Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Has any rich person now or in the past successfully offered riches in exchange for nobility?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) August 7th, 2023

Like if a billionaire offered to pay a small countries national debt in exchange for a title of nobility.

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7 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Of course.if you google something along the lines of “buying a title” I’m sure there are examples.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@canidmajor Thanks I Googled it. One can buy a lord or lady title for $375. I’m a bit sceptical. Their are ads all over Google.

I’m thinking of a title for those who want to start their own country; Or to run an existing one. The closest example is Elon Musk buying Twitter, or X. Or the guy who bought 97% of a Hawaiian island for ~$500 million dollars.

Forever_Free's avatar

Isn’t that the opposite of Trump. Steal from everyone , then steal the election to be king?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Forever_Free I wonder where he got that wet dream? Military school? Or his father?

He’s just mad that he didn’t realize that selling ones soul to be President only counts for one term.

Forever_Free's avatar

considering he is mindless, he stole it from somewhere else. was it Adolph?

Smashley's avatar

I think the better question would be the inverse: has a country (or self-declared country) ever successfully sold its clout to rich people, in the form of a meaningless title? I’m positive that the answer is “yes.”

Zaku's avatar

There’s a huge difference between nobility (titles, sometimes with status and lands or powers attached), and royalty (as in actually being the effective ruler of a country). Noble titles and even real power has been bought and sold, but the cases of selling national command . . . I feel like there must have been some, but I’m not going to research it presently.

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