Why are self proclaimed "anti-groomer" conservatives not up in arms about Lauren Boebert performing sex acts in public?
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They might say grooming as they define it and doing sex acts in public are two different things?
Btw is it Boebert or Boobert of the Make America Gropeable Again cult?
Oh gee…where do I start? Well I guess I have to start with the source used as a citation.
Meidastouch is a uber left organization, a progressive Super Pac that has sketchy credibility.
The article cited is entitled “Boebert Appeared to Fondle Date’s Penis in Packed Theater as She Put His Hand on Her Breasts” And the article makes some vague, unsubstantiated claims about this happening. Meanwhile it also gives a link to the article (stating it is for surveillance video) that is entitled ”“Video: Lauren Boebert Kicked Out of Beetlejuice Musical in Denver”. This article states that she and her date were ejected for vaping, singing along with the show too loudly, and illegally recording. Sex acts are not mentioned anywhere.
It should be noted that BOTH articles start with the word “VIDEO:” and neither actually gives a link to any video.
So what we have here is a uber-left wing smear group, making stuff up to try smearing a politician they don’t like. And fools buy into it, or at least try to interfere in US politics by spreading it around, hoping other fools will buy into it.
So in answer to the proffered question, the answer becomes painfully clear…it is a bogus claim. But let’s go further!
Let’s say that she was doing something like what was sketchily described. Possibly illegal?
Maybe. Tacky? Yep. Are they adults? Yep. So now compare that with groomers. Groomers are targeting children. The GROOMERS are adults, the children are just that…children. And often very young children. So what we are seeing is a uber-left jelly trying to equate tacky behavior between two adults with uber-left adults that are targeting children for sexual exploitation.
One might want to ask if the OP thinks Rep Boebert’s alleged behavior is appalling, why they constantly defend groomers?
Was she fondling a minor? No.
Grooming has nothing to do with this situation.
Republican rhetoric recently has been that any sexually deviant activity is “grooming” including allowing school pupils to see Michelangelo’s David. The activity you are so vehemently defending the Republican party itself has called “grooming” when it was a member of a group classified as undesirable by republicans that was doing it. @ragingloli was merely highlighting the hypocrisy. It’s amusing that no one can see that.
Since both people in Boebert’s situation are consenting adults, the situation is far away from “grooming”.
However, if Lauren Boebert or any MAGA cultist did indeed groom a minor, the MAGA cult would just deny it, and say the claims are false and politically motivated.
That’s what they do about any issue they don’t want to face up to.
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This is the first I’ve heard of the groping aspect of this.
Since she is currently separated from her husband, and that ain’t him, I am sure she is just… feeling her oats.
I wonder who will get to sit next to her the next time she is in Congress.
By the way, am I the only one who refers to her (accidentally I assure you) as Lauren Bobbit ? That would make me more concerned about her just scouting out her target.
Well isn’t this just the most embarrassing thing!!! (shaking head)
I mention Lauren Bobbit and the first response is from @SnipSnip?
Actually, there is video. Saw it earlier. Tacky and definitely a distraction to the poor people seated around them, though I don’t know that I’d call it grooming.
She’s and obnoxious, arrogant, inconsiderate fool. That’s what this “anti-groomer” conservative thinks!
Just another nut-case in this troubled world.
I wonder what kind of drugs she was on to not remember vaping?
@chyna It is what she was Vaping that makes her not remember.
I am quite certain there are some conservatives pearl-clutching over this. Those security cameras use night vision so all of this stuff was done in the dark between consenting adults. Others in the theater probably never noticed until she opened her mouth. Tacky and inappropriate, yes. News-worthy? not really. Bobert has already made an ass of herself so many times that this is just another day.
I heard on the Saturday news that she apologized. I’m not sure what her exact wording was with the apology, but that’s an admission she knows she did something wrong.
My comment is to the OP. I didn’t and haven’t read your comment. You know what they say about making assumptions…. @filmfann
There’s no perfect blueprint for going through a public and difficult divorce, which over the past few months has made for a challenging personal time for me and my entire family. I’ve tried to handle it with strength and grace as best I can, but I simply fell short of my values on Sunday,” she said. It’s her husband’s fault for leaving her. It’s her date’s fault for being a Dem who owns a gay bar. I had wondered WHY she was pulling her dress top up on her way out. Pee Wee Herman was put in jail for basically doing the same thing at a porn movie…ALSO IN THE DARK!!!
@SnipSnip I think @filmfann was just making a lighthearted joke. If you do read his comment, you might see the humor in the juxtaposition.
Missing video Since Meidas Touch is not on the approved list of watching according to some jellies, you can skip to about 3–½ minutes in…may be 4 minutes…if you don’t want to watch some of the MT BS. Had I been scting like that in public, I would NOT have been asked to leave. The cops would have been storming my seat & I would have been escorted to a jail cell!!!
@LadyMarissa Thank you for providing the video. I see a couple things in this video. She was vaping and was using flash on her camera, though it looked like it was possibly for a selfie and not to record the show (as the flash was pointed towards Boebert and her Beau). As for groping, kinda hard to tell. It seems odd that MeidasTouch had close up video of her vaping and using the camera and seat dancing but then goes back to a far shot for the “groping”. His hand came up but it is not completely obvious what he is doing.
Another oddity is that Meidastouch also claimed she was rubbing his penis through his pants. Funny that isn’t on the video…not even anything close.
And in the end, to compare this to targeting children for grooming is just sick.
What a classy lady. ~
And it’s very clear her date is groping her boob for more than a few seconds.
@seawulf575 The video was on local News 9 in Denver, so you can drop your complaint about it being from some left wing media conspiracy.
Boebert was also criticized by leading conservative women, .Ann Coulter called her “an embarrassing bimbo”, Meaghan McCain said, “Lauren Boebert is trash. She lectures everyone about the LGBT community being a threat to children while getting caught performing a lewd sex act in a public theatre where children possibly were,”
And former president Donald Trump’s ex-attorney Jenna Ellis also piled in on Boebert, calling her behavior “embarrassing and disrespectful.”
@zenvelo Gee, sorry, I don’t watch Denver TV. But @LadyMarissa provided the video. My point before and still is that (a) the OP failed to produce any video (b) the article the OP referenced was entitled “Boebert Appeared to Fondle Date’s Penis in Packed Theater as She Put His Hand on Her Breasts” which seems entirely misleading. So far NOTHING shows her touching anywhere near his penis. So when a left wing outlet throws blatant lies up like that, what would you call it if not left wing conspiracy? Responsible Journalism? (c) the link provided by the OP in the question had a link to the “surveillance footage” which only takes the reader to another article by the same schlock outlet but this one has a title that starts with “VIDEO:” yet doesn’t provide a single video either. It does, however tell the reader to see the video above at the end of the article…the video that doesn’t exist.
So go ahead and defend radical left wing smear jobs if you like. I take the time to look at them to make my mind up myself. Apparently you do not. As for what everyone has said, I don’t go with that either. I make up my mind as well. As you can see in my first response, I said that if the claims were true it might be illegal (apparently not since it didn’t happen) and definitely tacky. I can easily tell you the things about the story I find more disturbing and annoying (but definitely common to most politicians)...that she tried lying about what was going on.
@seawulf575 I was pointing out this is NOT a ”...radical left wing smear job”, as evidenced by all the conservatives that are calling Boebert a bimbo and trash. It wasn’t that a video was circulated by a left media outlet but by mainstream conservative outlets all over the country.
@ragingloli Carful snowflake, you might melt. But hey, let’s address your personal attack a little closer. First you say I “continuously” make “Blood-libel” claims and use “demagoguery” of accusing LGBTQ people of being groomers. You also assign the Republican party to me. And the Coup de Gras is you use another uber-left wing outlet as your proof!
Okay…Continuous. I am very consistent in what I say and what I don’t say. You are accurate there.
Blood-libelous. I have never claimed the Jews drink non-Jewish children’s blood for their rites. I have in the past (once) brought up that claim in a thread. It was brought up in a discussion of the history of the idea of adrenochrome usage. Your attempt to put words in my mouth shows you have no problem with libel though
Demagoguery. This would be an effort to appeal to the emotions and prejudices of a population. What a joke. I am a mostly lone voice on these pages. It is people like you that try to appeal to the emotions and prejudices of the jellies on these pages. Again, another example of libel by you.
Accusing LGBTQ people of being groomers. This one is partly correct, and mostly off base. I have stated before that much of the grooming is not done by LGB or really Q folks. It is mainly T folks that end up being the groomers. Or at least Trans activists. This has been shown over and over and over again. But it isn’t just them. The Democrats frequently push rules to assist in their efforts. I give you the numerous examples of schools that have tried including what amounts to grooming into their curriculum and then tried to hide it from the parents. They even covered for a boy that claimed to be a girl that raped a real girl in the women’s room. They had the girl’s father arrested when he dared to speak out about it at the school board meeting, they victim blamed, they even had Merrick Garland authorize the FBI to start targeting as domestic terrorists parents that dared to speak out at school board meetings.
And at no time did I ever suggest that those in the Republican party (or Indies for that matter) have never done disgusting criminal things. But let’s be honest…DailyKos? Please. They list something that only looked at bad things Republicans have done. That isn’t a comparison to anything. But hey, what do I expect from someone that continuously libels others and uses demagoguery to try slamming Republicans?
@zenvelo Yes, but you told me to drop the complaint about the left wing media. So please, answer the question: do you believe MeidasTouch was fair in their reporting or was it an attempt at a smear job?
And now news accounts have reported that she dumped the guy that she allowed to grope her due to him being a democrat.
Some are wondering if, in fact, the real reason is because he owns a bar that caters to the LGBTQ+ community and has frequent drag shows.
Maybe she should have checked who he was before she allowed him to grab her boob in public with children around.
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