General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Which brands and models of phones support fingerprint lock?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) August 8th, 2023

I need a comprehensive list. I’m asking this, because in the past I had Asus ZenFone, and I activated the fingerprint lock, with pattern lock. After a while, it stopped recognizing the fingerprint, it didn’t even bother scanning it, no matter how many times I cleaned it up. So, I did the pattern lock and it worked. Now, I have a HTCU11, and I’m not sure. If I enable the pin, with 4 digits, they’ll crack it easily, if more it’s more difficult to remember. What should I do?

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12 Answers

snowberry's avatar

Try a longer number? Phones have letters on each key. Pick a word with more than 4 letters, and use that for your passcode.

For example, magnolia translates to 62560542. I switched out another 6 (mno) for 0.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Google Pixel phones use fingerprint log in.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Samsung has pretty reliable fingerprint service. The S series works well but is VERY expensive. I’ve switched over to the A series. I use an 8 digit PIN & then set up the fingerprint. I’ve used the same Samsung phone for 5 years & the fingerprint NEVER failed to operate. Samsung now has their fingerprint sensor on screen & it doesn’t need to be cleaned near as often as on the older phones that had the reader on the side.

snowberry's avatar

Regarding unlocking with fingerprints, your fingerprints can appear to change based on how dry or hydrated your hands are. It happens so often with me that I never bother to use fingerprint ID.

Zaku's avatar

There are SO many different phones with different security schemes.

Fingerprint schemes have some inherent flaws, such as the one you ran into, or not being able to let someone else unlock your phone remotely, or that they give someone a reason to chop off your hand or fingertip. Etc.

There are many articles on different security schemes, and reviews of various brands. They’ll have far more info that I could come up with. e.g. Best secure smartphones

smudges's avatar

With my iPhone I have to use my finger to ‘wake up’ the phone, then, (I guess) depending on how long it’s been since I used it, it asks for my digit code. Apologies if this is not what you’re asking.

Caravanfan's avatar

Agree with @snowberry. Just use a longer code.

smudges's avatar

^^ My iPhone only allows 4 digits. That’s all there’s space for.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ What brand are you using???

smudges's avatar

Well, it’s an iPhone, so Apple. Model 7

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ Being an Android baby, I can’t verify that this actually works. You’re supposed to have the option to switch from 4 to 6 digit passcode. It looks easy in the vid!! The one thing that I’ve learned with technology is that where there’s a will. there’s a way.

smudges's avatar

^^ Thanks, it does work, but I wanted to use words and every word I entered it told me it was too easy to guess so I didn’t change it. :D

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