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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

So what would impress Shania Twain?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) August 7th, 2023

In the song that don’t impress her much; she lists all of the attributes that “don’t impress me much”.

So what would keep her warm in the night?

Other then mailing her some flannel pjs?

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14 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

The song was written 25+ years ago, and was written specifically about three particular men (or types of men) who did things that weren’t impressive to her.

Things that “didn’t impress her” in 1998 are probably not the same in 2023, because now she is 55+ years old and back then she was 30.

Probably now, if she were writing the song, she would be impressed by:

1) successful financial advisors
2) skin treatments to continue looking young
3) increasing royalty checks for past music
4) a good doctor

Forever_Free's avatar

I got more important things to do
Then spend my time growing old trying to impress you

Zaku's avatar

Maybe you should play the song on endless repeat, and only give yourself permission to stop listening to it, once you get the point.

ragingloli's avatar

Johnny Storm.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I think that she has said that her 2nd husband has impressed her greatly & now she needs NOTHING else!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m fairly sure she wants to be a priority, including her pgysical, mental and emotional needs. Being rich and/or handsome is not going to cut it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’m of the opinion that being rich &/or handsome might be what creates the initial attraction; however, it takes a LOT more than that to keep them!!!

Thinking back, her husband & best friend fell in love & ran off together. During the healing process Shania & her best friend’s ex husband fell in love & got married. Just taking a stab in the dark…LOVE & being FAITHFUL is what impresses her most!!!

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

The song is about men who try to impress her with superficial things. When she says “that don’t impress me much,” it’s not because she wants someone to impress her. She’s not looking to be impressed at all. What she’s looking for is someone who genuinely cares about her instead of these status symbols because men who brag and show off are likely to treat her like just another possession to brag about or show off to others.

So even though she’s not expecting anyone to spend their time trying to impress her, the things that might have a chance of doing so anyway are genuine engagement with and investment in her, her needs, and their relationship together (and she plans to reciprocate by genuinely engaging with him, his needs, and their relationship together). That’s basically just a longer way of saying what @KNOWITALL said, though I suspect what @LadyMarissa said about love and faithfulness fits within that set of criteria as well.

Forever_Free's avatar

Being honestly genuine is what its about.

mazingerz88's avatar

Too honest Mike Pence.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Now I’m going to have that song in my head all day. Thanks!

Just throwing out a guess…
Having a fitness watch VO2Max reading that’s 20 points higher than hers.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ how’s that for an earwig!

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s 125 beats per minute – A perfect fast walk /slow running speed.

You wait. In the future, VO2Max will be listed in dating profiles just after height, weight, and age.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ I just hope they use it as a measure of health rather than BMI

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