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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why was student loan forgiveness bad, but massive PPP loan forgiveness good?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) July 31st, 2023

Just wondering?

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6 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Companies donate massive amounts of money to politicians. Students do not.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Republicans benefitted from PPP loans.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ Nailed it!!!

Margie Green benefited more than most. If you paid attention,she’s NOT had even one unkind word about the PPP program!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

There was a few Rep/cons that had a couple million forgiven but those same rep/cons freaked over student loan forgiveness.
And they say they are for the average Joe,yeah right.

Blackberry's avatar

“Rules for thee, not for me.”
Basic control and conquer.
The issue is people for some reason still acting like it’s a surprise.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Congress passed the PPP with four no votes from Republicans and AOC. Emergency status during Covid.

The Supreme Court ruled Student Loan forgiveness was unconstitutional. Not an energency.

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