Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

Is your smart/sports watch starting to run your life?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43890points) September 1st, 2023

Mine sure is! The problem is, It’s absolutely correct!

I have a Garmin Forerunner 265, but that doesn’t matter. I’m guessing others, i.e. Apple watch, FitBit, Google Pixel, Samsung, Fossil, etc. are all about the same with similar functions – if you actually read the manual.

I start to feel tired in the evening and look at my watch and it says my Body Battery, BB, is 28% – so I go to bed.
I wake up on my own at 6:30 and the Body Battery says 78% so I go back to bed for another hour or so.
Today, I woke up at 6:30 and it said 93% so I got up and got a great start on the day!

I went to dinner at a friend’s house a couple of weeks ago and had a two big glasses of wine with refills. The watch showed me how my HRV heart rate variability was affected by the alcohol, how long it took my body to process it, and indicated the increased rate of discharge on my body battery. My BB was at 19% when I got home and went to bed. The next morning I felt like crap and my BB was at 51%, but I had to get up.

The night before last, we got together again. This time I listened to my watch. I declined much of the wine and insisted I needed to leave by 8:00 PM. The next morning my BB was at 92% and I felt great!

Now the damn thing is telling me I haven’t been working out enough recently! I am “Detraining.” It’s true. I skipped running for the past 2 weeks because it was hot out. The nagging inspired me to do a short, hard run this morning after breakfast and again just before lunch. Now it says I need 17 hours to recover. I’m good with that.

So much data… I love this damn thing!

Are you actually listening to the information your smart watch is giving you? Have you tried to do what it says for 2 weeks?

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70 Answers

janbb's avatar

No and I don’t even have one. I’m not the engineer you are; I don’t run my life like a well-oiled machine. However, I do enjoy looking at my steps walked daily on my phone.

zenvelo's avatar

My Apple watch is a few years old and not as sophisticated as your Garmin. It tracks my exercise and comments on how often I meet goals, but it does not chastise me.

The concept of Body Battery is alien to me.

seawulf575's avatar

I had a generic FitBit for a while. I didn’t get that into it. I think I still have it but couldn’t begin to tell you where. So no…it doesn’t control my life. I refuse to get any kind of smart watch.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@seawulf575 I do not allow mine to connect to the internet. The Bluetooth and Wifi are turned off and it does not know the passwords to my phone or router. Everything it has is kept locally. I am fascinated by the technology and the mathematics of it all.

@zenvelo If you wear it noncontinuously for about a month it learns how your body operates in almost all modes. It tracks respiration and heart rate during all your normal activities: sleep, walking, running, eating, sitting, etc, it also looks at your PO2 every few minutes or, to save battery, only when you are sleeping. It also has accelerometers and a GPS so it knows how much you move. Based upon your movement and your weight it calculates how much work you did and how many calories you have burned. It uses all those numbers to calculate your VO2MAX which sort of tells it how much work you can do and how efficiently your heart and lungs are working. That kind of tells it the size of your battery. That number slowly updates about once per month.
The Body Battery figures out how much you have burned physically and mentally through stress. I watched the movie Gone Girl, which I found very stressful and tense, and discharged my battery ~2%. The next night I watched a Jim Gaffigan comedy special and charged about 3%. Same time, same couch, different show. I could feel that i was tense watching gone Girl and was exhausted at the end. I felt great after the comedy special. This was the first time I was actually able to put a number on it.
I proved to myself that I don’t need to watch that kind of movie. Reading Scientific American before bed charges my battery 1 or 2%. That is better for me.
The idea of Body Battery is a clever concept.

@janbb Of course it counts steps as well. That was what I used to check. This device really brings data taking up to a whole new level.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not need a sport watch, If I do not do sport. *taps side of the head *

RocketGuy's avatar

I had a sore throat and was feeling kind of tired the other day. My FitBit said my pulse was almost 100 bpm. The last time that happened, I had Covid. So I dug out a Covid test => positive!

I got over-confident and went around without a mask last weekend. Grr!

Forever_Free's avatar

@LuckyGuy As you know I have a Garmin Epix Gen2. I purchased it to do all the body metric elements and more. My Apple watch and former Fitbit devices just didn’t give me enough data. Not to mention that their battery life sucked.
I am learning how to adjust myself and daily things based on the readings. I however am not letting it run my life. I am a person that pushes myself mentally, academically and physically. These all play a role and a toll in how I feel and what my Garmin watch tells me.
The other day it told me that my Training Readiness was “Strained”. It also stated that my Recovery Time was 69 hours. I read it and thought about it. Then I just put on my court shoes and went and played 3 hours of medium to high intensity play on the court. I think I did a weight workout too for 45 minutes. I slept like a baby and got up and did the same thing again.
While I love knowing and watching the trends, I love being active more.
What I really use my Garmin for is tracking all my activity automatically. Weight workout simply count my reps and show me the muscle groups I am using.
Get on my bikes and it shows me my stats without the push of a button. Go hiking and it tells me the distance, elevation, pace, etc etc etc.
Hit a button for the start of my court games and is shows me a plethora of elements from calories, avg speed, max speed, etc.
It honestly amps up my efforts.
Steve Austin never had the metrics I have.

SnipSnip's avatar

I remain free and free of such smart items.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Forever_Free You know you are my hero! :-) Clearly your Body Battery is bigger than mine

At this moment my device says my Training Status is: “Recovery.” Because I was working hard today (shoveling leftover crushed stone that I gave to my neighbor – who gave me a peach crostata in return), it wants me to wait 17 hours from now ,5 pm, . before working hard again. It also suggested I add more low aerobic workouts: “Work in more easy runs to balance your higher intensity activities” . I like to run hard and fast and usually with a couple of pounds of extra arm weights. 160 beats per minute. I don’t usually go long distances because it takes a lot of time and gets boring. Maybe I’ll do a longish, slow one tomorrow to make my Garmin happy.
See? It is running my life.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I have had several, I now use the garmin instinct. I don’t use many fancy features, so it certainly is not ruling my life. I use it to track my activities like cycling. I can pair sensors with it like cadence, speed and a more accurate chest heart rate monitor.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Blackwater_Park I just checked out the Instinct. It also has the Body Battery Energy Monitor. You might find it interesting to see how it correlates with how you feel. After wearing mine for about 3 months it knows my body well – probably better than I do.
The problem i see with these is the vast number of options and menus (rabbit holes) that lead you to features you didn’t know existed.

Since you have a chest heart rate monitor, have you compared it to your wrist monitor? I can’t believe I am actually saying this… I was considering purchasing one but I talked myself out of it by believing my wrist sensor is accurate enough. Is it?

chyna's avatar

In a way it is. I’m in competition with my two brothers. I sync my Fitbit when I go to bed. If I see that I’m close to overtaking them in steps, I’ll jump out of bed and walk around my house to get more steps.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@LuckyGuy It’s not that accurate, it’s close, but not accurate. Long-term it’ll get your resting correct but for more instantaneous readings you need a real HR monitor. Casual reading you don’t need a separate unit. If you exercise close to your maximum HR then you do.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^ Damn you @Blackwater_Park ! Just what I need…. more data. :-)

Hey @Forever_Free Did you see @Blackwater_Park‘s post above? Do you have a a heart rate monitor?

@chyna That’s good for you. And it tells your brothers that you’re active and ok. Nice!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@LuckyGuy Let me rephrase this, it is accurate but not precise. The chest worn unit is more precise.

Forever_Free's avatar

Went up 1 on VO2Max yesterday after a 30 mile cycle in the muggy heat.

Yes, I have a Garmin HRM Pro-Plus. I wear it cycling, hiking, or when on the court. Typically whenever I am doing an activity that is a training or heavy aerobic sport. Yes, it provides a more precise reading that the wrist.
I also have a Garmin speed and cadence device on my bikes when I ride. What is nice about them is I can switch the over amongst my various bikes (changing the wheel circumference in the settings).
Love the metrics.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You guys are killing me! Ok Ok I’ll buy one. But first, one more question. Have you tried using the HRM to measure your HRV during sleep?

Today I was flying my drone using IFR rules(Instruments only, not visual flight rules. Relax, I’m properly licensed). I’ve been practicing maneuvers that require more than 2 commands simultaneously. E.g. Rotate, climb, traverse, at the same time. Dive and sideslip, rotate, pitch camera. It is so complex for my head I get exhausted.
After I used up one of the batteries I went inside to calm down. I looked at my watch and, of course, my Garmin logged 60+ stresses for 4 duration bars, 15–20 minutes, on my Body Battery screen! Physically i was standing in the shade looking down at the screen but mentally the invisible gymnastics were torturing me. My 265s knew it! Very cool.

janbb's avatar

Oh God, LG – just go to therapy and then you’ll know how you’re feeling without all the technology! But I understand that you enjoy it.

Forever_Free's avatar

@LuckyGuy Love it! The secret life behind the scenes of the Bionic Man Metrics.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am starting to get a good idea of how much certain activities cost in stress and Body Battery. I’m already making adjustment.
This puts numbers to the statement “Don’t waste your time, nor suffer fools gladly.”

With my “Excellent” VO2Max I have a big battery and can expend that energy on things that accomplish a task that needs to be done or lowers my stress number and brings me joy.
A romp twixt the sheets is definitely worth the BB expenditure. I need more data to quantify it with precision.

Hey @Blackwater_Park, and @Forever_Free With your fancy schmancy HRM devices, have you taken data on that? BB readings before and after and Stress during?

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s 6:50 am now. I got up about 20 minutes ago. I could have stayed in bed for another hour or so but I looked at my watch and it had other ideas. It said my BB was at 72%, my Training Readiness was “High” and my Recovery Time was 0 hours. That was enough of a nag to get me up and start moving.
The coffee is brewing and I’ll have a bagel with lox and whipped cream cheese and a few capers. ‘ll do Wordle, Quordle, and Connections while enjoying them. That will keep my stress low. Thanks Garmin

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I have just started using my Instinct. I lost my forerunner 35 that I used for years and it did not do the body battery/stress thing so I have not paid too much attention to those metrics yet. I only use the separate HR monitor when I’m going mountain biking and I know I’ll be hitting my max HR and need to know when to stop for a while. When I’m out of shape I hit it quickly. When I’m in shape I seldom do. I ruptured my right bicep tendon Sunday so I’ll be out of commission for a few months unfortunately. I’ll be pulling it out in the spring when I’m healed up enough to go riding again.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Sorry to hear about your injury. Can you still go for walks with leg weights? At least the Instinct can track your other day to day metrics. I didn’t check if your watch has Stress on the BB 4 hour summary screen. I was shocked to see how much stress a single glass of wine puts on my body. I have reduced consumption, which was already pretty light, to virtually zero. I had some champagne the other night because there were 4 of us and we were having a get together to celebrate an event. I must admit I looked at my watch a few times to see how my body processed it.

LuckyGuy's avatar

OK 830 The air is still relatively cool 73 so air density is on the higher side. I will fly the drone IFR and report my Stress level . It was in the 20–22 range while i was just Fluthering but it jumped to 31 and holding when I started thinking about the drone. Wow.
Here goes.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I did notice that alcohol raises my resting HR significantly as well as wrecks sleep quality. As a result I pretty well gave it up. Thank Garmin for that. Fun fact, Dr Min Kao one of the founders of Garmin is an alumni and donated a large sum of money to the engineering school I went to. Enough to rebuild a good portion of the engineering campus. As far as the injury, I suspect I’ll be down for a couple weeks after surgery and then I’ll be able to take walks. I’m trying to learn how to do everything left handed ahead of time. Typing is slow but swapping the mouse over and remapping the buttons has helped. It’s shocking just how functional my arm is without a bicep attached. I don’t notice the injury unless I try to lift something with any heft. Then I realize it’s only operating at like 20%

LuckyGuy's avatar

Garmin has helped us all.

Drone report. I did 20 minutes of IFR flying and was whipped when I came back inside. My Stress was in the 40–45 range with a peak of 51. I was sitting in a chair the whole time, just looking at the screen and data. No physical activity. But Garmin knew my brain was working hard.
I exceeded the speed limit on my road by 11 mph! It scared me.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just had a 350 ml bottle of sake with an order of sushi. My Stress score jumbed from low 30s to low 50s. My Body Battery discharged 3% in 45 minutes. That is about the same energy discharge of an orgasm. And there is no question which gives me more enjoyment.
I think I’m through with alcohol.
Thank you Garmin!

Forever_Free's avatar

^^ Interesting alignment of words there with discharge.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^^ The thought did cross my mind. I’m glad you noticed.

I had about 20 minutes of high stress today. 61! A neighbor was attacked by a swarm of ground yellow jackets and I happened to be nearby and heard her screaming. She is in her early 60s. She also had her 3 year old grandson with her and he was naked from the waist down because he had peed in his undies. She was picking tomatoes in the garden and stepped on the nest. The yellow jackets did not go after me nor her grandson, just her. After brushing off the yellow jackets I got her into the house and called her daughter who called 911. I ran to get a couple of EpiPens and albuterol. The ambulance came quickly and whisked her off to the hospital.
A couple of hours later at dinner I looked at my watch and there were the stress spikes. One 4 minute segment did not read because I was moving too much – probably when I was shooing the yellow jackets off or getting her in the house. But the other 4 were there.
The Garmin knows all!

jca2's avatar

@LuckyGuy That’s an awful event for your neighbor. So scary. So scary especially because she had the child outside, too.

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy Your neighbor was the “LuckyWoman”. So glad you were there to help her.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yes. She was indeed lucky. I heard the screaming and saw her fluffing her hair. I thought she was playing around with her grandson. When I got closer I saw that it was bad and did what needed to be done. I fully expected to get stung and was surprised that she was the only one targeted.

A Stress level of 61 is near the highest I have ever seen. The highest was when I was flying the drone! It is interesting that my autonomic system was more stressed by the mental work of handling 2 and 3 commands simultaneously than taking care of this poor woman and getting the 3 year old out of harm’s way.

jca2's avatar

How is your neighbor now, @LuckyGuy? Did she tell you how many times she was stung? What a total nightmare.

LuckyGuy's avatar

She’s home and doing fine. She was not admitted to the hospital as things had stabilized by the time she got there. We figure she was stung a minimum of 12 times and a max of about 20. All over! It was so hot out that day she was wearing only shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt She was stung in her arm pit, back of the legs, neck, head, arms.
I went to the nest this morning at 6:30 am and emptied a full can of foaming Spectracide Bee and Wasp spray into the entrances. (There were two!)
I’ll check on it again tomorrow.

jca2's avatar

There was a story about ten years ago, in a town about a half hour from here, where a man fell into a ditch on his property and I guess there was a bees’ nest or wasp nest in the dutch, and the insect attack killed him. I was going to link it but I can’t find the article, but in googling, I found a lot of articles about people killed by beest and wasps. Scary.

Forever_Free's avatar

Have you checked out the new “Endurance” metric on your Garmin. Mine showed up recently as new.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Oh man… I will look for it.
I just got home – 10:14pm. I was at a friend’s house tonight for dinner and drinks. Thanks to Garmin I cut back on drinks and decided to leave earlier than usual saying my Body Battery was at 33%.
Pre-Garmin days I would have had more to drink and would stay out until 11 or 11:30 – and I’d feel like crap the next day.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I see that Endurance is not available on my model but other things are.
Garmin Updates Sept 5

jca2's avatar

@LuckyGuy I saw a post in a local app about wasps and yellow jackets. A lady wrote that she got stung a few times outside and then they chased her inside and stung her again. The pest control person found several huge ground nests. A friend of hers sprayed a nest against the house and thought that was the last of it, but the wasps had no way out so they ate through the walls and came bursting into the house. This lady’s pest control guy said the same thing would happen to her – the wasps would eat their way through her walls and come into the house. She said she got mosquito bites and they reactivated the misery of the yellow jacket stings. She’s recommending using a professional if you find a big nest on your property.

Someone else on the post wrote that her husband died because he had stents and he got stung by yellow jackets and his blood clotted from the stings.

So scary. People on this post are saying the bees and wasps are bad this year.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I agree @jca2. They are ugly this year. I went to the ground nest this morning to check on things. There was one yellow jacket flying around. That means there are probably 10,000. ;-)
I dusted it with 5% Carbaryl. They will get it on their hairs and carry it inside.
I’ll check again tomorrow.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The Garmin did it to me again! I will be hosting a 4 day event at my home at the end of the month so I am under a lot of stress getting things ready. To protect people from the weather I also had a 20×10 ft gazebo installed on my patio. Now I’m running electrical, lights, signs, solar lights, to get it ready. All this is leading to my Body Battery being lower than I like in the evening: 20 – 30% range. Since I have been worrying and thinking about it at night my sleep has not been the best so I’m only charging to 70— 85% range. Adequate but not great. (I’ve had days when my BB was 95 to 100% and felt incredibly awake and energetic in the morning.)
So… I’ve been following my watch and going to bed earlier, watching light, not serious or depressing TV streaming a couple of short Omeleto videos before bed and falling asleep easily. I reduced my water intake about 2 hours before bed so I don’t need to get up a couple of times during the night. Now I only get up once about 3 hours after hitting the sheets.
I experimented with the Garmin’s breathing app to relax my autonomic system. (Called 4,4,4,4). 4 sec inhale, 4 hold, 4 sec exhale, 4 sec hold. for 5 minutes with the watch giving me a gentle buzz when the 4 seconds are up and showing what I am supposed to be doing if I get out of synch. Meanwhile it is taking readings of heart rate variation, stress, and who know what else. All I know is when I’m done, my stress score is low, and I fall asleep quickly. I’m sure Apple has a similar thing.
The watch is making me healthier. Now if it can just teach me how to play the harmonica…..

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Forever_Free @Blackwater_Park You know I love this watch! It’s getting smarter and smarter every week!
I saw something interesting the other day. I got my new Covid vaccine boosterand flu shots Wednesday evening before dinner. No problems . My arms were a little sore the next morning but I felt fine. By the end of the day my arms were back to normal.

I felt fine all day and went about my normal business. Around 8:30 pm I notice I was more tired than usual. I checked my Body Battery and it was 22. Definitely time for bed. When I scrolled up to see how I spent that energy I saw that the increase was due to reduced HRV indicating higher stress. I went to bed soon after and woke up in the morning feeling great at 76% BB. The HRV and stress levels were back to normal. The watch could absolutely tell I had something done. I estimate the effect on my HRV and Stress to be about the same as 1.5 to 2 ounces of wine every 4 hours. Nothing that I would notice but my Garmin 265s saw it.
Very cool!

Forever_Free's avatar

I have been at my house in Maine all week and need to recalibrate my Garmin as it thinks I am at -153 ft to sea level all week. Better now after the recal. 66ft above sea level

There is fable that my Garmin found as fact now. I have been told by friends that it take 3 days to adjust to the different oxygen level on the island. Well my Pulse OX, Respiration, Stress, and Body Battery all showed signs of it the first 3 days. Today, my 4th day show marketed signs of being acclimated.

Forever_Free's avatar

I have to ask, What is your favorite stat?

LuckyGuy's avatar

How much of an altitude difference are you talking about? I am at 253 ft. and spend most of my time right here. Is your watch ABC function turned on? Altitude, Barometer, Compass That should fix it easily.

Clearly my favorite is Body Battery and the Stress plot that displays when I swipe up. I am learning a lot from the based upon HRV. I’m seeing all sorts of things – effect of: alcohol consumption, vaccination, thinking, worrying… All of these show up at levels I cannot detect myself. Very useful. If there is a big change that I can feel, I can make adjustments by either forcing myself to a few cycles of 4,4,4,4 breathing or getting up and doing something else.

My VO2 Max is stable and has not changed in 6 weeks. Sleep score varies basically like I estimate so that is not enlightening. PO2 is stable,

LuckyGuy's avatar

My 4 day event has concluded! People came from 7 states and Canada.
I had to be “ON” for the entire time and it was exhausting.
My Body Battery is usually 80% – 85% when I wake up and 35 – 40% when I go to bed.
My wake up numbers for Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun.
My bedtime numbers were:22….19….16…14…19!
I was a basket case by Sunday night.
Time for a 2 day nap!

Forever_Free's avatar

Those later numbers sound like mine. Sadly there was no party or visitors.

LuckyGuy's avatar

How can you function with numbers that low?! I’m bumping into the walls when I’m below 20.
I am catching up now and am feeling much better.
My wake up numbers for Mon, Tues,
My bedtime number was:...42

Dude, You need to take a day off and sleep after a nice 2% Body battery discharge. ;-)
Get on that!

Forever_Free's avatar

Right after my 90 minute court game today.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Wait!!! Before you play, check your Body Battery. before and after. It’s for Science!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just changed my watch display to show: Time, Heart rate, Steps, VO2Max, Body Battery, and watch battery %.

Now I can just glance down at my watch and see Body Battery without searching. That way I can take readings of activities quietly without searching or fiddling. If I hold my finger over the BB display it will also show a 4 hour stress plot. That is perfect for seeing the effects of alcohol and maybe other drugs.

I love this damn thing!

Forever_Free's avatar

Started the day with a BB of 83. It dropped to 54 after 90 minutes on the court.
During those 90 minutes I tracked 2.1 miles with an average pace of 1.4mph and peak speed of 7.5mph.
Sleep scores above 80 for a week also help knowing what I can put myself through the next day.
Okay, time to go chop some wood.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Forever_Free Thank you ! That is great data! 29% in 1.5 hours! That’s 10 “O” worth! It is interesting to see how much you discharge on the court. Do you feel “slow” when your BB gets below a certain value? I know I feel like crap if my BB is below 30. I should make a rule to not make any financial decisions if BB is below 35. During my event my sleep scores were 75, 74, 62, 40. Now they are recovering to 78,74,78,
I’m going for a short run after I finish breakfast and I’ll see how much I discharge.

I love this thing! It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made – it’s making me healthier!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just did a moderately fast walk in the sunshine and 85F heat. Pace 15:07 min/mile for 1.27 miles. Body battery went from 47 to 45 in 20 minutes. 6%/hr discharge rate. Of course these numbers are crude. More data is needed.
Your number dropped 19.3% per hour.

Forever_Free's avatar

@LuckyGuy So today I played for 3 hours. I charted two different 90 minute sessions.
The first 90 minutes was with a higher level of players than the second 90 minute session.
It was also hot and sunny 80 degree morning here. I downed 1 gallon of water in those 3 hours.
I started the day with a BB of 75. Went to the Dentist for a cleaning and stayed at 75.
Hit the gym and did a short upper body workout. Went from 75 to 72
First 90 Minute games took me from 72 to 61.
Second 90 Minute session went from 61 to 55
Showed a mild amount of stress while in the dentist chair but not much more than a session with my Senior VP. That said, the afternoon of work brain tasks brough my BB down now to 38.
I don’t feel slow unless my BB number if 5 or below. I did feel slow after 3 hours on the court but recouped.

Nice to see my VO2Max go up another point. My Fitness age is now 11 years younger than real age.
Yes, I do love the stats and how it helps me regulate/refrain. I consider it pro-active health choices based on the readings.

Time to log off and enjoy making something in the kitchen then have a quiet evening reading.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Two 90 minute sessions and your BB only dropped from 72 to 55!!! Only 17% in 3 hours. Holy Energizer, Batman!!!
And you function when you are above 5%?!

This morning I did a 4.5 mile walk/run with 1.5 pound wrist weights weights for a little over an hour. I was beat. My BB dropped from 72 to 53. 19% discharge!

Clearly your BB is bigger than mine. We need to track calories burned now. I’m guessing you burn 2x my load – about 2000 to 2200 per day.

Forever_Free's avatar

BB Size does not matter. It is what you do with it.
I do okay with low BB and try to chill. I looked at my BB stats over the last 3–4 months. I typically drain to and average of 20. I however see that most of my active days have me around 5–10 by the days end. I make sure I get good sleep on those nights.
So my caloric burn averages 2900 per day with Active calories about 1100. I looked at yesterday stats and had 4200 Calories out with Active calories being 2305.
I canceled my court games today and only did gym workout on upper body as I had a full days work scheduled.
Love the stats.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Congrats on the VO2Max increase! I know it is hard fought.
Mine has been holding flat since 8/11. I’m a little disappointed that it has not increased. Have I plateaued? If so, it’s not a bad place to stop. “Excellent” for someone 10 years younger and “Good” for someone 20 years younger. Not a bad place to be.
Active calories today (as of 9:20 pm) were 859 out of total 2390. This was an unusually strenuous day. It says my recovery time is 62 hours! I can’t imagine your Active Calories 2305! Energizer bunny indeed!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Last night Garmin said my Training Readiness score was 2. 2! This morning after a good night’s sleep it is 16. Suggested activity: “Rest” and it had a picture of a beach with a palm tree! That is a first for me. I will do my usual house and grounds stuff. but not do any specific running.

Forever_Free's avatar

The VO2Max is truly a good measurement of health as we know. It is my goal to raise it, but have not done any targeted training. Hiking over time has seemed to be the best increase activity for me. I wasn’t able to get out on the Bike as much as I wanted to due to court time.
My plan for the winter is to focus on more Nordic Ski added to my Alpine ski.
Not being a runner, I know that aerobic efforts like cycling, nordic ski, swimming. HITT cross training will help.
Mine said “Rest” today also as the sleep wasn’t as good. I will keep a 90 minute court time today before my 6.5 hour drive to Maine for the long weekend. Hurricane Philippe is headed straight for my place in Penobscot Bay.
I wonder if indoor painting and wood floor stripping is trackable on my Garmin?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hopefully your drive in the car will give you BB a little time to recharge a few %. Then you have the whole weekend to relax. But I know you won’t. There are 100 1000 things that need fixing and winter is coming . And you have Philippe heading your way.

My BB was at 93% when I got up this morning. I feel great! I put on 2.5# each leg, 1.5# each arm and four 1 pounders in my pants pockets. With clothes that comes to ~10% of my body weight. I will be ready for bed tonight!

I agree with you about the VO2 Max being a good indicator of fitness and health. Maybe that should be one of the bits of data you need to enter on a dating profile.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yesterday I took an “off day.” I only had about 8000 steps – about ½ to ⅓ of my normal.
I did no heavy work outdoors.due to the rain and high winds, so at the end of the day my BB was at 49. I was still able to go to bed around 9:00 and watched some stand-up. Louie Andersen before falling asleep .
I woke up at 7:30 with my BB at 99!
I feel GREAT this morning. I am ready for anything!
Do I feel this great because my watch said 99? Would I feel the same if it had said 65?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I got a heart rate monitor HRM Pro + . It arrived yesterday and I tried wearing it last night to bed.
It gave me nightmares. Maybe it is too tight. I also cannot tell if the monitor is being used for night time heart rate or the watch.
Hey @Forever_Free and @Blackwater_Park Do you ever go to bed wearing the monitor?
Do you know if your heart rate is being tracked by the monitor, or the watch?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Never have. I used it for cycling. When I’m out of shape like I am now, I rely on it to tell me I’m hitting my max HR and to take a rest. Unless I’m making some major life changes, I don’t wear the watch to bed either. I know my resting HR and what affects it.
This reminds me, yesterday I was cleaning off a bookshelf and found my old one I thought I had left in a hotel room. It charged fine even after a couple of years of sitting there with no charge. I may wear it on the other arm to compare the two.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Blackwater_Park Nice find!
I’m still wearing my old one and my new. The old one is connected to Garmin Connect. The new one isn’t…yet.

Forever_Free's avatar

@LuckyGuy Never have worn the HRM or anything to bed.
I only wear it during specific activities when I care for the more accurate readings.
Enjoy the new toy.

LuckyGuy's avatar

OK… I broke down and finally connected my Forerunner 265s to Garmin connect. So. much. information….
I love it!

I have been wearing the HRM since my evening shower last night. I did a Trail Run today and I know it connected . I also did the 5 minute breathing activity. I can;t tell if it connected during that.
I won’t bother wearing it unless I am doing a specific activity – Run, Trail Run, Walk.
I can’t wait to see my running metrics. Fun!

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s official. I just retired my Forerunner 235, today, Oct 25. I took it off my left wrist and moved my new 265s from my right arm to my left.
I downloaded all the data from the 235 and will put it back in the drawer in case I ever need it.
It has watched my VO2 Max grow from Fair to Excellent and has served me well. But it is time to move on.

Also, I am now an official Beta tester for 265 series software. We’ll see if it makes any difference.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^^ Awesome. I went to Beta testing immediately after getting my Epix.

The stats in Connect are amazing and you can update them if you forget to stop the activity.
I love doing a gym workout and the Garmin auto senses if I am doing a leg squat or a barbell curl. The stats on that show an anatomical representation of muscle worked representation. So amazing.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I have another interesting data point to share.

Yesterday, election day, I worked as an inspector I had to be there from 5 AM (one hour before polls open to set up the machines and record data) and stay until 10 pm (one hour after polls close to record data and close machines.) We got an hour break in the middle of the day to eat.
I woke up at 3AM, Body ‘battery was 57. I got ready, drove to the place and arrived at 4:45 AM.
I worked all day and watched my BB fall. By the time I got home at 10:30 PM, my Body Battery was 8! I was whipped. Took another shower and went to bed at 11:15, BB at 7.
My record low. I felt awful!
Woke up at 6 AM BB at 47. I will nap later and try to get it back up.

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