Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What annoys you and yet you support it?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) July 24th, 2023 from iPhone

For example, I support this marketing push in social media and news about movie fans coming to see the movies Barbie and Oppenheimer supposedly in droves on the big screen…yet it annoys me that I see a lot of it in my social and news feeds…

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16 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

Reusable grocery bags. I always forget mine.

smudges's avatar

The first amendment. kidding…sort of ;)

jca2's avatar

Having to wear a mask during Covid annoyed me, yet I was supportive of the whole mask thing.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Paying taxes

janbb's avatar

Taking the train places. I prefer to use public transportation to driving but our rolling stock and tracks are really outdated and clunky.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The US government.

@smudges Yes this!!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The US Democratic Party. They do so many things really horribly, but the other party are literal fascists. The Democrats got us so many things, but they haven’t achieved everything I want. I want a lot, but the other guys support people who quite literally want to kill me. So, yeah, I’ll support the lesser of two evils. People with privilege can afford to vote third party.

gorillapaws's avatar

American Red Cross Blood Drives. They’re more tenacious than mosquitos: Text, Email, Phone calls during work hours. It’s madness. Yes, I have O- and I understand that it’s important to donate, but I’m not due for weeks and they’re hounding me to make an appointment.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Have a feeling the time will come when a marketing AI would evolve into having the most sophisticated sales algorithm that it would know exactly what to sell and at what time during the course of the
day and evening —— exact moments when people would pull their purchasing trigger.

The AI would even know ahead of time things that we would buy weeks into the future with great precision even though that thing is still unbeknownst to us.

The AI would know not to annoy and pester us with ads which could drive us away from a sale.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I hate that Jeff Bezos has so much concentrated wealth and treats his employees like crap. But I sure do find Amazon a convenient and often less expensive option.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Same. Been buying toiletries from Amazon lately.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Same again. My seaweed snacks and anything else is all there. I just ordered a friend musky floats!! Who does that? It’s crazy convenient and all free w your rewards points. I hate myself for it.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I’m going to go with Amazon along with everyone else. I hate that I end up shopping there so much but it seems like it’s harder to find the things I want when I go shopping, even now that the supply chain is getting better. I buy all my cat food and cat litter on there. Our local bookstore is deteriorating so I end up buying books on Amazon. I do still go to the brick and mortar store to browse though.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Went to the bookstore deliberately to buy a book aware that it’ll cost me more but the price difference just ended up dissuading me. Bezos is the devil. Lol

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