I am very fascinated by all things nuclear so I was prepared to discuss, Lol!
Well just looked up Threads on google and I can say, yeah still not even a little interested.
Reviews aren’t great so I’m passing.
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