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JLeslie's avatar

What’s your latest tip?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) September 11th, 2023 from iPhone

My tip is if you have ants in your house that you are having trouble getting rid of, the granules for red aunts for lawn is fantastic. I’ve used it three times in 7 years (not always red aunts) and it always works thoroughly and complete in 4 days. I just put a little where I see the ants, add a few drops of water, and again add a little water day two. Day 4 I clean it all up. When I say a little, about a tablespoon (maybe two at the most) spread over 6”x12” ish area if I can’t exactly figure out where they are coming from.

Keep in mind the product is technically for outside.

Remember it is POISON.

I am not promoting or recommending, I’m only telling you what I have done.

Use at your own risk. I think using a little of this once every three years is less poison than spraying my house a lot. I use gloves when I handle it, probably it would be good to wear a mask too.

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