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elbanditoroso's avatar

Will the Supreme Court 'intercede' to help Trump out of trouble?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) August 4th, 2023

read this and weep

Apparently orange-head is hoping that his henchmen on the Supreme Court are going to bail him out ..

Except that they’re supposed to be reacting to lawsuits, not whining ex-presidents.

There are a whole slew of reasons why the Court can’t or won’t—not the least of which being that they are already accused of being highly partisan, so they wouldn’t stick their necks out.

Is this another unprecedented Trump upheaval, this time trying for a coup of the justice system?

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19 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar


there are no lower court cases for them to act on !

His ass is toast !

LadyMarissa's avatar

I hope NOT…then again, you won’t see shock & surprise on my face when they do…just tears!!!
Maybe that’s why Ginni Thomas isn’t on the Top 6 list!!!

filmfann's avatar

He said it’s a lot of “my time and money to adjudicate”
Does he mean his time and his supporters money?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Only if his lawyers can get the trial out of state jurisdiction.

Poseidon's avatar

I am British but have been following Trump ever since he started his initial campaign to become POTUS.

Why should they intercede to help Trump?

He has been charged with a number of crimes and it is not for others to help him except his attorneys.

It will be for a Jury to decided his guilt or innocence after hearing the evidence and it is up to Trump’s lawyers to present or the case for Trump in it best possible light and to show the Jurors that the evidence the Prosecution are showing is wrong.

It is of course for the Prosecution to prove that Trump is guilty of the charges made against him.

We must ALL remember that a Defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty. and not make up our own minds before the evidence is presented.

JLeslie's avatar

How do you see it happening? How does a case get brought before them? Doesn’t there need to be a ruling in a lower court for a case to rise to the US Supreme Court? Trumps lawyers are going to stall as much as they can on the current cases.

seawulf575's avatar

Yep, they should. Trump’s Lawyer laid it out very clear. Every time something is brought up that implicates the Bidens in criminal activities, the next day there is some move against Trump that is being used to distract from the evidence coming out against Trump. These indictments are being used not to push criminal activity, they are being used to interfere in the election. It is desperation by the left to do anything and everything to try smearing Trump and keeping him out of the WH again.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Poor little trump . . . .

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yes, but you were ranting when you claimed Trump used his office to interfere with Joe Biden. Remember the phone call with Zelenskyy? That was outrage from you. But if Biden interferes in an election by targeting his political opponent, it’s okay. Your attitude is what is wrong with this country. It promotes corruption, degradation of rights, and a two-tiered justice system.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 you’re deflecting and and answering the wrong question.

For the Supremes to rule (or intercede, or whatever) there has to be a lawsuit. Trump’s request to ‘intercede’ has to be based on a live controversy, with legal briefs, argumentation, a lower court’s decision, and so forth. They can’t just decide to jump in and save Trump without some sort of legal basis for doing so.

And given the accusations of partisanship leveled at the Supremes after their activism the last year or two, I can’t imagine them making a such an obviously partisan move as to help Trump, but that’s another issue altogether.

There may something to the Biden issue or not – but that’s irrelevant. This question was about Trump’s request for the SC to intercede, not about the Bidens. There is a world of difference.

Please try to stay on topic.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I always heard it as “his ass is grass” to be poetic.

How did “toast” get in there?

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso There is a lawsuit. Trump is under indictment on several lawsuits. That opens it up for the SCOTUS to be able to determine if it is legitimate or if it is garbage.

Also, Bidens come into play because of the obvious efforts to hide them using Trump as a distraction. Also, the tie involving the claims of Trump doing campaign interference when he was POTUS (which is what the Dems tried impeaching him for) and the obvious use of the weaponized government to interfere with Trump are too much to ignore. If you are ignoring them, you are only looking at half the picture.

Let’s put it this way….what if Trump gets elected to POTUS and starts using the FBI and the DOJ to target Democrat politicians that might be in the running for POTUS in 2028? Would you feel the same way that it would be okay to ignore? I can honestly say I wouldn’t.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@seawulf575 Nice try.

There are multiple lawsuits. Not one of them has reached a decision that can be appealed.

The supreme court is an appellate court – not a court of first instance (except for arguments between US States which is not at issue here). That isn’t that tough of a concept. Once there is a court decision, then Trump can appeal it, to the district court, the court of appeals for his district, and then maybe to the Supremes. But we are not there yet.

All the Biden stuff you’re trying to throw in is bullshit. It is “what about”-ism at its worst. It’s completely irrelevant to the the Supreme Court.

If you’re going to persist in being irrelevant, I shall not answer you again. You’re smart enough to understand what the Supreme Court does, but you are wilfully ignoring it to make some sort of point.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Except we are in uncharted territory with all this. We are in a situation where bullshit indictments/charges are being leveled at a political candidate by the sitting party (his opponents). We already saw how far that party will go to try smearing this particular candidate. That is blatant election interference. The SCOTUS will have to decide if they are the right venue or not to step in. Since the situation involves a candidate for POTUS, the current POTUS, the DOJ, the FBI and Federal attorneys, it is likely they are the right venue. What their powers are in a situation like this are unknown. While you want to dictate what those powers are or how they might exercise those rights The SCOTUS is one of the legs of our federal government that serves as check/balance for the other two.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

. . poor little trump !

Maybe he should just have SCOTUS declare him President !

kritiper's avatar

Every lawyer knows that one can never tell what a jury will decide.

Dutchess_III's avatar

As far as I know the Supreme Court can only override or up held motions..

ragingloli's avatar

Anything is possible with this corrupt court.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. I assume that if a case is successfully appealed again and again then it will eventually will go to federal court.

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