Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

When you got married did you feel like you were leaving your family?

Asked by JLeslie (65917points) September 12th, 2023 from iPhone

This Q is for both men and women.

Some traditions the idea is daughters are given away to their new spouse. Like they are leaving their family and moving on to be a wife.

At your wedding did you feel like you were leaving your family?

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9 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

No. I moved to another city, and started living on my own, at age 22. Nobody paid my bills; I worked and supported myself.

I got married at age 34. I’d had 12 years of independent living and was already a homeowner.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, I didn’t marry until I was around 30 years old so I was independent awhile, too. Also no one gave me away other than myself.

zenvelo's avatar

No. I married when I was 35. I left home for college when I was 18. And my parents moved overseas when I was 19, so he left me!

seawulf575's avatar

No. I was on my own well before I got married. However both times I had the same attitude: that my wife came before everyone else. The first wife screwed that up, but it was not because my family came between us.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

No, I was on my own long before getting hitched.

chyna's avatar

No, but I didn’t get married until I was 34. I had been out on my own since I was 20 and had bought my first house at 25.
I think maybe if people get married young, as in going straight from their parents home to a home with their spouse, they may feel that way.

longgone's avatar

Hm, I’d like to say no. Despite growing up in a liberal environment, getting married unlocked some complicated emotions for me. Possibly because my in-laws are much more traditional and that was difficult to navigate at first. So, yes: I did feel like I was leaving my family and entering a different culture. It was a bit terrifying, but it all worked out okay. I’m still close to my family. It’s just a bigger family now.

Forever_Free's avatar

Escaping is more like it. (j/k)

Seriously, No.

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