Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you think talk shows monitor fluther?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) July 17th, 2023

A day or two ago I answered a Q, and suddenly on The View they were addressing what I said. Throughout the Trump years this happened quite a bit. Not always what I was saying, other jellies too. New ideas were talked about on fluther rather than the same talking points we were hearing everyone repeat, and then suddenly I would see the jelly points on TV. Do you think it is coincidence? Or, do you think TV show personalities and producers are lurking here?

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23 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I doubt it but you never know.

Smashley's avatar

More likely that we just repeat things we hear, sometimes unconsciously, and sometimes deliberately, using common wisdom and concerns, and the information google presents us with first, just like talk show hosts do. There’s a reason why it’s called an echo chamber.

seawulf575's avatar

Welcome to the Matrix.

Forever_Free's avatar

The View is onto you!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Doubtful. Reddit or others maybe.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Maybe 10 years ago, there were some uncanny coincidences like that – someone would ask something on Fluther and it was on TV a day or two later. It happened often enough that it was commented on a couple times.

But it was never proven, and if there was such a person, they never identified themselves.

Would it surprise me? Not for a second.

janbb's avatar

It’s a little hard to believe. I think ideas are just floating around at the same time in the zeitgeist. It’s more likely that we pick them up from the media.

ragingloli's avatar

No, but the aliens have installed a camera in your toilet.

gondwanalon's avatar

Big Brother is always watching.

jca2's avatar

I am always a believer that allmost anything is possible, but i think in this case, with Fluther being buried way down in the search engines and Fluther being so small and slow, without a whole lot going on (sometimes a post will have only a handful of responses) I doubt any talk shows are coming here for the latest opinions and thoughts. They can get much more from large news sites and other social media like Reddit.

smudges's avatar

I don’t think a talk show employee is a jelly, but I do think it’s very possible that the many researchers on talk shows have come across fluther conversations among the many they look at every day.

Caravanfan's avatar

I’m guessing it’s a coincidence.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I’m thinking coincidence also but if you were going to rip off ideas from somewhere, this would be an ideal place to do it. Stealing talking points off a site like reddit would instantly be called out. To be honest, the hosts on the view likely don’t come up with stuff on their own. At least a handful of people here do though.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Care to share what your answer or the question was about? It would be interesting to know.

filmfann's avatar

I believe a producer probably lurks many Q&A sites.

canidmajor's avatar

I believe it’s likely that the techs have an algorithm that searches key words and phrases across the internet, and may, on occasion, happen upon us.

I think it is way more likely that we tend to discuss the same stuff that others do, and as wonderful and smart and cute and funny as we are, I am pretty sure that our discussions on these topics are not original, in terms of the General Consciousness. I may have an original thought on a subject, but that doesn’t mean others have not had that same original thought.

mazingerz88's avatar

If I was a producer on The View I would come here to steal ideas for discussion on my show.

jonsblond's avatar

Highly doubtful

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh I don’t know @canidmajor my rants about texting ,smart phones, and brain dead drivers are pretty original.

canidmajor's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Well, they certainly have your stamp!! ;-D

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb A couple of days ago @jca2 asked a Q about the writers and actors striking. I wrote:

…I record all The View episodes and for a few months now Whoopi always apologizes if they are a little unorganized since they don’t have their writers and they are doing all of the work. She says they support the writers in their strike. Since day one of that, I felt like if you support the writers, why are you still coming into work? For three months they have proven they don’t need the writers…

A day later Whoopi was explaining that they can’t strike because of their contracts. In all those weeks I never heard another person say what I wrote.

I agree with @Elbanditoroso that for a while there it seemed constant that we would say something here and then I would hear it on TV. I think it was MSNBC, but I’m not sure, because I stopped watching MSNBC for a while during Trump. Not completely, but much less.

kritiper's avatar

We should be so fortunate!

SnipSnip's avatar

Doesn’t seem likely.

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