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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever taken a taxi after a large purchase from Costco?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) September 3rd, 2023

Please describe the logistical challenges in wholesale grocery shopping without a car?

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9 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve never shopped at Costco because I don’t need it. I don’t see how a person living on their own needs it.

Are you really saving that much money buying in bulk just for yourself if you are having difficulties getting the product to your home?

I’m sorry. I know I’m not being helpful. I’m just perplexed.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@jonsblond I save money on bulk chocolates, and I love Costco brand rotisserie chickens. I love the Costco food court, and I would love to eat at it more often.

Last time that I shopped in person I needed to find different types of cardboard boxes to hold my groceries. It was a pain to carry all the groceries home. I have Instacart now, and rarely go to Costco anymore.

I find that wholesale club store Is much cheaper in person than online. The caveat is that it costs $40 combined to take a taxi, and it better be worth the trip. That is why I buy case lots of chocolate bars. They are compact, and easy to transport with a gym bag, and a backpack.

I usually spend all night preparing my online orders, for fun. It is my hobby to search for groceries online, and in person. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

jca2's avatar

I go to Costco a lot – usually once a week, sometimes more, sometimes not for two weeks but then a few times within a week, so average once a week. I have a car so I don’t need to take a taxi. Costco is about ten miles from my house and it would be cost-prohibitive for me to take a taxi there and back. It wouldn’t be worth it for me if I didn’t have a car, because even if I went less often and had to spend 40 dollars (let’s say just a guess what it would cost), that would be 80 dollars plus tip, total and that would eat up any savings I’d get from shopping there.

smudges's avatar

You can pay Walmart (or other places) a flat fee once a year and get free delivery as much as you want. I pay Walmart $98/yr plus I get Paramount free.

SnipSnip's avatar

No. I have heard a tax driver complain about people riding the bus to the supermarket and taking a cab home so the driver would take the purchases into the house.

jca2's avatar

I guess if the taxi driver doesn’t help the passenger with their packages, the alternative is it takes the passenger longer to unload all their stuff.

jonsblond's avatar

My apologies RedDeer. I was not helpful. I was having a bad night when I answered.

SnipSnip's avatar

@jca2 It was company policy to help older folks get parcels into their home. To make it worse they might only live ½ miles from the store. This was years ago and I have no idea how they now operate.

jca2's avatar

@SnipSnip When I was younger and would take a taxi or knew people who took a taxi, the taxi drivers would take your bags out of the car trunk and leave them on the sidewalk, or maybe take them to the front door. They didn’t carry them into the house but maybe they would if the person was elderly or infirm. Not sure what the policy is now.

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