Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you think reports of hot weather are reducing tourism to Florida and other hot states in the southern part of the US?

Asked by JLeslie (65923points) July 23rd, 2023 from iPhone

Do you hear anyone saying they decided to staycation at home or go north instead of south because the news keeps saying how hot it is?

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9 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I doubt it, for 2023 at least. For several reasons.

1) summer vacations – people made their plans months ago and they aren’t going to cancel them at this late date; where would they go? And what could they afford, and what would they tell the kids? This might be an issue in 2024 and beyond, and particularly if DeSantis makes Florida less and less desirable.

2) even if it is hot in Florida, there is still the ocean to cool off…

janbb's avatar

I generally wouldn’t go South in the summer in most cases, but for me, the reports of the ocean water being over 90 degree would definitely keep me away.

I’m also staycationing this summer because of all the crap with the airlines.

jca2's avatar

I wouldn’t go near Florida between April and November but I know from going there the past few winters, and my family member being “up” on real estate trends in Florida, housing prices there are going up up up. I don’t know how the heat is affecting tourism, but what I hear among the affluent set is that everyone is buying a second place in Florida. They say all the new construction near the water (cities adn towns close to the ocean) are 1.5 million and up. It’s a far cry from the starter houses that my aunt had in northern Florida, bought in the 1950’s. Now it’s all big fancy buildings, condos, mansions.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The red tide and rip tide has cut a few vacations short but haven’t heard about the heat, no.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Nope. Vacation to the panhandle this year was just as jam packed as ever.

seawulf575's avatar

I wish. SE NC is a tourist mecca. I wish they would go elsewhere. Most tourists are annoying. Personally, I enjoy going out and getting enveloped in the heat. I love it. And if there are more open beaches, so much the better.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 I love stepping out into the humid heat also. It’s when it will be many hours in the heat that it gets to be too much. Believe me, when Republicans were hating on Disney I had my hopes up the parks and restaurants there would be less crowded, but the place was jammed with people. It seems to be a little better this year than last year, last year was insane with crowds.

kritiper's avatar

Doubtful when so many people don’t pay attention to the news.

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t know as to the whole state. I live in the southern part and our biggest tourist season is the winter.

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