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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why do some courts still have sketch artists, and court reporters?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) August 12th, 2023

It would save money to have the whole court process audio/video recorded.

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6 Answers

jca2's avatar

The sketch artists is because some Judges do not allow photography in their courtroom. Sometimes for high profile cases, they don’t allow a lot of the media (news channels, etc.) so someone has to do some sketchesto show the public what the defendants and others looked like.

Court reporters are just to type out everything that was said, for review by the jury and attorneys later. Even if it’s recorded on video, it still needs to be typed out for the record.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t know about Canada, but in the US we are in the process of switching from NO press in the courtroom to being televised either on TV or the internet. So, I see the artist renderings to be on their way out but still very relevant at this point in time!!! Once televising becomes the norm, I think we will NO longer need the pics from courtroom renderings. That was started so the press could give the public relative info. We’re at a point where the public can’t trust the press anymore & we do better when can see it for ourselves & form our OWN opinions!!!

zenvelo's avatar

@LadyMarissa The press has always been able to attend trials and proceedings. It is part of the constitutional right to free and open trials.

But the US Federal Courts do not permit cameras, so they still have sketch artists. People learned the problem of televising trials with the OJ Simpson trial and participants playing to the cameras.

And court reporters are necessary to have a transcript of the trial. A video record is useful but still difficult to wade through when checking testimony.

SnipSnip's avatar

I’ve not been in a court without a court reporter. I’m fine with sketches; I do not like cameras in the courtroom.

elbanditoroso's avatar

They have sketch artists because the criminals are sorta sketchy themselves.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

AI is about to put sketch artists out of business

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