Will you speak out as it becomes necessary?
Some may have already seen this on social media, but earlier today a hair salon in Michigan posted a sign that they will not serve transgender people, suggesting that they are pedophiles. Furthermore, they suggested that such people go to a pet groomer, as if to say these people are less than human. No matter what your feelings are about the LGBTQ+ community, we live in a nation that is supposed to treat all people as equals. So the discrimination is bad enough in itself, but then to suggest these people are animals? Does this sound familiar? There was a time when black people were not considered human. Are we really going to go down that road again?
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97 Answers
This makes me want to wretch. If you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 in the general election, this is your fault.
Republicans have made it okay to hate.
Look at what DeSantis is doing in Florida.
Vote against the hate mongers this election.
This is one way to speak out.
I have been speaking out for years against these redneck morons. I still get free coffee from a little Pakistani dude when I enter his store because I came to his defence once when a good ‘ol boy moron was using racial slurs against him. Not quite the same situation but similar. Those scumbags hate everybody.
I am appalled in so many ways by this.
Thank you to everybody who responded so far and for anybody else who might respond after. We may not all agree on here all the time, but it’s really good to know that there’s a lot of us decent people.
That is so horrifying that people would say or write such a thing. They should pray to God they don’t learn the hard way what it is like to be treated like this. People don’t realize the harm it does cause. The psychological harm and the way it gives permission to people who are unstable to actually cause physical harm,
Just disgraceful.
This is what they do, they pick on a small group and push the idea that they are not human beings. They’ve done it with Black people, Jewish people, gay people, and now we see trans people are under intense attack.
@JLeslie rest assured that this is being shared all over social media. People are going on Yelp and leaving reviews regarding this and the call for a boycott is strong on Twitter. It doesn’t erase the horrible act, but hopefully there will be some consequences for them doing this.
I partly blame the Supreme Court for legitimizing this type of behavior. I also partly blame the President who stocked the Supreme Court with Justices who voted to legitimize this type of behavior.
It is such a toxic stew that has been stirred up!
@janbb it is! And who knows where we’ll end up with this. Allowing discrimination towards one group opens the door up for all groups to potentially be discriminated against. We are going back to the dark ages!
Allowing discrimination towards one group opens the door up for all groups to potentially be discriminated against.
It didn’t start with overturning Roe v Wade, but that certainly got people to thinking… “hmmm what else don’t I like about America?!” and our prez cheered them on.
@Hawaii_Jake “If you didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 in the general election, this is your fault.”
I can’t see how that’s possibly true.
Clinton successfully January 6thed the Democratic primary. Some of us care more about democracy and thought a 3rd party was more valuable than a corrupt system that was going continually force voters to pick between two horrible options to support a corrupt oligarchy. And for the second fucking time we’re probably going to pick between to senile fucks who both sexually assaulted women. The DNC is cancer designed to prevent real and necessary change. But go ahead and make yourself feel superior as Biden opens up Alaska to drilling while the wildfires choke out the East coast.
As for the fuckers in Michigan, let them be bigots. I can’t imagine why a trans person (or anyone else) would want to patronize them. I don’t think bigotry will prove to be a lucrative business strategy.
@gorillapaws I missed where Biden was charged and found guilty of sexual assault.
And are you blaming Biden for the wildfires in Canada choking out the east coast. He’s not that powerful.
@gorillapaws that’s your stance? To just let people be bigoted? I don’t even need to say anything else about your post. That right there said it all.
That is disgusting and horrible. If you think it’s okay for a business to discriminate like this, then so are you.
I really don’t get people. I had posted something on Facebook about this very item. My sister-in-law first commented with a “both sides” type argument. I deleted her comment, and set our friendship settings to where she will no longer see my posts unless she goes on my page or I tag her in something. So now she’s on Facebook messenger, trying to tell me that discriminating against LGBTQ people is not the same thing as discriminating based on race.
@chyna So if someone isn’t convicted then the crime never happened? Is that really the bar we want to set? So you’re cool with Clarence Thomas, and Kavanaugh, and all of the rapists whose victims are too scared to speak up? They get a pass? But even if we want to live in the universe where Tara Reade has access to a Time Machine to go back and have her mom call into Larry King and tell her neighbor and coworker the story, Biden is still a monster. He’s done tremendous damage to the black/brown community with his crime bill, Biden played a major role in pushing the Democrats to support the war in Iraq and his Bankruptcy bill is nothing short of evil.
As for the Canadian Wildfires, Biden’s Willow Project is projected to add 278 million metric tons of CO2 to the atmosphere. That’s a completely fucking psychotic action during the climate crisis. That’s like driving a bus full of the last humans on earth at 70 mph towards the edge of a cliff and instead of slowing down significantly, stopping or ideally turning around, you stomp on the accelerator.
@LifeQuestioner People are allowed to be bigoted in the US. And we’re allowed to tell them to go fuck themselves. Of course I disagree with them having the right to deny service to people, but I also think this is an example of a manufactured wedge issue. How many trans people live in that town and want to get their hair cut by them who now cannot? I understand it’s the principle that matters, and I agree that it does matter and I think people should fight against it in the courts and via peaceful protests and boycotts.
But the notion that this is the fault of people who care more about the bigger picture than virtue signaling to their buddies about the issue du jour in the news by a bunch of boomers who don’t seem to give a flying fuck about any other generation is insulting and pathetic.
People behave like this in many cases because of low self esteem. They compensate for that by trying to make themselves feel superior to other people. “I’m a hillbilly shit for brains with a fifth grade education, but I can trash .immigrants and gays and people of color because it makes me feel better”. Fuck ‘em and the mule they rode in on.
I am so glad these people found the umph to say this! Now I know exactly where not to take my business!
@gorillapaws but I also think this is an example of a manufactured wedge issue.
Absolutely. I completely agree.
Unfortunately, it actually hurts some very vulnerable people. I’m not even talking about someone in their town, because like you said there might not be anyone in their town who is trans. I mean transgender people who read the stories about it anywhere in the country. This begs the question, should we not be reporting it in the news? Should people who think it’s horrible refrain from talking about it on social media?
@JLeslie “This begs the question, should we not be reporting it in the news?”
Yes and no. Part of me thinks they should be publicly shamed so that when anyone Googles them this will be the first thing attached to their name in perpetuity. On the flip side, attention is EXACTLY what they’re looking for here. And there’s a big part of me that thinks it’s a bad idea to give these dirtbags what they’re looking for. The expression “don’t feed the trolls” exists for a reason.
I thought the fake war on Christmas was bad, but this really takes manufactured to a whole new level.
Republicans are losing on the abortion issue now. Climate change is fading as a wedge issue also. They are scrambling for what will rile people up. They are going after minority groups and have no shame about.
I’m not sure what context this would come up in my life, but yes, I would speak out against this. This is just plain and simply ignorance and discrimination. Not sure why anyone from the LGBTQ community would want to go to this salon, but hey, that doesn’t change things.
This is a natural outcome of the behavior of much of the “TQ” community where they are pushing for influencing younger and younger children on social media and where they are marching saying they are coming for your children and there’s nothing you can do about it. That behavior is just as abhorrent as the salon’s behavior in my book. But you don’t fight evil with evil.
I’m on social media a lot and have never seen any photos or quotes of people in the TQ community marching and saying “we are coming for your children” but maybe I need to be educated. Please provide links @seawulf575.
@jca2 and @LifeQuestioner Just curious: are you willing to speak out against behavior like this as well?
@seawulf575 I missed it because I don’t see those links anywhere else in this thread, so apparently I didn’t miss it, you didn’t post it until now.
Of course, @seawulf575.
But there’s this (from one of your articles): Some online pushed back and questioned the validity of Tim Pool’s video. A few claimed that the chant was purposely provocative and an example of sarcasm, while others claimed the audio was doctored.
Some claimed they could hear the chant was supposed to be “we’re here, we’re queer and we’re not going shopping,” but some “plants” were shouting “coming for your children” at the end.
Others apparently saw the chant as some sort of tasteless or perhaps misguided attempt at a joke. Speaking with the New York Post, a mom who claims to have gone to the parade with her son said she didn’t “think it was the right group or the right time to make a joke” like that.
Another person, who the New York Post calls a “longtime parade veteran” and a self-proclaimed “huge supporter” of drag, was more of the mind the chant was harmless and “all in good fun.”
So even in the one article, there are mixed reports/ And we know during the BLM protests that there were plants throwing bricks through plate glass windows, etc. So one parade with a few people (either plants, extremists, or people trying to agitate) does not prove your point.
I haven’t seen any of that stuff @seawulf575 posted. If I had kids I doubt they would either. I hope I don’t start getting articles sent to me now that I clicked on the articles.
If the chant is a joke, which I’m inclined to think it is, I think it’s a bad joke, and I think it shouldn’t be said. It certainly doesn’t represent the LGBT community at large, they aren’t coming for your kids. It isn’t a mantra or tenet of the community. I have been entrenched in the LBGTQ community since I was a teenager and no one has ever tried to influence, woo, or push me into anything. All they want is to be free, equal rights, and safe.
Could be people planted in the parades trying to stir up trouble. Typical for people like that to accuse others of the very thing they do. The WS go after young people who are vulnerable just like all gangs.
According to Snopes, fewer than a dozen out of the hundreds of marchers we’re singing this, and that it was firmly tongue in cheek because some people are deathly afraid that this community IS after their children.
Just saying what Snopes reported. No need to bite my head off.
@jca2 I wasn’t saying I posted it before. I just didn’t understand how you could not have heard about it with the widespread coverage of the story.
@seawulf575 I’ve heard rumors about it but have never seen any actual social media posts about it, so if someone is saying there were actual posts, which was what you were saying, I wanted to see them.
@seawulf575 Widespread coverage and passed around in your social circles, not in mine and I guess not in @jca2’s either.
@LifeQuestioner Yes, I’ve heard those in the parade tried saying it was all a joke after the backlash hit. It isn’t a joke. If I tell you I’m going to kill you and you call the police because I am threatening you, I don’t get off by just saying “oh that was just a joke”. And when you combine that march with the one of the chorus writing a song about it, it stops being a joke and starts being a trend.
And the point behind all the articles was to show to @jca2 that this was not a one-off report or that only radical right wing outlets were covering it. I even posted the YouTube video of the parade so you can decide for yourself if it was dubbed over or something like that. But here’s the issue I have with those claims. People in the parade admitted so saying it and saying it was a joke.
And while you say you will speak out against it, you are doing everything you can to defend it.
@JLeslie Passed around in my social circles? Apparently not. Most of these lefty jellies are claiming to have never heard of it. I found out about it because of various news reports on it.
Of course I would.
I second @seawulf575 that chant does the LGBTQ cause no good. In fact it’s dangerous and irresponsible. I’m very skeptical on ‘plants’, as most conservative rallies kick those people out.
@chyna Thank you. I tend to ignore Snopes because of their obvious bias. But when even they are saying it happened, it happened. I know for a fact it was not all the marchers, but it was being said and no one stopped it.
I think we all said that the chant isn’t good.
@seawulf575 Yes, your google and Facebook algorithms are showing you articles like that and friends talking about it. I am not getting anything about it sent to me or shown to me. The people you associate with want it to be true, they get “emotional” when they see it and click on it and pass it around and talk about it.
No different than Trump haters seeing every horrible thing he’s done and you might not have seen half of it.
@JLeslie Your Google and Facebook algorithms are showing you articles that they want you to see and blocking those they don’t want you to see. I don’t use Google or Facebook. Or Twitter. Or Instagram. Or Bing. I stopped using Google way back in the day when I tried an experiment. I Googled “Trump” back in about 2018. The first 4 pages of results were all from left-wing outlets. I think Fox News had one entry on about page 3. I then tried a search on a more neutral search engine (I think I was using Duck Duck Go at the time) and the results I found were more varied. While many of the left wing outlets were there, so were right wing outlets. I mentioned this on one of the threads way back in the day. I got the argument (attempted justification for Google) that maybe none of the right wing outlets had anything on Trump. So I went to various right wing outlets specifically and did the exact same search of “Trump” and found tons of articles there. The answer is that the left-wing bias drove me away from Google. I had a Facebook account for about a month way back in the mid-2000’s. I realized how inane it was to me and dumped the account.
So no, I’m not getting things spoon fed to me. I try to avoid echo chambers and want to see different views on many topics.
I will vote with my dollars and spending habits.
The hatred and bigotry has always been there. It’s just that SCOTUS has made it legal.
It doesn’t mean that everybody will feel that way. Some people will and there’s nothing that can be done about that.
@seawulf575 You never do an internet search? All of the search engines use cookies and history. Where are you finding these articles and these right wing people who talk for over an hour about their hate of liberals? I have two friends who went down the QAnon rabbit hole during covid and she sends me some of the same type of videos that you post. I call it the QAnon rabbit hole, I don’t think they actually identify as QAnon, but they repeat a lot of the same stuff. Both identify as Libertarians and Independents and voted for Trump and defend January 6th as not as bad as the left wants to portray it. They say a lot of the very same things you do. You are all in the same circle of what you click on and listen to.
Everyone in society is subject to algorithms on the internet.
I looked and am currently using DuckDuckGo still. And I clear my history and passwords on a regular basis.
But let me get this straight. You have friends that started looking into things on the official narrative and questioned it. They are Libertarians and Independents which typically means they don’t support Repubs or Dems completely. They voted for Trump and they don’t believe J6 was as bad as the MSM and the Democrats make it out to be. Therefore they have to be QAnon. Yes, that must be it. It couldn’t be that they are open minded and not as gullible as yourself?
Funny thing I have learned on Fluther in the past years that I have been playing here: Many of those on the left are wrong. They don’t know they are wrong because they are just parroting what they hear on the MSM. They can quote the official narrative chapter and verse. Yet as time goes by, much of that is proven to be false. The advent of Trump just highlighted this problem.
Pick a topic and you will see this to be true. The Dems claimed Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election from Hillary. The left believed it so much that they were sure he was going to jail over it. I have been verbally abused just for calling bullshit on that. Anyone that didn’t go along with thought process was a radical right winger (or FrightWinger as some on these pages say). And yet what was the truth? Exactly what people like me and your friends said…that it was a garbage claim created by the Deep State and Hillary.
Covid 19 and vaccines. Those like me said that Covid 19 was likely man-made for a number of reasons. We were called a threat to humanity. We said the vaccines were not all they were touted to be and we were threating your lives. We said natural immunity was better than the vaccines and were ridiculed for being so gullible. Now we are finding that Covid 19 was likely lab created, that natural immunity is better than the vaccines and, in fact, now we are finding that the more jabs you have had, the more likely you are to get the next variant.
J6. It was an insurrection according to the left/Dems/MSM. It was a concerted effort by many to overthrow the government. People like me said it was not as bad as what the media portrayed. The media claimed 5 police officers lost their lives that day. The correct number was none. The J6 committee was then found to have edited videos to paint the picture they wanted. They purposely avoided letting certain questions be asked and certain witnesses to be called. Then we see the tapes that were released to Tucker Carlson and we see that yes, there was vandalism and things like that going on but it was very much not the claims the left was making. None of the charges were for insurrection. But that doesn’t stop the media from calling it an insurrection because that sounds so much more dreadful than that.
Maybe you should stop trying to shut down opposing viewpoints by slamming people (or what you deem to be a slam) and maybe ask questions. And when someone presents you with a citation don’t immediately try negating it because you can’t find it on your completely controlled searches. Look at what the citation is. If it is complete garbage, it should be easy enough to debunk. If you can’t readily debunk it you might have to dig a little deeper or concede that it might be true.
This give you something to think about when people like me call the MSM propaganda
^^No. They are QAnon because when covid started they sounded exactly like QAnon. Not all Libertarians nor all Republican sounded like that.
I included Trump haters in my example as being just as silo’d.
Actually, I included everyone as being victims of the algorithm.
I don’t understand how you use MSM. To me MSM is close to unbiased. Cable stations like MSNBC is biased and pushes a narrative.
I didn’t negate anything, I agreed if people said they are coming after children that it’s horrible.
Do you actually think LGBTQ people are going after children?
And yet children are being massacred by guns in schools and nothing gets done about it.
The truth is that unfortunately, there seem to be sexual predators everywhere, from all walks of life. And yet this group of people is targeted more than any other group with generalizations of such a nature.
@LifeQuestioner Unfortunately LGBTQ’s can also be sexual predators.
My gay friend almost married one until he found out about an out of state case regarding a minor. It was before Haloween and his fiance had to adhere to certain rules as he was a registered offender.
Needless to say my friend broke it off.
I haven’t told this story before here but I hope it gets through to some people.
There are child molesters and sexual predators from all genders. It’s not limited to LGBTQ. Nor is it more likely to be LGBTQ. In fact, it’s more than likely to be someone’s kind old uncle or grandpa, preying on their niece or grand, rather than some stranger in a costume.
@jca2 Exactly. There are no magic words that give people a free pass to victimize others. No religion, no orientation, no robes or collars, no bank balance, etc…
@jca2 it’s more likely to be a priest.
@JLeslie I’m confused. You said your friends were not QAnon and now you say they are. Which is it? You are avoiding what I was saying entirely, probably because it really puts a doubt in your mind about what you have swallowed for most of your life. Questioning the official narrative and voicing opinions that run contrary to it does not mean you are some sort of conspiracy theorist nor does it mean you are wrong. It means you think about what you are hearing and consider if it makes sense or not. And if in doubt you ask more questions and try to find answers to those questions.
If I am like your friends and we are all asking the same questions, have you ever stopped to look into what is being asked? Or do you rush right to the QAnon website to see if it is something they are talking about so you can ignore it? I can honestly say I have been to the QAnon website once in my life. I was curious if there actually was a website for it and I searched. There is. I have no further interest in them. I think for myself.
@JLeslie As for do I believe that the LGBTQ community is coming after children? I believe some of them are. I know several gay couples and have every confidence they are not. I suspect that is the view of most of them. But here’s the rub: LGBTQAI+ is a melange. LGB tend to be very respectable for the most part. TQ tend to be a bit out there, looking for attention and, like willful children, are willing to act out to get it. A is such a minority, they are probably not involved with children at all. I tends to have issues all their own which typically does not include chasing or grooming children. + is the catchall for anyone else that feels they want to join a group.
But I don’t limit Pedos to the LGBTQIA+ community. There are plenty of straight perverts out there. And that is mostly why I oppose all this trans nonsense. Too many perverts see it as a way to get their jollies by exploiting the rules that are nonexistent.
And let’s be honest (if you can) – there are cases out there of children that, at age 11 or 12, were being influenced on line to go for a sex change. This does not help the argument that they aren’t preying on children or trying to groom them. Having a group of men put on dresses and acting provocatively to 6 year olds does not help the argument either. And a group of men in a gay pride parade getting naked and riding their bikes around doesn’t help it either. And I have seen many of the LGB community that speak out against that sort of stuff as well. They feel that any movement they used to support has been hijacked and they are as disgusted as I am by the behaviors.
Oh, I think I would’ve pretended I was going in for a haircut and then said, oops, not here. By the way, thank you for advertising you are bigots. I’ll be sure to spread the word for you.
Honestly, I really prefer they advertise their bigotry. I hate it when I go somewhere and I notice that people ignore me or make me feel unwelcomed because I’m latina and then I have to pay them. Hell no. It makes it easier for me to just spend my money elsewhere, where I am seen as a person and treated well.
There was a target in my area that had bigoted staff. I was in line and next and the cashier called up the white person behind me. I told her I was next and she said she will take me next. Well, I rolled up with my cart and laid out everything until it was all on the counter and as she started to ring everything up I told her I would never buy anything from this target again if she’s the type of people they hire and I said it loudly.
Well, I’m glad to say that, target closed a year later. It gave me such joy.
This is not the only Target I have ever felt that way, but another one a bit farther away from me has “some”, really nice people working there.
All I can say is I’d defend a child or LGBTQIA+ person with the same passion, if threatened. But I will take issue if MAP’s get approved to join or hijack the LGBTQIA+ agenda, as they want to do. Hopefully the answer is always no, as in the link below.
You also have to understand that hetero’s generally don’t know the difference in lingo and terms that directly add to the confusion.
See below:
AFP found that, while some MAPs online may have used this flag, it isn’t part of any official attempts to “normalize pedophilia” nor has it anything to do with the LGBTQ community (here).
@KNOWITALL Does not what? I an lost now. If I said something very incentive maybe I need to rephrase.
As far as men attacking women in bathrooms, I worry about that too. I was taught to worry about it, so I understand that a lot of people showing concern about someone cross dressing and being in a bathroom isn’t necessarily an attack on people who are trans.
I try to go to public bathrooms with female friends or at minimum tell someone I’m with I’m going to the bathroom. Girl code buddy system. Especially if the bathroom is empty otherwise. The problem is then you see people saying “trans people are not welcome” or something similar or worse, and it makes people feel like people are just being mean.
What I object to is laws about it, and the hysteria, and the way it has now turned into attacking the trans community.
I don’t mind at all if a man brings his 5 year old daughter into the ladies room. I don’t want her to have to go into a men’s room. When I was in a terrible accident my husband had to help me in the bathroom during an 8 hour drive home. A couple of times it was a multi-stall, other times singles. I go into men’s single rooms when the ladies line is long. I’ve seen girls go into multi-stall men’s rooms when they have been drinking and just can’t wait. I really don’t want a law on the books to arrest those people. Also, I like having separate gender bathrooms when they are multi-stall, I just am not very rigid about it. I like it as a cultural norm, but again, not written into law.
Men can stalk women in bathrooms even dressed as men. The real problem is bad people not trans or not. A woman could hold me up in a bathroom with a gun.
Edit: I’m ok if transgender women use the women’s bathroom. Half the time we wouldn’t even know when it’s happening. In my experience I have seen drag queens and transgender people use both, I’m fine leaving it up to the individual.
@JLeslie Nevermind, I think he already explained his thought process on that. I was just adding support, links and quotes to show that some groups are intentionally muddying the water, and it’s not conservatives.
I just heard the worst anti-gay rant Saturday from an old ‘friend’ that shocked and devastated me because I couldn’t refute all his arguments. It scared and hurt me. I didn’t live through integration, but that seems a bit more basic than the terminology and various meanings in the sexual orientation issue.
I can use the unisex, doesn’t bother me one bit, no problem for adults imo. I’ve been around LGBTQ’s my entire life, and to me that only dad’s to my angst on this subject.
@KNOWITALL Regarding terminology I admit to be semi-lost. Do you you mean the LGBT community is using terminology we don’t all use correctly? Or, conservatives are using terminology?
I’m sure I’m not on top of it all. I was at a presentation given by a lesbian couple here and one of the women was getting tongue tied saying LGBTQ+ and finally her wife said, “just say gay.” Do some people get upset if people say gay in lieu of the more inclusive LGBTQ+? Maybe. That to me is exhausting.
@JLeslie Pedophile is now passe. There is hebephilia and several others being used to get very specific. Those who act on those feelings, those who don’t, those who like young kids those who prefer 12–15 year olds.
Most people don’t stay educated on that. So now pedophiles get to choose how they identify, too. It’s messed up. And should not have ramifications on the LGBTQ community but it does in reality.
@KNOWITALL Oh my. Maybe psyche professionals need to know, but maybe it’s getting to be overboard with the general public being so engrossed in these topics. I was raised to be paranoid, but something is different now.
@JLeslie Yes, I’m grateful you understand what I mean. It’s very hard for me to say but it’s feeling very forced lately. That breeds resentment. And I’d had to see us regress.
On a positive note only gays and Japs (their terms) were disparaged, no mention of Jews.
Going after any minority group is scary, because it’s just a matter of time until they move onto the next one.
^^ Yes, and it seems the groups are getting smaller, more specific, so that one day we’ll all be in some sort of group being discriminated against, or at least judged negatively.
The old, “First they came for the communists but I was not a communist….” quote is very apt.
I was watching TV this morning and they were talking about how the extremist politicians in the Republican Party are going after the FBI. Call me paranoid and crazy, but is it any surprise people who are part of, or who are being funded by people in domestic terrorist groups would want to dismantle the FBI? These people coming after minority groups, trying to stop the transfer of power, taking away rights, there are billionaires helping to fund this.
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Blah blah blah.
The time to start speaking out has passed. Want to know why we are at this point? Scroll on up. We care about ideology more than people, and frankly, it’s disgusting.
Aside from 1 maybe 2 who are just morally bankrupt, you are all decent people, but if you are just now thinking to yourself that things are getting bad, you are being willfully ignorant.
We told you. We begged you to listen to us. We said that this is where we were heading.
Even I’m too polite to say what I really want to. Let that shit sink in.
Oh, I saw I left out the important stuff. I let her ring up everything and didn’t pay for them and left it for her to return back to the floor. I wasn’t spending a dime in that store. All the employees I interacted with that day were rude. The cashier was the last straw.
@tinyfaery perhaps I could have worded my question better, but I don’t think most of the responders on here think that we shouldn’t have been speaking up all along. No need to start a manufactured fight over that.
Oh Jesus. Again with the “JLeslie thinks ALL …” I never think or say all about any group.
I wrote: extremist politicians in the Republican Party
So, I am talking about the extremists, not the entire group of Republican congressman.
Seriously, watch CNN Special Report: The Deep Pockets of Texas. I have said this many times. It shows you a piece of what the billionaires are funding in politics.
@tinyfaery GA.
@JLeslie usually, although even now I won’t say all, usually, when people start attacking you that way it’s because they themselves are guilty.
Since voicing our opinions and speaking out is our right as humanity I would definitely voice my concerns regarding the LGBTQ+ community.
[Mod Says] This question has been moved to Social so as to preserve the conversation, but please remember to disagree without being disagreeable. Thanks!
@JLeslie I researched this yesterday and some Republicabs are urging caustion to the extremist Republicans, like Desantis. So that’s a good thing.
There are many reasons but primarily some feel that the FBI is becoming partisan. For example they feel a lot is being covered up in regards to the Biden family.
@KNOWITALL Thanks for your comment. I have to say it’s shocking to me DeSantis shifted so far to the right, but he has. A waste of a smart mind, I do think he’s smart, which makes him scary. It’s like he sold his soul for the power or maybe he was always on the extreme right and I was duped.
Even if they feel it’s becoming partisan, the FBI still is protecting us overall. They still catch a lot of bad guys, help overt bombs going off in public places. The FBI doesn’t seem overly partisan to me, but I’m not saying there can’t be some bias. If three people break the law and only two are prosecuted, it doesn’t change those two broke the law. Plus, Biden’s son pleaded guilty.
As long as some Republicans insist Jan 6th was a nothing and Trump did nothing to egg on people to believe he won and that they should stop Pence, those particular Republicans (I think it’s a minority of the party) will want to believe everything is the fault and lies of Democrats.
Hey can I be one of the morally bankrupt people?
@JLeslie DeSantis scares me more than Pence or Trump. Like you said, he’s smart, smarter than Trump.
@KNOWITALL That’s interesting that you say that. It seems to me that his popularity is waning a little. A year ago I kept saying I thought he could win the presidency, now I am not sure. When he ran for governor the second time I believe he appealed to a lot of independents and even some Democrats. Now, he went so extreme on abortion and the attack on Disney that I think he is losing independents and definitely any Democrates who voted for him. The book ban is a serious problem too, even though I would say the way the Democrats portray the ban is not necessarily accurate, it is still a big problem. People who I know here where I live who are teachers or married to teachers are really upset about the book banning and other initiatives he has done that make teachers afraid of getting in trouble and creating a ton of extra unnecessary work.
All I can figure is he is either getting paid big money by the extremists or he is an extremist or he thinks it is the path to the presidency. He has made multimillions in personal wealth while being governor; politics has been incredibly lucrative for him. If I were him I would take my money and have fun with my kids and spend time with my spouse. His wife had breast cancer already at a very young age.
@JLeslie When I’m in the car, sometimes I listen to conservative radio (because they’re amusing and also I like to hear their viewpoints on things). The radio host on the conservative radio was saying yesterday that he thinks DeSantis alienated a lot of Republicans who are in the middle, when he came out with his 6 week abortion ban. The host acknowledged that a lot of people don’t even know that they’re pregnant at 6 weeks.
@jca2 Interesting. I haven’t listened to conservative radio in years so I really am clueless to what they have been saying. The only exception is my two friends who sometimes send me links to what they are listening to (rare) or I hear or see a clip on TV during one of my news programs.
@JLeslie. I never hear any fans of his here in my red state, on social media, etc… We have zero abortiion clinics and still don’t like him. Ha!
But he still has time for his handlers to swing moderate if they actually want to win. Not much though.
@KNOWITALL Wow! So many of my Republican friends in Tennessee would talk about how great DeSantis was, but I’m going back to 2020–2022, I’m not sure if they still feel that way. A house not very far from mine has a huge flagpole with a US flag at the top and for a year had a DeSantis 2024 flag below it, but now he switched it to Trump 2024.
Who do the people in your state like? Trump? Are they just sticking by him?
@KNOWITALL I don’t know…Pence is pretty bad. He said he would ban abortions for all nonviable pregnancies. What an ignorant ass.
@KNOWITALL I do think he is more intelligent than Trump, but if you’re talking about emotional intelligence, I think he is just as bereft of that as Trump is. The man can’t even smile without creeping people out. He has no social skills, and if people don’t even like someone socially, and then he’s passing all this really insane legislation, I would say he’s not going anywhere. Of course, sometimes I think that he’s doing all this extreme stuff to distract from Trump and what’s going on with him. Yeah, yeah, I know. I’ve heard too many ridiculous theories of late about various things and it’s starting to affect me. But I know when I go on social media now, I’m actually probably more likely to see a post about something ridiculous DeSantis has just done, as opposed to seeing a story about what’s going on with Trump and various charges and trial is coming up. What scares me the most is if they would decide to run on the same ticket, although fortunately, I think DeSantis has too big an ego to run for VP.
I talked to DeSantis before he was governor. He was in a suit with some other people in suits in a rec center here. I had no idea who he was and said something like, “in suits, are you here checking out how the place works?” He replied, no he was going to talk to the Democratic club. I told him that’s great, and he almost in a shy way said, “yeah but I’m a Republican.” I told him, “I think that’s great that you are going to talk to a room full of Democrats.” It went something like that.
I know some Liberals are trying to frame him as awkward around people and that he doesn’t like people. I’m not so sure. They did that crap to Hillary when they wanted Obama and then Bernie. It still pisses me off! Although, I hope they are successful against DeSantis like they were against Hillary. The difference is, the people hearing the message are Democrats. I have no idea if Fox news is negative on DeSantis. Maybe so if right wing radio is against him.
I watch DeSantis in full when he talks to the press, not just clips.
@JLeslie I’ve seen him in clips too and the guy is just not personable. If I knew nothing about his politics or some of the things he’s done, but I saw him acting the way he does, I would think that he was lacking in people skills, and a lot of people agree.
@LifeQuestioner That’s the thing, you are just seeing clips. People who like him see an entire interaction, and people like me see full press conferences because he is my governor and I bother to watch him in full some of the time. During covid I watched his full press conferences routinely.
@JLeslie not living in Florida, I don’t know how easy it would be to view something like that, but if I get a chance I’ll watch one of his full press conferences and then see what I think. Either way, I would never vote for him for president because he is way too extreme.
@LifeQuestioner I didn’t vote for him for Governor and wouldn’t for president, but just saying he did some good things initially and during covid and I could see his appeal, but he always threw out dog whistles to play to the far right, which I hated. It is outright dangerous.
I always speak out when necessary and I think it’s absurd to vote shame your allies.
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