Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Can we please remember that some people peruse Fluther on their work computers?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37819points) July 14th, 2023

I had to stop following a question that I had a vested interest in recently, because a poster was using profanity in their answers. I do a lot of my perusing of this site on my work computer, and I don’t need IT to call me and tell me to stop due to them noticing that the site is riddled with profanity.

I know it’s not an issue most of the time, but it is good to be reminded of it.

It’s not a problem when the question is labeled “NSFW”. It’s simple to scroll past those. When it’s not labeled as such and I open it to find profanity or other adult material, it becomes a problem.


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25 Answers

chyna's avatar

I sometimes forget that people are reading this on work computers. I will now be more vigilant with watching my language. Thank you for the reminder.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Ok I will honor your request.

Jeruba's avatar

Sure. I don’t go in for NSFW stuff in general anyway.

But I am curious: how would IT catch you out? Do they routinely scan people’s internet activity? I thought the NSFW label was more about not being physically seen in your cube with NSFW content onscreen.

And while we’re on the subject: when there’s NSFW content in your Q, don’t put that content in the subject line! I have seen so many posts where “NSFW” is shown and then the question title goes on to expose the x-rated content. I should be kept discreetly in the details.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

IT can monitor all activity on my work computer.

janbb's avatar

This may be a naive or wrong question but are they actually concerned about looking at individual posts on your computer or the fact that you are on social media on work time?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I switched to phone only for that same reason. I do post links easier from my laptop though so I just log in, post and log out.
Great reminder, thanks.

jca2's avatar

@janbb When I worked (local government), the employer was definitely concerned about the quantity of time someone spent on personal stuff on the computer, whether it was social media or shopping or whatever, although they knew mostly everyone did it and as long as you got your work done, it wasn’t a concern. Another concern for them was what you were doing of a personal nature. Looking at porn sites – not acceptable. Engaging in another business – not acceptable. From a union perspective, people definitely got in trouble for both of the latter.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb I honestly don’t know. They’ve never talked to me, and I don’t want it to happen.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Just be mindful, most modern companies have key word monitors.
Why can’t you just use your phone?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@KNOWITALL Do I have to explain it’s simply much easier to type on a full keyboard than a phone?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake We aren’t writing essays, so I was just curious. Haha!

kritiper's avatar

I won’t tell…

jca2's avatar

When I was working, I went on Fluther very little while at work. The reason why was that I didn’t want a chance of any IT person who had access to seeing my profile reading all of my personal thoughts and ramblings, which is what Fluther basically is. Not that I was afraid of being disciplined for my time, it was more that Fluther to me is lkind of like a diary and I didn’t want someone seeing it. It’s for that same reason that I don’t tell people about Fluther, because with so few people on the site, it wouldn’t be hard to figure out which profile is mine.

kritiper's avatar

If you peruse fluther on your work computer maybe you should stop so you don’t get caught. Otherwise, wouldn’t getting caught be your own fault???

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^Yes, please. Let’s blame me.

I have both Facebook and Fluther open in the background all day and have done so for 8 years.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t answer a lot of NSFW Q’s, I usually skip them. I think of NSFW as discussion about sex or something very graphic in nature.

Before this Q I would not have even thought much about a random swear word once in a while. Jellies don’t swear a lot to begin with, and if someone used a word for dramatic effect I would not have thought twice about it. Is it against the rules? Name calling would be against the rules, that happened recently, because that is a personal attack, but just a random swear word, I wonder about that.

I wouldn’t use a work computer. I would not want to be accused of doing personal internet surfing on company time. When I use Fluther it is so easy to spend a lot of time online without realizing it.

jca2's avatar

You brought up a good point about whether cursing is ok according to the guidelines. I just checked and it says “if used within reason, cursing is allowed” @JLeslie.

jonsblond's avatar

If no one is breaking any rules I don’t think it’s fair of you to ask us to limit our words so you don’t get in trouble at work. I’m surprised you are okay with using social media on your company’s computers. You are subjecting your workplace to viruses. Your employer can also see your history. Anything you write is not private.

jca2's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I was a full time union rep for over ten years and I can tell you that “I’ve been doing it for 8 years” is never a good defense.

canidmajor's avatar

Curious, @Hawaii_Jake, if you have been doing this for 8 years with no consequences, what happened that makes you concerned now?

Smashley's avatar

I have to think that they aren’t bringing people to HR because of some f bombs or whatever, especially if they aren’t that strict about social media use at work. Maybe just relax, knowing that if it ever came up, you could describe the situation in full honesty as not being inappropriate in any way, and they’d have no argument that it was. Are you really worried that there’s a policy against looking at swear words?

But if it was me.. sorry for upsetting you.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Why on earth would you log in here on a work computer?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Blackwater_Park That’s why we have the ‘NSFW’ tags for questions. Not Safe For Work. Implies that people can use Fluther at work.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Yes we all know what that means. My point is why would you allow your employer to spy on such intimate details of your life like many leave here. Generally you consent to anything being recorded when you use a work machine. That includes passwords and account information. They can look back and see everything you have written on this site. People think that they won’t look but they can, and sometimes do.

kritiper's avatar

Wow! NOW I know what that (NSFW) means! I’ve been here for a LONG time and never could figure out what that meant…
Thanks, @RedDeerGuy!

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