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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever shopped for groceries, and then returned home from a transit bus?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) September 4th, 2023

I find it awkward to ride with bags and bags of groceries, on the transit bus.

I use a taxi or online ordering now. With the exception I bring a backpack and large gym bag, if I go in person.

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Years ago I used to do it. We either only brought what we could carry or we used a fold-up vertical shopping cart, but I don’t know if all transit where you live allows carts or a wheeling suitcase?

snowberry's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 It’s doable, and if I had to do it, I certainly would. Get a wheeled cart or maybe a waterproof piece of luggage for bad weather. Such a cart would easily hold a week’s worth of groceries-at least for me. Here’s what I’m thinking of:

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. In the UK, particularly in cities, that’s normal.

I’ve also taken the bus with furniture from Ikea (a chair and 2 book shelves) and a TV.

elbanditoroso's avatar

We don’t have buses out here in the boonies. No choice but to drive.

Forever_Free's avatar

I did it many times as a child and young adult. The bus was very prevalent in my travels when growing up in a large city. I have fond memories of all my travels as a kid on the bus in what a dime and a transfer ticket could get you.
I recall a time when one of my school teachers got on the bus with a couple gallons of paint. One tipped over and the top opened spewing a gallon of white up and down the center aisle. That’s an embarrassing moment, not bags of groceries.

RocketGuy's avatar

My daughters did that all the time while going to college. No shame in that.

Entropy's avatar

I have always had a car as most of my life has either been in suburbs or in a low density city/college town. A car is therefore a necessity, not a luxury.

I did live so close to a convenience store that was large enough that it was bordering on grocery in college, and would walk home with groceries…but I’ve never taken groceries on a bus or train or taxi.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

70 years old with my grandmother. The bus stop was at the end of her front sidewalk, we would go to Ralphs with a fold-up wire-basket with wheels. Come back with the groceries in the basket.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. If you keep a heard mentality, you can tolerate it better.
I used to shop mainly on foot, or motorcycle most of my life. A backpack, is all I’ve usually used… I had a bicycle but it was better to walk where I used to live. Walking was risky at night…

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Should read “7 years old”

RocketGuy's avatar

@Tropical_Willie – that makes more sense! I read it as “70 year old grandmother”, which works too.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

She was about 58. Two of her brothers (both were killed in WWI) tried in a Model T, she ran it into a fence, she never got behind the wheel again.

longgone's avatar

I used to do that all the time. The trick is to use a backpack.

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