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Ltryptophan's avatar

Do humans have built in vision stabilization?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) September 14th, 2023 from iPhone

The newest Iphone has an advanced image stabilization gizmo attached to the lens complex. Cool.

But, it begs the question, where is my standard for stable vision originating? Is it hardware in the eye? “Software” in my brain, or a blend of these?

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Look at something, and move your head around. You will notice that your gaze stays locked on what you are looking at. So, yes, you have vision stabilisation. Your brain automatically rotates the eyeball smoothly, so that you stay locked on target.
Conversely, try moving your eyeballs smoothly deliberately. You will find it impossible.

Lightlyseared's avatar

It’s in the brain. If you wear prism glasses that flip the image upside down after a few days your brain will resolve that so what you ‘see’ is the right way up. Your reality only exists in your head.

JLeslie's avatar

The brain. The brain fills in missing parts of the picture as our eyes work together, the brain adjust our vision to what we are focusing on. The brain also anticipates what we will see.

The inner ear tells the brain where gravity is and stabilizes our horizon so to speak. It the inner ear has inflammation or the little crystals shift to the wrong spot, the message is wrong and your eyes lie to you and spin your world.

Someone with the crystals in the wrong place, if you lie them down on their back and put their head back slightly off the end of the bed and turn their head 45° to the side that has the crystals out of place, and watch their eyes as you do it, their eyes will involuntarily move back and forth until the brain adjusts. The person doesn’t feel their eyes move, they experience the room moving or spinning.

JLeslie's avatar

I found a video of the eyes moving involuntarily when the dizzy is triggered due to the pebbles in the ear canal in the wrong position.

Separate from that, here is an explanation of your brain filling in what your eyes don’t see.,surrounding%20picture%20or%20other%20eye.

Also, there is regarding the brain:

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes, of course. That’s why you can look at something and track it. There are several mechanisms in the brain that do it.

seawulf575's avatar

Yes there is vision stabilization in humans. That is one of the tests for drunk drivers…following the tip of a pen. When they are drunk, the vision stabilization is wonky and they can’t track the pen without their eyes jittering back and forth.

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