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elbanditoroso's avatar

After 135 years, does it matter if Jack the Ripper's real identity has been found?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33708points) July 16th, 2023

this and several other articles are reporting that Jack the Ripper has been identified as Hyam Hyams.

After this much time (the guy is long dead) does it matter who he was? Does it destroy the legend/mystique?

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22 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Considering he died in 2015, it no longer matters.

janbb's avatar

It does matter. I think it’s really cool when ancient mysteries, crimes or questions are solved.

chyna's avatar

Yes it matters. I also want to know who killed Jon Bonet Ramsey even if it was 20 years ago.
If they study the who, what and why of old unsolved crimes, it could help in solving new crimes.

Forever_Free's avatar

Of course it matters. Now your ancestry has been revealed.
It most importantly allow the victims families to know who committed the crime.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Although I’d love to learn who actually killed Jon Benet-Ramsey, it really doesn’t affect anything differently in my life…I’d personally love to know if I guessed right. The Ripper committed his crimes in the late 1880’s & NOBODY is still alive that was touched by the tragedy. Although I’m sure they are out there, I’ve NEVER heard anyone claim that they are a descendant of a Ripper victim. WHO would brag that they are a descendant of Jack the Ripper??? Personally, I don’t give a rat’s ass who he was as it changes NOTHING!!!

cookieman's avatar

It only matters if you care about clarifying history. I think it’s at least interesting.

Caravanfan's avatar

I don’t buy the evidence. A police volunteer looks at medical records and sees correlations and makes assumptions. That isn’t proof. This is her 15 minutes of fame. It’s still unsolved in my view.

smudges's avatar

Oh c’mon…you link to an article that requires a subscription to even read it?? Please link to something everyone can read.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. Even In Canada’s history we try to solve all cold cases. Like the murders of the “Mad Trapper”. They dug up his grave and did a DNA test using one of his molars.

We would go back to stone age days if we could.

~Like og murdering gru in 10,000 B.C.

janbb's avatar

@smudges Google “Hyam Hyams” and you’ll find several.

jca2's avatar

I think we’ll never be able to say for certain, because anything at this point is speculation. Does it matter to me personally? No but I do think it’s interesting and I don’t discount people’s interest in it.

@smudges Here’s an article I found. I didn’t read it, just glanced at it.

flutherother's avatar

There is a lot of interest in the real identity of Jack the Ripper but not much in the real identity of his victims. This book will help rectify that and is highly recommended.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Show me proof.

Mimishu1995's avatar

It does matter, not in the way of bringing closure to victims, but more in a way of exploring history and possibly learn from it. Knowing the killer can lead to knowing their motive and how they got away, and from that we can potentially learned about things like socioeconomic background of the era and how the justice system work. It’s like discovering new things in science.

Btw is it absolutely confirmed to be him? Last time I checked it was Charles Lechmere and some guy with Polish name.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Actually, I’d rather know the truth about the Loch Ness monster than the identity of Jack. They’ve been trying to give definitive proof that Nessie is real my entire life & I find that a LOT more interesting than who killed a bunch of strangers 135 years ago!!!

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Jeruba's avatar

Maybe it’ll put an end to speculation. I personally kind of liked the theory related to saving the Royal Family from disgrace. i think that one also featured the Masons connection, or maybe those were two different books.

Jeruba's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1, that Og-Gru thing happened in about a million BC. It was all over the media. The story was that they had severe political differences and Og whacked Gru with a carved stone ballot.~

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, not really. Are they all still dead. Yep. And can he defend himself in court. Nope. So it’s just speculation. What I’m more curious about is why? But that will never be known.

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