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When do you decide to quit? (NSFW contains swears) (Details Inside)
I was triggered yesterday by an Aaron Cleary YouTube video. titled “Lazy” vs. ‘Fuck it”.
It is 36 minutes long if you want to listen to it. It contains swears, and has a republican anti feminist slant.
As Jellies may know I have mental health challenges, and I found relief from Aaron Cleary YouTube videos and books on Amazon. I thought that I was lazy in failing out of university in 1999–2001. Now I wonder if my problems where from not having self respect and trying to please everyone.
I stood up for my self, and worked out in the free gym, ghosted my professors, and got a job as most of my classes reeked of misinformation and useless fluff.
What is a time where you stood up for yourself
, and said “Fuck it”?
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