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Mama_Cakes's avatar

I need help naming these two!

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) August 22nd, 2023 from iPhone

Brother and sister. The male is resting on the cat scratcher.

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36 Answers

chyna's avatar

Stach and beard
Oreo and tux
They are both beautiful!

ragingloli's avatar

Peanut & Butter
Salt & Pepper
Whisker & Whiskey
Kit & Kat
Tom & Jerry
Tic & Tac
Mew & Mewtwo
Copy & Paste
Yin & Yang
Fish & Chips
Purr & Fect
Jekyll & Hyde
Ping & Pong
Click & Clack
Tuna & Noodle
Boots & Socks
Hip & Hop
Spots & Dots
Tails & Whiskers
Rumble & Tumble

smudges's avatar

Love Stach and Beard. I was thinking along the same lines with:
FuManchu (or just Manchu) & Stach
Soul & Patch
Van & Dyke
Zapata & Dali – really like these

Forever_Free's avatar

Ripple & Sugaree

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Smudge and Buttons

cookieman's avatar

Contrast Agent and Sneak Attack

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@chyna gave my favorite suggestions.

janbb's avatar

Kit and Kat?

Zaku's avatar

I’d wait to see their personalities a bit.

Their colors remind me of orcas, so I might glance at this .

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Leaning towards Elora Danan or Morgan Le Fay for the female.

Funny, we’ve been calling her Beard. Black Beard, Beard, Beardus and Coach Beard (Ted Lasso.)

seawulf575's avatar

Frick and Frack
Jem and Scout

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb I prefer

Kit and Kaboodle

seawulf575's avatar

Lancelot and Guinevere

janbb's avatar

Sid and Nancy?

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb your humor is getting vicious.

janbb's avatar

^^ Punk you!

cookieman's avatar

I do like “Coach Beard”.

Hairballs are life!!!

janbb's avatar

Coach Beard and Keeley?

smudges's avatar

Ebony & Ivory

flutherother's avatar

Thunder and lightning.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Salt and Pepper

flutherother's avatar

Bubble and Squeak

kritiper's avatar

Pea and Flea.

janbb's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Let us know what you decide on.

mazingerz88's avatar

Joey and Jolie

kritiper's avatar

Romulus and Remus.

YARNLADY's avatar

Thing one and thing two

janbb's avatar

^^ But that was my kids’ names!

Poseidon's avatar

How about:

Hansel and Gretl?

They are both gorgeous.

smudges's avatar

I agree with waiting to see if their personalities suggest names.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Ended up being Ezra and Lilah.

chyna's avatar

Good names!

janbb's avatar

@Mama_Cakes I like those.

cookieman's avatar

Very nice!

smudges's avatar

I like them also! Fluther approves!

I remembered my dad talking about the Katzenjammer kids and thought Katzen and Jammer would be good, but that was the other day – way too late. ;)

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