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canidmajor's avatar

What do you think about Trump wanting to expand executive powers if he returns to office?

Asked by canidmajor (21785points) July 30th, 2023

You can easily google “Trump’s plans to expand executive power” for a bunch of articles, here’s the New Yorker (no pay wall) discussion of the New York Times take on it:

And here’s more explanation from Axios:

Personally, not thrilled, but that shouldn’t be a surprise.
Your thoughts?

This is in General to keep the discussion on track and hopefully away from whataboutism speculation.

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31 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

He admires dictators and autocrats, and he wants to be one himself. This is nothing new.

YARNLADY's avatar

It’s very scary, because there are millions of people in this country who believe our current system isn’t working and are not knowledgeable enough to realize what will happen if he is in charge.

jca2's avatar

If Trump wins next time, it’s going to be a sh*t show of him seeking revenge for all the things that he didn’t like last time, and it’s really scary because he doesn’t think with the logic of logical people, he thinks with the logic of an a-hole.

filmfann's avatar

Not. Gonna. Happen.

janbb's avatar

I think if either he or DeSantis were to win, it would be the end of democracy as we know it.

jonsblond's avatar

I’ll take Things A Narcissist Does for $1000, Trebek.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ll move to a foreign country like Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Long Island, or Rhode Island (most fright winger are geographically limited) ! ! ! !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Most of his fourth grade educated followers think those qualify as foreign countries ! !

Irukandji's avatar

I agree that it’s not a surprise. He tried to do it constantly last time, and he would be sure to do it again if reelected. The only bright spot is that the courts consistently pushed back against him, even near the end after he had appointed so many judges. For a point of comparison, the government usually wins about 70% of administrative law cases (which is what these expansions of power fall under). Trump won about 6% of those cases during his term.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Remember this is the man who thought he received a love letter from Kim Jong-Un because he called 45 my emperor in one of the letters. The man wants to be a dictator & he can’t do that unless he increases his power. That’s why it is so important to VOTE!!!

JLeslie's avatar

The way I see it, Trump believes he knows best. I think he wants the power and money, but also he thinks he’s smart and clever and the best leader for the country.

He doesn’t value democracy.

Dictatorships can work for a while if you have a truly benevolent dictator, but that would not be the case with Trump at the helm. Plus, too much risk even if you have an amazing leader. Democracy guards against many years of a bad political situation. No one leader is worth dismantling democratic elections or checks and balances, it’s crazy talk and unAmerican. I’d worry the country would become a theocracy.

Even if Trump doesn’t win, the country is in some trouble. It’s too divided and people are too afraid and angry.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think your country is scaring me more and more every day.

gondwanalon's avatar

More BS from a has been blow hard. That’s what I think.

janbb's avatar

@gondwanalon But he is far and away the most popular Republican candidate according to the polls. One has to take him seriously as a Presidential possibility.

seawulf575's avatar

First off, I think you need to move away from left-wing news outlets as your citations. They are going to fear-monger as much as possible because we are talking about Trump.

However I will say that expanding Executive Branch power is not something I am in favor of. Executive Orders exist for a reason. They are how the POTUS can lay out his plans for administering they parts of the government under his control. Whenever a POTUS puts out an EO that overreaches, it causes a lot of churn in the country. Look at Biden’s Tuition Loan Forgiveness efforts as a perfect example. It moves the conversation away from the issue (high tuition costs and how to deal with them) and into the legality of the effort. In the end, after much churn, he gets slapped down because it isn’t the job of the Executive Branch to randomly assign funds that haven’t been approved by Congress.

Looking at some of the things listed in the citations given, I have to say some are good and some I believe are overreach. The Federal Employees for example, I believe to be something within the purview of the POTUS and is a good thing. NO job should be protected against firing. No bureaucrats should be policy and law makers. On the flip-side, “impounding” Congressional allocated funds for other uses is not something that should be in the purview of the POTUS…for the same reason as Biden’s Tuition Forgiveness isn’t. But again, the devil is in the details. For instance, if Congress approved sending funds or military equipment to another country for support but that country is committing genocide, that might be something that should be sent back to Congress for re-evaluation rather than just blindly sending it. And it should be noted that “impounding” funds has existed for a long time. Thomas Jefferson was the first POTUS to do it.

canidmajor's avatar

@seawulf575 ” First off, I think you need to move away from left-wing news outlets as your citations. They are going to fear-monger as much as possible because we are talking about Trump.” and before I cited those, I suggested that people google. I “suggest” you read more carefully. Cite your own sources.

jca2's avatar

I googled “Fox news Trump plans to expand executive powers” for those that think this is from the left wing, and I did see a hit from Newsmax in reference to it. I didn’t want to click on it because i don’t want all this crap in my feed but it’s there from the right wing for those who fear it’s a left wing lie.

seawulf575's avatar

@canidmajor I have no doubt that Trump has said he wants to use EOs to accomplish a lot. But when you use a left-wing outlet as a citation about a Trump issue, you get a whole lot of slant and fear-mongering. Because that is what their audience wants to hear…how evil Trump is. That is what generates them revenue. Look at the title of the New Yorker article you cited. It starts off saying he is trying to make it a kingship. That’s enough to set off the left and believe whatever is stated after that.

I did a little research while I was answering as well. That is how I found out more about impounding funds. I’m pretty sure you didn’t look into that either, as did none of your fellow lefty jellies. You just say Trump was going to do something and you knew it was new and bad.

Despite popular belief, I don’t want ANY president to overstep their bounds. But I also don’t want the media to continue poisoning any chance at rational discussion.

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jca2's avatar

@seawulf575 I put forth the Newsmax link which you will find if you google it. I didn’t say you shouldn’t accept anything. I said here’s a right wing example, and I think the OP was fair the way she put it in her details.

As for any name calling, if anybody calls you a name, address it, flag it. I don’t follow every word you say so if you are attacked, it doesn’t mean I see it. I’m not on here all day, all the time so there’s a lot that I overlook. Don’t hold me personally accountable for you being called names and me “accepting it.” I’m going out now, so I won’t be on here reading any attacks that you may receive. I’m not the police person for the site. Flag them if you feel there’s injustice.

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flutherother's avatar

It is worrying and depressing. That’s all I can say right now.

kritiper's avatar

Sounds like trouble. BIG trouble.

mazingerz88's avatar

What do I think. Not a thing. trump will never set foot on the White House again.

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