Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What is self respect?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) August 17th, 2023

What are some examples of having self respect, and not having it?

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8 Answers

smudges's avatar

Treating yourself the way you would want others to treat you. A version of the Golden Rule.

Zaku's avatar

What one chooses to do to one’s own body, with food, drink, drugs, or other nurturing, risky, or damaging behavior.

seawulf575's avatar

Self respect is looking in the mirror and liking what you see. When you look at your life, you are happy with who you are, the decisions you have made to get to the place you are in life, etc. And if you see behaviors or actions you don’t like, you care enough to change them into things you do like.

mazingerz88's avatar

Moderating our indulgences in life for the purpose of keeping our physical form healthy, functional.

kritiper's avatar

Basically, liking yourself. Self esteem is the same thing, basically.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Respecting the decisions you are making in your life for yourself and those around you.

dabbler's avatar

The big premise of self-respect is a set of values. The more your values are well-defined the more you can tell what’s the right thing to do.
An honest assessment of how closely your actions align with your values can be the basis of a well-deserved self-respect when you get it right.

SABOTEUR's avatar

Recognizing your own worth. The realization that one’s self esteem does not depend on anything or anyone around you

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