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seawulf575's avatar

What would your reaction be if you were warned of 5 dates in your future?

Asked by seawulf575 (17310points) September 4th, 2023

I previously asked how you would react to knowing the time of your death. I got a variety of answers and I thank you all. I have a book from Dean Koontz called Life Expectancy. In that book, an a boys birth his dying grandfather sits up and starts making predictions about the boy. In these predictions he warns of 5 dates that are “Terrible Days” and he gives the dates.

Not knowing what the hazards are on those dates, what would you do as those dates appeared?

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14 Answers

janbb's avatar

That actually seems like a pretty rotten thing to do to someone. If you can’t know what the hazard is, how can you do anything but worry?

JLeslie's avatar

I think before those dates I would try to do things very important to me.

Knowing also might change the course of how things go, because you would change your behavior unless knowing is part of the pre-destiny, or maybe it is something like an attack of appendicitis or someone you love getting hurt or dying.

It would be horrible to know, but also I think everyone should try to live life like anything bad can happen in a moment while simultaneously mot being paranoid about it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not knowing exactly what fate those dates mean, I guess with a lot of anxiety, nerves ,and a bit of fear.
I would much rather not know.

jca2's avatar

I guess my curiosity would be, if you have 5 dates when something terrible is supposed to happen, can you change your destiny? Like if one of those dates would be terrible physical harm is coming to you, but then you decide on that date you are going to stay home, does that mean a tree is going to come crashing through your roof? Or does it mean you were supposed to get into a car accident and because you stayed home, the terrible thing was averted?

seawulf575's avatar

The book readily identified that since there were 5 dates, death was not one of the terrible fates on at least the first 4 dates. But terrible is the key here. Is is something that happens to you? Is it something that happens to a loved one? If you change your routine, does that make something more or less likely to occur?

elbanditoroso's avatar

Same answer as I gave on the first question. I don’t want to know the future, because it would change how I view the present.

smudges's avatar

Well, I know I live through at least 4 of them, so I wouldn’t really have to freak out until the last date, which could be the day I die.

Zaku's avatar

Be alert, careful, near a hospital and trusted company, and perhaps avoiding risky activities.

Although, if I thought that the universe really worked that way, I’d be tempted to give up on trying. I’m very hostile toward the idea of a predetermined inevitable future. This scenario would give me a test bed for that.

JLoon's avatar

I’ve had more than 5 terrible dates – and I’m still here.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I also have had more than 5 dates . . . !

I’m still here.

jonsblond's avatar

I need to read this. I love Koontz.

I would probably lock myself in a bathroom on these dates with my phone, book, pillow, blanket, water and snacks. What could go wrong? Maybe choke on a snack?

seawulf575's avatar

@jonsblond The name of the book is Life Expectancy. But a warning…it has clowns in it.

smudges's avatar

I’m going to read it, too!

Forever_Free's avatar

I would push the morphine button on gramps.

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