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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's bringing you joy these days?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) July 31st, 2023

What really makes you radiate with happiness? Please share it with us.

I get immense joy from a number of things. I love to read good books. I get so much pleasure from being engrossed in a story. I get joy spending time with my boyfriend. Tea brings me great happiness. It’s the whole process of measuring the tea and heating the water. I love the whole thing. Meditation brings me so much peace that I can only compare it to joy.

Your turn.

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21 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Oddly enough, the type of yard work I am doing these days. I have really been working to cut back, brush, prune obnoxious branches, clear areas of overgrowth. My tiny lot has gotten out of control, and wielding my Chainsaw Barbie, my electric hedge trimmers, and my weed eater are very satisfying, then clearing out the results of my manic doings and seeing how much I have accomplished gives me joy.much sweating and grunting occurs.

And heirloom tomatoes at the farmers markets. Mine won’t grow this year, I think they are afraid of my war against growing thins this season.

janbb's avatar

Movies, books and hanging with friends.

JLeslie's avatar

Going to Disney World for a few hours now and then with a friend or my husband and trying new restaurants and experiences.

Spending time with my friends.

When I am not in pain I am always happy about that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cooking meals for my wife.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My garden after it has been weeded.
My fish swimming to me when it’s time to feed them.
Grandkids, of course.
My concrete/paving project around my barn. I like to look at it and think what I will do with all that space.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I’ve been reading some good books lately. Also, I recently picked up my cross stitching again after not really having time or energy to do so the last couple of years. One last thing, the weather in my neck of the woods has turned wonderful! Not too much heat and the humidity is absent, unlike the last couple of weeks.

zenvelo's avatar

Walks in nature.

Seeing new people in recovery when they realize they CAN stay sober!

KNOWITALL's avatar

We give away garden produce and baked goods to seniors and needy fanilies in our small town. It brings me such joy. The oldest is 92 years old!
One old fellow told me he’s pretty particular on what he eats, I said ‘me too, it’s just a simple lemon bread. Cracks me up!!

canidmajor's avatar

And I was just reminded of another great joy. Twice a week I have a phone chat with a dear friend in Montana (you know who I mean, @Hawaii_Jake)! whom I have known for almost 40 years. We start off talking about the rough stuff (aging can be a bear!) but before too long we are laughing and giggling uncontrollably at all sorts of things. Every phone call, every time. It’s rejuvenating and very joyful.

chyna's avatar

I just saw a beautiful full moon from my deck. It made me smile to think some of you are looking at that same moon from your parts of the country.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@chyna Aww, that’s the sweetest post I’ve seen here in ages. Hugs.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I can tell you what brought me joy this evening. With a little research on Google and the help of an app on Google Play, I figured out how to change my Twitter app icon back to the bird. Take that, Elon Musk!

smudges's avatar

Hmmm…to be honest, I haven’t felt joy in at least a decade, but I’ve felt some happiness lately, and quite a bit of contentment. Good enough for me. Ohmm ‿( ́ ̵ _- ` )‿

canidmajor's avatar

@janbb, damn betcha! :-)

jonsblond's avatar

Living next to so much natural beauty and fresh water lakes.

cookieman's avatar

Thank you asking this. I appreciate the positivity.

My goldendoodle brings me joy every day. Just her dopey, sweet face gets me laughing. Love that doodle.

Hanging with my wife and daughter can be joyful too.

When I can make the time, I get joy from listening to music and podcasts, reading comics, and watching movies. A good massage never hurts either.

jca2's avatar

In the area I live in, the past few days have had such perfect weather. It’s about 80, dry and breezy outside. Perfect. More like September weather.

We’re going to Alaska in a few days on a tour. We’re both excited and I’ve been googling, even though it’s a tour and most things are pre-booked, I’m googling anyway to get some tips.

I found a great show, Somebody Somewhere, and watched both seasons. I’m now in the second season of The Bear, another great show. I don’t stream every night because I like to not be distracted (by being tired or travel planning) but for those that are looking for good shows, I recommend both. Both are comedy/dramas.

smudges's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake To answer this part of your question…What really makes you radiate with happiness?

Watching babies and animals…and baby animals! I watch those, either in rl or videos, and tears of joy just come to my eyes.

Once I was at my folks’ house looking through the trees down at a pasture. It was surrounded by woods and a beautiful wooden fence, and the owner had just let his 5–6 horses out. It was chilly and there was a low-lying mist. The horses seemed full of joy and mischief – running and kicking and racing each other with plumes of steam coming out of their nostrils. Now that was a religious experience. Talk about tears!

mazingerz88's avatar

The joy of discovering that I’m fine, and will be fine…now that my middle-age body seems incapable of feeling and experiencing joyful sensations like it used to when I was younger.

It dawned on me that I shouldn’t be bothered if that same joyful rush doesn’t get translated physically.

It is enough that my brain gets to acknowledge if and when something happened that should make me feel joyful. Even if it doesn’t.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can think of a “radiate with joy ” experience.
It was early morning and I was holding my then 1 year old grandson while walking in the back yard. I was showing him birds. Robin: “Hop Hop Hop.” Blue Jay “Boo Jay.” Crow “Ah ah ah.” As we were moving to the orchard a couple of Barn Swallows began swooping around us, no doubt grabbing bugs that were disturbed by my foot steps in the grass. They would come straight at us and veer away at the last second like they were playing. It was magical! I was, holding my cute little bundle as he laughed and tried to turn to follow their flight paths. It was so magical, I started crying.
I’m tearing up now just thinking of it. Thank you!

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