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LostInParadise's avatar

How is AI used to detect guns?

Asked by LostInParadise (32306points) August 31st, 2023

I read today that Philadelphia is using AI to detect whether students are carrying guns. Metal detectors are not used. The students don’t have to empty their bags. They just walk past two parallel poles.

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17 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not that I am aware of.

But as soon as the NRA and gun lobby becomes aware of AI as a gun-detection method, they will move to have AI made illegal or banned. They will do anything they can to have the power o kill people.

Lightlyseared's avatar

There’s a company called that monitors the images of a buildings security cameras and will contact the appropriate agencies with out human intervention. The argument is this speeds up response times. Someone may draw and make ready the weapon in an empty corridor before entering a classroom and shooting. If your system locks all the classroom doors when it detects a gun it potentially saves lives.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I hadn’t heard about it & my first thought was that everything is called AI now days & it sounds like metal detectors, so I searched for more info. You might want to read this Axios article explaining the differences.

Zaku's avatar

Image recognition routines scanning surveillance cameras. If they’re sane, they use it to alert a well-trained human to look at what the AI thinks it detected, before dispatching goons to go accost some student who set off an AI.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Zaku the CIA has already used AI to provide targets to automated drones without any human intervention. Why should the civilian do something the military didn’t think was necessary? ~

LuckyGuy's avatar

There are a few ways to sense it. For example, the posts can be transmitting at a certain frequency and emitting a magnetic field. The weapon disturbs that field as it passes through. Unfortunately, many other things disturb that field. So the system needs to learn what is ok and what is not. Once it learns, that info is uploaded and all the other machines are given the updated info.

A couple of years ago my carry-on luggage set off an alarm. I was pulled aside and asked a question. “Do you play the harmonica?” WTH??? The answer was YYes.” I had my Lee Oskar in C packed in my bag. For sure that info was uploaded since I was never bothered again. AI and the sharing of info make the machines smarter.

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t know but assume that there is harmful signal transmission involved.

kritiper's avatar

How can it be when some guns are made of plastic?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Cartridge properties: bullet and casing plus nitrates and other chemical identification.

By the way, I had a friend pulled aside at the airport after being at my home for a July 4th party. “Sir, Is there any reason you have GSR on your clothes?” This was the next day! They are that good!

Of course, he told them and that was ok.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I dont think this is the sam company Philly is using…hopefully

SnipSnip's avatar

Gun shot residue.

Zaku's avatar

@Lightlyseared I don’t understand your line of thinking in asking me that. It seems really obvious to me. Are you joking?

The CIA and military are in the business of killing people and accepting risks (or even certainty) of sometimes killing innocent people as a calculated risk.

College security is not.

Not to mention the thousand other reasons (privacy, legality, creating a hellish society, etc) why it’s a bad idea to use AI judgement of surveillance cameras to send security out to accost students.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@LostInParadise SnipSsnip is correct. My quote was exact. They said “GSR” not the full words. I guess they figured if you knew, you knew. He knew.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. In your case, it was “gun powder” residue. Unless you celebrated like you’re down here in the “Dirty Dirty.”...~

LuckyGuy's avatar

@MrGrimm888 We do… We do… You would be surprised. ;-)

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ha! Knowing America, I might not…

They have a system in place in many cities, where they can tell where a gunshot originated, and how many per day, etc…
Airports have really good systems for finding weapons, now…
It would surprise me more, if there weren’t already all sorts of data being taken from us. If I think of a great way to experiment how people react to things, TicTok and things like it would be ideal. Without us knowing, we have already taught computers too much about ourselves…

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