We will always have differing views. Some people will be more conservative, some more liberal. That is what makes America great.
I hate the party system, and I hope some day it is abolished. We should not vote based on a brand name, we should vote based on the candidates views, opinions, and ability to govern.
The next step in the US political party system is the introduction of a third party. We will have a liberal party, a moderate party, and a conservative party. Then one of them will die out, and we’ll be back to two. Or (hopefully) 3 parties turns into 4, 5, 6, and soon we all can make up our own minds for a change!
Each party grows, shifts, and adjusts, and therefore will never unify. In 20 years (we hope), homosexuality will be as accepted as race is today, and we might even get rid of the death penalty altogether. Then, we will find new things to disagree about.
I hope that there is never a single party. That would be bad for citizens, and for politicians. See, we citizens like to have a choice. That’s kind of the point of democracy… And the politicians like the two party system, because they get to distract the voters with detest for the other party, which lets them get away with things like the War in Iraq.
So, while I fully support Barack Obama for President, and often support the Democratic Party, I do not approve of the system.
@august; While that is an interesting idea, it would never happen. Major cities and areas of big populations are usually more liberal, and rural areas are often more conservative. And even if you could divide the nation like that, you would be left with an East Coast Country, a West Coast Country, and a Middle Country. Wouldn’t work.