Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Have you ever submitted an intention request to Lourdes in France?

Asked by JLeslie (65975points) August 22nd, 2023 from iPhone

A friend of mine received a bad medical diagnosis. She is very religious, Catholic, and I want to do something meaningful for her.

I found this submission form for an intention.,are%20read%20out%20during%20Mass.

What else can I do? Is there something I can buy in the church here that she would appreciate?

She hasn’t told her children yet, so it can’t be something where her name would be announced. Her daughter lives in the same town.

If I ask for the prayer in Lourdes, is that announced across all of the Catholicism in some way?

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4 Answers

longgone's avatar

What else can I do? Is there something I can buy in the church here that she would appreciate?

They might sell candles in your local churches, and those have usually been blessed by a priest. So to a Catholic, lighting one of those and thinking of a friend would certainly be significant. If the church does not sell candles, they’ll likely have candles there that you can light for your friend.

I’m sorry.

zenvelo's avatar

You can buy a mass intention for her at her local parish and ask the Parish to announce it as being “on behalf of a sick parishioner.” And her family can ask for a priest to conduct the Sacrament for the Sick (formerly know as Extreme Unction) where she will be anointed with holy chrism.

After she is willing to have her name announced, the parish will keep her in the weekly prayers of intention announced at Sunday Mass.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo She hasn’t told her children yet.

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie That is why I recommended “ask the Parish to announce it as being “on behalf of a sick parishioner.”

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