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elbanditoroso's avatar

Does seduction really exist? Or is the seductee already prone to being seduced?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) August 11th, 2023

Maybe it’s bad movies or badly-plotted books, but I’m not sure that seduction exists in real life.

Are people really and truly seduced by another person for sex, love, or whatever? (Gender doesn’t matter – Females seduce males, males seduce females, males seduce males, females seduce females, and so on.)

My theory is that only a target (seductee) that is already open to a relationship can be seduced, in which case that person isn’t really being seduced; they’re being persuaded to follow up on something that they were already open to doing.

If a person is truly ‘closed’ then they can’t be seduced, no matter how charming the seducer might be.

Does seduction really exist?

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6 Answers

Zaku's avatar

What do you mean by seduction?

Merriam-Webster means: “the enticement of a person to sexual intercourse” – that exists.

Your “theory” seems to refer to a definition I don’t think I’d agree with, so I think you’re asking something a little different from how you worded it.

There can be, and are, people closed to seduction. That doesn’t mean there is no seduction.

For example, there are many people who aren’t inclined to have sex with someone, but who can be inspired/suggested/seduced into going that way.

seawulf575's avatar

Being human, we have weaknesses…temptations we fight against and lose. And really, seduction is nothing but a temptation. If you are in a committed relationship and are happy in that relationship, I don’t believe it excludes you from the pool of people that could be seduced to cheat. Let’s say you have a good sex life with your spouse. Does that mean you don’t have fantasies? Nope. Does it take away the enticement of forbidden fruit? Nope. But it might bean you are more likely to walk away compared to someone that is single or in an unhappy relationship. The seductor might have to work harder though, or the situation might have to be just right.

zenvelo's avatar

While I agree with the assertion that people who are truly “closed” can’t be seduced, I believe people who are not seeking a relationship may be seduced without having intended to get involved with someone.

I can recall instances when I was a younger man of having no intentions of any liaison, but meeting someone that totally beguiled me.

Forever_Free's avatar

It definitely exists. The degrees of it vary as much as the reasons for it.

flutherother's avatar

It is hard to deny seduction exists when we see it going on all around us. At an extreme level it is a form of assault and we should be careful not to blame the victim.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Great question…

I feel like this could be a cultural thing. The word. Is there a difference between “romancing” a woman, and “seducing” her?

Personally. The word “Seduction” has a sort of negative connotation. As if the “seducer,” is being tricky… Or the one “seduced,” a victim.

Over the years, I have definitely had experiences that would be interpreted as seduction. In most cases, it was like Wulf opined, people “give in” to temptation. Almost a submissive act…

It’s a BAT SHIT CRAZY fucking world. You never know exactly what you will face, in terms of what the future holds.
For me. All of my one time sexual exploits, were unexpected. I used to “look” for it. The chance to “charm” a young lady, is greater in certain environments. One could deduct, perhaps, that if someone is deliberately in a place where meeting potential mates is possible, they are a preset, potential “seductee.”..

I mentioned the word “victim,” in reference to the seductee, because that’s how I have felt in a few scenarios… Mostly when I was I was in law enforcement, especially as a “bouncer.”

Although I have always tried to be a professional, I shamefully admit to being a young idiot, in my early 20’s. I was CONSTANTLY groped, and grabbed by girls/women.

(The following may be NSFW.)
One night. I was at a hotel, observing after a domestic dispute. It was like 3AM…

A Latino woman, probably in her early 30’s (I was like 22,) “spilled” her beer on me. We were alone in a a stairway. She started “wiping” the beer off by grabbing my tool… Firm grip through my pants. I was trying to get her to gently let go, and honestly just shell shocked. She was pretty. But. She didn’t speak English, and my Spanish is poor.
She clearly understood that I wasn’t ok with it. But she wouldn’t stop pulling/stroking me, and eventually (seconds really,) I had an unintended “election.” (But it wasn’t an election.)..
She eventually got my pants down and started performing oral sex on me. I didn’t want it to happen. That may be impossible to explain…
We ended up in a near-by janitorial closet. She was very aggressive. She was never violent. She just ignored my continued plea for her to stop…
I gave in, after an embarrassingly short time, and I guess THEN, consented?...

Absolutely bizarre!

Not many years later, I would physically stop women for similar behavior. Typically resulting in a violent, rejected person… Over the years, I lost respect for several of my female friends, because they would out of nowhere try to start grabbing me…
I have had other men hit on me before, but they never just grabbed me.

There seems to be simply some form of predatory thinking, in regards to how we pursue sexual relationships. Both genders, obviously, exhibit this mindset…(to me.)

I hate that my story is true.

In other examples, older women used to invite me to their cabins, on ships, when I was in my late teens. They lured me in with alcohol. Next thing I know, I’ve been “seduced.”...
In those cases, I was a willing victim…..

As with many things, there is a spectrum, and many variables that can lead to both the seducer, and the seductee.

When I recall that incident, I’m not sure how to think.
To clarify, it was not in exchange for anything.

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