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ragingloli's avatar

How do you pronounce "Piranha"?

Asked by ragingloli (52400points) August 18th, 2023

I have heard both “pee-ranna” and “pee-ranya”.

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15 Answers

chyna's avatar


jca2's avatar

I pronounce it like @chyna does but in Spanish, the “i” is an “ee” sound so I guess it’s actually supposed to be “pee-ranna.”

JLeslie's avatar

Kind of in between pa-ranah and pur-anah. More like pa-ranah.

JLeslie's avatar

The spanish word is piraña. So, pee-rah-gna. I don’t know how to write out a tilde n phonetically, so I wrote it in Italian like bologna. Lol. The English anna is not how the Spanish word would be pronounced.

snowberry's avatar

Per-ra-nah. It’s how everyone I knew pronounced it. I grew up in the Rocky Mountain area.

janbb's avatar

Puh-ran-na or pretty much like everyone else is saying.

zenvelo's avatar

I pronounce it with a short i. Pi- ranna.

It is a word from indigenous people, not from Spanish or Portuguese: pirá meaning fish and sainha meaning tooth; the same word is used by Indians to describe a pair of scissors. Another possible derivation is from pira nya, probably literally ‘biting-fish’.

jca2's avatar

This site has the audible of how to pronounce it in the English way and the Spanish way.

The English is how @chyna pronounces it. The Spanish is “pee-rahn-ya.”

LuckyGuy's avatar

I pronounce it like @chyna and @jca2 per ana or purr ana

filmfann's avatar

Purr raw nah

JLeslie's avatar

Nya. Of course that makes sense to write the n with a tilde that way. I couldn’t think of it.

Zaku's avatar

peer ah nah
per ah nah
or in-between

Jeruba's avatar

I put the r in the first syllable and pronounce the ñ as in señor: pir-ahn-ya.

cookieman's avatar

Under normal circumstances: pih-rah-na

All short vowel sounds.

If being attacked by one: aaAARR-PEERAARR-GGGGHHHH!!

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