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mazingerz88's avatar

Do you think Trump will up the ante by commiting another crime after the judge in his case instructed him not to do that?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) August 4th, 2023 from iPhone

Trump is a master in creating media drama and playing the victim.

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37 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Count on it.

Zaku's avatar

Seems likely he won’t be able to stop spouting blithering nonsense related to the case.

I wouldn’t exaggerate Trump’s intelligence by referring to it as “upping the ante” though.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I hope so. And I hope they throw him in the slammer for doing so.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He can’t resist, I wonder if they will takes his computer away so he can’t post on “Truth Social” ? ? ?

ragingloli's avatar

I do not think he can stop himself from crimeing.

flutherother's avatar

Biden has to step up a gear to widen his appeal. Setting fire to the Oval Office would get him noticed and could be just the boost his campaign needs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sure.

snowberry's avatar


He’ll probably offer someone a glass of water and he’ll be charged with water boarding!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He has already started August 4, 2023, threatening judge and DA.

“That ride may already have started after Trump on Friday wrote on his Truth Social website “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU !””

janbb's avatar

So here’s another Q. How many times will Trump be slapped with a “contempt of court” charge?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He maybe flying back to DC next week . . . .

It is not “contempt” . . it is jail time until his court date HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !

seawulf575's avatar

Is there a link for the original question?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

From my link above . . .

“The magistrate judge presiding over Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 election conspiracy case during Thursday’s arraignment admonished the former president not to commit any crimes while he is awaiting trial, but a legal expert suggested the terms of his release may be too “complicated.”

Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya warned the former president that failure to adhere to the court’s terms of his release could result in his detention or add to a potential sentence if he’s convicted. She specifically told Trump that it is a crime to “influence a juror or try to threaten or bribe a witness or retaliate against anyone” connected to the case, which Trump told the judge he understood.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He has now made an ad threatening anyone of the DAs and judges in his court cases.

He is the horse’s ass . . . and SO STOOPID !

Going for the bucks from his gang !

LadyMarissa's avatar

He didn’t make it 24 hours. I pray that the judge has gonads big enough to thump his ass!!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Like I said above he’ll be in DC in front of the judge next week; she is not going to be easy on the flaming asshole called trump !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I’m trying to figure out what the OP was looking at that brought on the question. As I answered in a different thread, what the judge appears to have said (and I would like a citation to dig into the actual exchange) could be considered irrational, biased, and potentially grounds for a change of venue or at least a change of judge. Giving a vague order to only the defendant and not the prosecution shows bias. Making the order vague leaves it open to interpretation. If he merely says in a public setting “I’m not guilty” he could be seen to be trying to influence jurors. Conversely if the prosecution says in a public statement “We have evidence of some very serious charges against former President Trump” they could also be trying to influence jurors but they aren’t warned against it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The magistrate judge presiding over Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 election conspiracy case during Thursday’s arraignment admonished the former president not to commit any crimes while he is awaiting trial, but a legal expert suggested the terms of his release may be too “complicated.”

Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya warned the former president that failure to adhere to the court’s terms of his release could result in his detention or add to a potential sentence if he’s convicted. She specifically told Trump that it is a crime to “influence a juror or try to threaten or bribe a witness or retaliate against anyone” connected to the case, which Trump told the judge he understood.

But Laurie Levenson, a law professor at Loyola Law School of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, told The Associated Press that the terms of Trump’s release, “standard language” in most criminal cases, may be too complicated for someone in the former president’s position.

“The standard language may not work here, when you have thousands of Americans who could be witnesses and he continues to have daily contact with people who may be involved,” Levenson told The AP.

“Everything is more complicated in this case because of who the defendant is, what he has done and that he wants to be president again.”

Author and journalist David Rothkopf wrote on his social media account that “Trump admonished not to commit any crimes as a term of his release. This guy obstructs justice like most of us breathe. And, as the judge observed, it’s also a crime to influence a juror. Same’s true re: a witness. Could be a wild ride.”

That ride may already have started after Trump on Friday wrote on his Truth Social website “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!”

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Thank you for arguing my case for me. Not sure you realized you were doing that. You just expanded the citation you gave (which I already read) for all to see. A law professor shows the problems with the judge’s order, but you lay your hat on the left-wing journalist who is spouting an opinion.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Just like you’re spouting your opinion here laying your hat on yourself. Wonderful.

seawulf575's avatar

^^My opinion based on what little the OP gave us (hint, hint).

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Feds alert judge to Trump’s ‘If you go after me, I’m coming after you!’ post

Prosecutors say the former president’s message on Truth Social raises specter he might use evidence to target witnesses.

“All the proposed order seeks to prevent is the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including to the public,” Gaston and Windom wrote. “Such a restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal matters pending against him. … And in recent days, regarding this case, the defendant has issued multiple posts—either specifically or by implication—including the following, which the defendant posted just hours ago.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . and his fall back position is use his “burner phone” and call-in The Oath Keepers or Proud Boys to muscle witnesses.. !

kritiper's avatar

No doubt. The big oaf doesn’t know how to keep his big mouth shut.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He has a court date in DC for Monday the 7th ! ! ! !

I think she is going to say STFU !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

She is not a negotiator, her time not his ! ! !

Bet his lawyer’s are PISSED !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie So….there is no real threat. Just speculation and allegation with no real evidence. “He MIGHT….”, “What if he…”, etc. Even the Newsweek article doesn’t say he has a court hearing on the 7th. It says his team has to file a response to the request put in from Jack Smith’s team to keep him from talking about the case. And Trump’s team has asked for a continuance until the 10th to respond. As the defendant he should have every right to talk about it if he likes. Smith is trying…again…to keep his dirty tricks under wraps. He tried this same thing with the Mar-A-Lago case and it got shot down there as well for the exact same reason. He was told he couldn’t discuss the details of some of the sensitive materials but Smith was trying to get him to not be able to talk about the case at all.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

His lawyers will be in DC on Monday !

WATCH THE . .. . .. jail time !

chyna's avatar

“If you go after me, I’m coming after you” is a threat. I hope they put his fat ass in jail. He obviously can’t keep his mouth shut.

mazingerz88's avatar

@kritiper Not so sure about that. This douche does know how to keep his mouth shut. When he sleeps.

filmfann's avatar

@mazingerz88 Seriously? This guy strikes me as a mouth breather.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Now they are considering he is threatening a witness, Mike Pence ! !

Dutchess_III's avatar

Threatening how??

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump is not the brightest light on the the tree . . .

The lawyers he has now will be thrown up the bus and be debarred like so many other trump lawyers !

ragingloli's avatar

His current lawyers are probably not the cream of the crop, since he has a habit of not listening to his lawyers, and not paying his bills.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The latest lawyers have asked for “UP Front” payments . . .

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