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jca2's avatar

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

Asked by jca2 (17251points) September 6th, 2023

I’m in southern NY, about an hour and a half from midtown Manhattan, and we’re in the middle of a heatwave. Very weird because August, there were no days that hit 90 degrees for us, but now in September, it’s going to be 90 or over four days in a row (Monday – Thursday). Getting more seasonal for the weekend.

I know Nevada got the big rains which flooded out Burning Man.

How about you? How is it where you are?

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23 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Very hot and humid in the Berkshires of western Mass.
I have adjusted my outdoor workouts (biking, court play), to early morning and leave the rest of the day for floating in the pool.

jca2's avatar

Some schools around here and in CT (which is nearby for me), are closing half days because of the heat. Some school buildings don’t have AC.

ragingloli's avatar

28 degrees, with an expected peak of 31 in the next 10 days.
Sad that it is still so warm in September.

SnipSnip's avatar

Hot and waiting to see if Lee will visit.

janbb's avatar

@jca2 Pretty much the same as you. AC was off for a few hours but it’s going back on.

canidmajor's avatar

Icky. Going to spend National Read A Book Day in the AC, you guessed it, reading a book.

chyna's avatar

Hot and humid here, also. I got my walk in early.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s just about perfect here in Northern California. Overcast burned off in downtown San Francisco. Where I live in the East Bay it is supposed to get to 78 today.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Very nice in SW Missouri. High of 85 or lower, lows in mid-50’s. Humidity still 67% but we’ll take it. Pretty typical September. We usually are getting snow and/or low temps by Halloween.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Hot and muggy. Typical summer in Atlanta.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Eastern North Carolina, 95* F with. a heat index of. 108* F. No rain in the forecast for next couple of days.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s 1:15pm and clear skies, almost completely still, and 90°. It should get down to 78 tonight, so not a big cool off, but 70’s isn’t bad. It’s been unusually dry July and August and now, except for the hurricane brought us some rain and helped fill the retention ponds again.

We usually don’t start changing temperature for fall until the last week of September. Early September is still part of the hottest time of the year traditionally.

Entropy's avatar

In Maryland we just got over back to back days of 100F. Today’s a bit gentler, and the next will be cooler still with low 80s by Sunday. We’re also expecting intermittent T-storms from Friday to Sunday which could completely ruin my plan to go to the ren fair with family on Sunday.

We did have a week or two of VERY unseasonably mild weather in late August, so I can’t complain. Generally, Maryland springs and falls are very wet, our summers though really get humid and brutal in August and early September. It’s definitely the humidity that gets you more than the heat. It’s humid right now…but not unusually so. In fact, if anything, I’d say less than usual.

jonsblond's avatar

We just had about two weeks of high temps and high humidity. It was horrible. I just sent it your way!

Today is still muggy but today is hopefully the last of it for the year. Tomorrow is barely going to reach 70° and the next week is calling for low to mid 70s.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Cool and smokey.

cookieman's avatar

Last week was lively. 70’s, low humidity.

This week is hot as hell and very sticky. Gross.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Currently feels like 113* F.

UGH ! ! !

flutherother's avatar

It touched 75 this afternoon which is exceptionally warm for this time of year in the UK.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It barely matters at this point… Mostly crazy hot, with insane humidity, and strong chance of bad storms in the afternoon until dusk…
We just caught the ass end of Idalia, or whatever… Not impressed… but Hurricane season isn’t over. It’s the worst time for them to hit my area…

smudges's avatar

Hot and smoky, but cooling a bit – down into the upper 80s. Today was really nice at 81, but smoky.

LadyMarissa's avatar

North Georgia here. Although we’re beginning to see signs that fall is coming,we’re in the mid 90’s so far this week. The weatherman says that should drop into the upper 80’s by Friday as we’ll most likely be controlled by the next hurricane. I think this one will be named Lee.

filmfann's avatar

The first week of September is always my favorite here.
Northern Northern California.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s great weather here, high of 85 and partly cloudy.

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