Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is it an accurate generalization that men want sex, and women want children? (NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25192points) September 1st, 2023

Just wondering?

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27 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

No. That’s incredibly simplistic in 2023 and often wrong.

To get a good understanding, you need to read ancient anthropology – specifically the composition of tribes and how bigger tribes meant more power in whatever lands the tribe was living.

Men were generally hunter gatherers, but domestically their job was to impregnate their wives (plural) so as to create lots of offspring, thereby making the tribe stronger. Re read your Bible – Joseph and his 11 brothers through several of Isaac’s wives. Isaac’s family became a near-dynastic family because of it’s size and power.

The bottom line is that 2023 is not 2000 BC. Your assertion is way out of date.

smudges's avatar

Good gawd no! Not sure where you would even get that idea these days.

kritiper's avatar

You got it ½ right.
Men, in general, want sex because that is what they think about the most.
Women, in general, want security.

smudges's avatar

^^That’s what’s wrong with generalizations, they’re often wrong.

gorillapaws's avatar

@kritiper This may blow your mind, but many women want sex too, because they enjoy sex. And that’s totally ok, because of course it is! Why wouldn’t it be?

canidmajor's avatar

The term “accurate generalization” is an oxymoron. I expected better of you, @RedDeerGuy1.

@kritiper, however didn’t surprise me at all. <eyeroll>

SABOTEUR's avatar

I guess, but I wouldn’t phrase it like that. I believe…(note I said “believe”, as in “not necessarily fact)...women are more inclined to develop an emotional attachment to sexual partners than men. Men generally just like how it feels.

That is, that’s what I used to think. People seem more sexually active and indifferent to sex now than when I was younger. Today’s women seem as casually indifferent to sex as men have always been.

“Just something to do”.

SnipSnip's avatar

No. Best to stay away from overgeneralizations like this.

cookieman's avatar

In my case, I wanted sex and children and my wife wanted neither. ;^)

I exaggerate a bit, but she’s always been middling about sex and had zero interest in getting pregnant. I am certainly a fan of the former and was super excited to become a father (via adoption).

jca2's avatar

The generalization sounds caveman-ish.

Forever_Free's avatar

Men need sex to feel connected women have sex if connected

seawulf575's avatar

Anyone that believes they know what men and women want in this current world is likely to be the first to prove they know nothing. We are living in a world where men believe they are women, women want to be men, someone asking another person out for a date runs a risk of being branded as a creep or a stalker, basic relationships have no structure or real meaning, loyalty is a thing of the past….the whole shebang is a mess.

janbb's avatar

Speak for yourself wulfie!

flutherother's avatar

My wife and I each wanted sex and children and so things worked out pretty well for us for almost 25 years.

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb I certainly wouldn’t speak for you. But it’s interesting you just attacked me and not what I stated. Did I happen to touch a nerve, maybe?

canidmajor's avatar

@seawulf575 You are calling that an attack? Silly boy.

cookieman's avatar

s o m e b o d y ‘ s
s e n s i t i v e

jca2's avatar

@cookieman Somebody who shall r e m a i n n a m e l e s s…...

flutherother's avatar

@seawulf575 And some believe they are penguins. The world is coming to an end.

jca2's avatar

Don’t any of you Lefties have a cry-closet around that’s not being used at the moment?

janbb's avatar

@flutherother I’m trans-species, woohoo!

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb Well, your entire comment to me was about me, not my comment. When you can’t address the conversation but only the speaker, what is that if not an attack? I could call it ignorant but that WOULD be an attack.

canidmajor's avatar

It was simply a comment. Really. But you enjoy the imagined slight, there.

But then, you consider it a macro aggression when white men are made a little fun of on TV. :-D

kritiper's avatar

My generalized comments above were based on my lifelong study of the subject. Any opinions of disapproval or disbelief from some others here are of no consequence to me and will not change my POV.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I flagged my question as it makes more sense to be accurate or a generalization.

jca2's avatar

@kritiper For the record, none of my comments were directed toward you.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Not in my opinion.

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