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How would you feel if you found out a friend of yours was a serial bank robber?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) July 30th, 2023 from iPhone

So for the past two years I’ve been going to a trivia meetup group during the week and we’ve become good friends. Last year, the god daughter of a close friend also joined us, and we’ve become good friends as well. We have a lot in common and I’ve had plenty of great conversations during our get togethers.

Well today I googled her name for the heck of it, and I realized that she recently served 10 years for robbing 4 banks to pay for her mothers MS hospital bills. I knew she had a bad past, but didn’t realize to this extent. Would your trust with this kind of person be broken? Could you stay friends? And would it be uncouth to talk to her about it?

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