What compels you to be a better human being?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
August 16th, 2023
from iPhone
In my younger years, I would say the most influential were fictional characters from novels, comic books and movies. I was raised Roman Catholic so stories in the Bible I believe had considerable influence as well.
Survival life stories and acts of heroism by real people are the ones compelling me to be a better person now that I’m middle aged.
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12 Answers
I am as good as I can get because I’m totally honest with whatever I do and whoever I do it with, including myself.
When I was very young it was expectations from my parents and also it was never in me to want to be mean or hurt anyone. I think it was because I felt safe and was shown good behavior by the people around me. If I did act out sometimes I was reminded of the golden rule and empathy.
As a child and especially in my early 20’s there were some dramatic examples of generosity given to me or someone very close to me and that was inspiring to me to do that for others. Pay it forward.
As I get older I feel good helping others and the pay it forward idea is even more meaningful. I also feel more a part of greater society and see how we all affect each other and the world.
I don’t want to be better – I want to be good, which is already what I am.
Saying I should strive to be ‘better’ implies that I am inadequate the way I am, and that I need to dig my way out of a hold to become better. I don’t buy that. (See earlier discussion about christian theology and being flawed).
I want to be me – likes, dislikes, brilliance, stupidity – whatever I am as the way it is.
Oh wow, I didn’t even really remember this Q was worded with the term “better” while I was writing. I wrote about being “good” and good behavior also. I didn’t even really realize it; even just after having that big discussion about it on the other Q.
This has been a little of an aha moment for me the last few days. Previously, I really didn’t understand the different thought processes and teachings between Christianity and Judaism on the topic of being good or better or sinful. It’s more clear to me now.
“My goal in life is to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.”
Paul Dunn
I try to learn from my mistakes, think about them, not repeat them and emulate the behavior of role models in various areas of my life.
Self reflection. I have a decent understanding of what a really good person would be like (or at least what I believe it to be). I try to look at that and compare to how I really am. There are gaps, as I believe there will always be. It becomes a challenge to me to close those gaps.
Sheer lazines.
Being a bad human takes a lot of effort. Take almost any sort of anti-social behaviours you can think of, and they all require considerable levels of effort and conscientiousness.
Megalomania… Just… one… more… level up..
Also hunger pains, encourage me to spend my money more wisely in the next month.
Also I am curious of what the next level of life is like.
Also having pushy mental health workers. If I had my choice I would just sleep, eat, Watch YouTube, and Fluther.
What compels me to be? Simply wanting to be.
I’m not sure compel is the word you’re looking for. But maybe it is.
force or oblige (someone) to do something
bring about (something) by the use of force or pressure:
“they may compel a witness’s attendance at court by issue of a summons”
Love, caring, and self-criticism.
I don’t have a quest to be ever better and better, though – in fact, I find that kind of thinking to be . . . problematic.
The golden rule is my prime directive. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
It bypasses all the superstition and tribalism of religions with the essential message.
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