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JLeslie's avatar

Do newer iphones have the same size charging thingy as the new Ipad 10?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) August 20th, 2023

I hate Apple for always changing things and making it really difficult to plug into audio systems where I live and making me always buy accessories. I know I can just stop buying Apple, but let’s leave that aside for now.

I bought an Ipad 10 and the charger is some sort of new size. I cannot use my phone charger cable to charge the iPad. That will also I mean I cannot use my converter cable to play music from my ipad until I buy a new converter wire. Maybe I should have bought an older iPad?

I figure I have another year or two with my current phone, so I am rationalizing my new phone will match the wires for this new ipad. Is that a good assumption?

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

How old is the phone?

canidmajor's avatar

I have heard that Apple will be conforming all devices to the now standard usb-c plug. They did the iPads before the phones, but the iPhone 15 should be converting this fall.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb My phone is two years old. Why?

@canidmajor Thanks. I almost bought an iPad 9 to save some money, but then I decided to spend the extra since it had supposedly some big changes, but I didn’t know about the wire changing. Just so annoying.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie Fortunately, if you you need them, there are lots of adapters available (I have a couple) that are small and inexpensive.

JLeslie's avatar

I have adapters for my phone, but now I will need a different kind if I want to use the iPad for music. The adapters are easy to forget, and thin wires. For that matter my knock-off charging wire is better than my official Apple. Luckily, the adapter wires are relatively inexpensive, but I need two or three to be safe.

Just feels like a money grab.

I read Apple is only including a charging wire with new phones in the interest of saving the planet. Sure. That would be fine with me if they actually lowered their phone prices. Doubtful.

canidmajor's avatar

I used to love new tech, now my inner Luddite is emerging. Sometimes I miss having only 3–4 channels, and a landline to which you were tethered by a curly cord.
Grumpy ol’ me.

JLeslie's avatar

I absolutely miss copper phone lines that worked through power outages and natural disasters and 911 could figure out where I live.

I love having interesting channels on TV like Smithsonian and History channel, but at the same time with just 20 stations we could probably show all of the best shows, especially with DVR capability, and get rid of 24/7 political news. Wouldn’t that be nice.

zenvelo's avatar

The iPad I bought early last year requires a USB-C connector the old lightning connector does not work,

This was not Apple’s idea; the European Union mandated all connections for all electronic devices be universal adapters. Apple laptops already had USB-C power connectors. The Dell laptop I got at work earlier this year has a USB-C power connector. The hearing aids I bought last year are recharged with a USB-C connector.

In five years time, everything you use will require USB-C.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Thank you so much!

JLeslie's avatar


Because of @zenvelo’s answer I thought to try the new ipad cord in my year old laptop, and it works!

I’m officially happy that my new ipad has the newer USB for charging. Very happy Europe put their regulatory foot down.

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