General Question

LifeQuestioner's avatar

How often do you vacuum your place?

Asked by LifeQuestioner (4314points) July 8th, 2023

And if it’s frequently, do you have a dog or a cat? I’m just wondering because everyday my sister tells me how she cleaned the whole house from top to bottom, including vacuuming. And then every day she tells me how tired she is by the end of the day. Is it too much?

So I’m just wondering if maybe that is normal for most people and that I’m the slob. I have two cats, and I vacuum about once a week, and it’s no problem at all.

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28 Answers

snowberry's avatar

In my opinion, she’s obsessive. We have a dog. I sweep and/or vacuum twice a week. The house isn’t spotless, but who cares?

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@snowberry I totally agree, but I thought I would listen to some other people’s opinions because I thought maybe it was me. She will even come over my house and sometimes start picking stuff up without being asked and it really annoys me! In fact, when I was in the hospital for a couple days in February, she came over and fed my cats, which I really appreciated! But then she decided that she had to wash the couple dishes in my sink, and I still don’t totally know what happened because she likes to deny everything, but when I got home in the evening the one day, there was all this water on my kitchen floor. I think she must have stopped up the garbage disposal and then tried to run the dishwasher, which makes no sense because my dishwasher was not even a third of the way full.

snowberry's avatar

If she does stuff, then lies about it (whatever it is), I would never allow her in my house again, and find someone else to do the kitty chores.

kritiper's avatar

No pets. I vacuum about once a week. And I have a VERY GOOD vacuum!

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@kritiper I make sure I have a good vacuum too. The carpet in my apartment is very thick so I make sure I have a vacuum that will properly clean it.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@snowberry it’s more of her just avoiding my questions then outright lying, but I was able to pretty much figure out the truth by piecing several pieces of information together. And at the time, I didn’t have any other option so I had to go with that.

cookieman's avatar

I have two dogs but the are hypoallergenic and don’t shed. Hardwood floors throughout. No rugs.

The Roomba robot vacuum is set to do the first floor twice a week. I bring it upstairs every other week or so. I have dry and wet mop once a week.

I steam all the floors every three months or so.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@cookieman well, it’s one thing to have a Roomba do it twice a week and another thing to totally exhaust yourself doing it everyday. My apartment is almost exclusively carpet, except for the bathroom, small laundry room, and kitchen.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have a fluffy cat who sheds a lot. I vacuum once every 3 days minimum.

canidmajor's avatar

When the dog hair is knee-deep.

JLeslie's avatar

No pets. Once a week.

She might be OCD about cleaning.

I had a friend stop by to check on my house when I was gone over a month and I asked her to flush my toilets. I told her specifically don’t clean anything. I know she did because she got blue all over my bathroom floor to the side of the toilet and all of my blue cleaning disks were screwed up like she got water in them. The blue got into the grout in my tile. I had to use acid to clean up the floor.

I always tell people “don’t help me.” Lol. I tell it to my husband too. It really means don’t help me unless I ask.

Forever_Free's avatar

Weekly or as needed. I also vacuum my Airbnb spaces when I turn it over between guests.

tedibear's avatar

There’s only one room with carpet, and I try to do that once a week because there’s a litterbox in there.

SnipSnip's avatar

Roombas run every five days and I do a quick run with the regular vacuum every couple of weeks.

janbb's avatar

Every two weeks or once a week as needed. I have mainly hardwood floors and some bedrooms that I never go in.

flutherother's avatar

I have carpet over most of the house but no pets and I only hoover as required. I go over the entire flat about once every couple of months or so.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@JLeslie she is somewhat OCD about cleaning. When I lived with my mom for 4 years, she would come over and she would start cleaning, even though my mom didn’t want her to. When I tried to confront her about following mom’s wishes, she got really angry at me and one time she even shoved me. We took the hiding the cleaning supplies when she was coming over. But then she would do ridiculous things like, using the hand soap in the bathroom to clean the bathroom floor, to the point where my mom always slipped and fell one time because she didn’t properly get the soap up. All kinds of crazy stuff like that.

JLeslie's avatar

@LifeQuestioner Are you and your mom more on the messy side? Is she cleaning something that is already clean, or just has trouble seeing the mess?

If you two grew up in a very messy house it might be her reaction to it. I still think she is towards the OCD side, but I grew up in a messy house and the embarrassment can be really horrible for some children.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@JLeslie it’s not like we get the place impeccably clean but it wasn’t really messy either. It was just her obsessing it over it not looking perfect.

snowberry's avatar

“But then she would do ridiculous things like, using the hand soap in the bathroom to clean the bathroom floor, to the point where my mom always slipped and fell one time because she didn’t properly get the soap up.”

In my opinion, this friend of yours has a personality disorder and when she comes over and “cleans”, she actually makes your own home dangerous for you to live in. What a nightmare!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Usually 2x a week. I have two old dogs inside.

My grandmother swept and vacuumed every day but she didn’t work outside the home.

RocketGuy's avatar

Our Roomba runs twice a week due to the dog bringing in dirt. Not much dog hair since she’s a labradoodle. The previous dog shedded 9 months out the year so we had to run the Roomba 4 times a week.

Pandora's avatar

It takes me two days to vacuum so I’m not sure how to answer that. I live in a three story townhouse so I do half one day and finish the next day. My stairs are carpeted and between that and hauling the vacuum upstairs it take a toll on my back, so I have to spread it out. So maybe I’ll just count that as once a week. I also have a dog that sheds but I find if brush her out at least once a week, then there is little for me to clean. Maybe your sister should do that if her cats shed a lot.
As for her cleaning your place, don’t worry about that. I learned a long time ago to let people do what they are going to do. It doesn’t hurt you and maybe she does it to feel needed. Whatever the reason, you win because you won’t have to fix or clean whatever she just did.
It use to bother me when I was young but now, I really don’t care. I just insist if someone is going to clean something that they do it the way I prefer or leave it alone so I know how sanitary something really is.

My BIL and family were staying with me. They insisted the kids help clean the bathroom. Funny enough they loved the directions. After a few days, their mom went to clean the bathroom and they said they would do it because she won’t do it right. Also on how to vacuum the stairs and clean my kitchen. I have my ways. So now I do that with people who insist to clean.
They either leave things alone or they do it my way. My reason behind it is because if they can’t do it my way I won’t trust its sanitary and I’ll just do it again.
Like BIL kept insisting to wash his used cups and he would just rinse in water and put on the tray to dry. AAAAAAAAAAAAgh. So I told him. In my home we use soap and water on each dish and cup and utensil. Only time a cup can be rinsed and put back is if it was used to hold clean water and poured into something else.
So just give your sister direction on how to clean. She will either stop or do it your way and either way you win.
I will say if she cleans every day for sure then she either needs to get rid of the cats or maybe she does it because she has an infant, or because she needs to feel needed and useful. If she’s not employed it may be the last one. Unless she’s a germophobe. Then all this cleaning is beyond her control.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@Pandora actually, this last time it did hurt me. I got home from the hospital, weak as one is when one gets home, and there was water all over my kitchen floor. Water that I had to clean up and that I didn’t have the strength to do. Turns out that she was washing a few dishes left in the sink, the water wasn’t going down very well, and instead of just leaving it alone she decided to run the dishwasher which only had a couple items in it. Apparently my garbage disposal needed to be reset, but instead of letting it be or resetting it herself, she thought running the dishwasher would solve the problem. Instead, it made the sink overflow and there was a huge mess to clean up when I got home.

Also, she doesn’t have cats, she has a dog. She says it sheds a lot, but I did suggest that she brushed the dog a couple times a week and that that would help.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m sorry you have this issue. To answer your question, we have no pets and only two people living here, so we only vacuum carpets once a month, or less in the unused bedrooms. The other rooms, tile and fake wood get mopped once a week.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@YARNLADY I have two cats, but they’re short hairs and I brush them regularly so they don’t really shed like that. So I vacuum every once in a while but it’s not something I have to do every day. And I also give myself permission to not fanatically clean the house every day as if the President is on his way over. It’s one thing to enjoy keeping your place really neat and clean, it’s another thing to deny yourself rest or being able to do other things you want to do because you absolutely have to clean every day.

RocketGuy's avatar

My “must do” criteria is: no mold or bacteria. If something is lying around that might grow mold or bacteria, it must be dealt with ASAP. If not, it goes onto the to do list. Might take a few days.

jonsblond's avatar

Every other day or two. We have two dogs and three cats.

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