Knowing if my older dog has peed on her blanket. (Time to wash that…again)
Catching a wiff of a passer-by’s perfume/cologne. Some are so good I want to start following them. Ya know, in a non-stalkery way.
Becoming alert and relaxed to the smell of fresh-brewed coffee. My daughter liked the smell of coffee so much, she used to keep coffee beans in her pocket.
That briney, fresh smell from the ocean. I hate the beach, but I love the sound and smell of the ocean.
That slight mildew smell that lets you know the laundry was left in the washer too long. (Time to rewash those…again)
The smell of fresh basil, thyme, and rosemary. Mmmm, herbs.
A newborn baby’s head. Ahhh.
Towel right out of the dryer.
To tell if a car is burning oil or gas.
That tangy iron smell from rusty pipes and plumbing. Do not drink that water.
Cigar and pipe smoke. I hate cigarettes and smoking in general, but those two have a special place in my heart.
That whole house smell on Thanksgiving morning as the bird cooks in the oven.
The smell in the air just before a rain or snow storm.
That awesome corn chip smell of your dog’s paws. Their head has a great smell too.
Old leather furniture and old books have a great smell.