Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How civically involved are you?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) September 21st, 2023

Do you patronize your public library? Do you visit local parks?

What about volunteering at a food bank?

Have you ever called a city councilmember to ask about local programs?

Do you vote?

Do you like to talk to elected officials or their staff? Do you write or call them?

I like to visit my library. When I lived on the Big Island, I visited the library multiple times every month.

I was active in community theatre, and we used one particular park often to give free performances. It was wonderful.

I like to use local hiking trails that are maintained by the county park department.

I vote, and I call elected officials whenever I think it’s necessary.

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11 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

I would say I am very involved.

Do you patronize your public library? Always
Do you visit local parks? Constantly
What about volunteering at a food bank? Yes and serve Lunches at the Veterans Home
Have you ever called a city councilmember to ask about local programs? Yes
Do you vote? Always for local, state and federal
Do you like to talk to elected officials or their staff? Yes
Do you write or call them? Small town allows me to speak to them locally. State, yes

I serve on Conservation Commission and Land Trust Boards. I have for several towns over the years.
I am a Big for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Organization
I am a lunchtime reader to Elementary Schools youths in a Chinese School in the Boston area for over 10 years.
I have served on the local School Board.
I have served on the local Recreation and Parks Commission.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Call my alderman-no.
Food bank is day only not a good one, so no.
Talk to alderman-no.

I’ve served and am very jaded on politics, even at a local level.

My friends and I do TNR /rescue.
We also collect garden produce and fresh beef/venison to distribute to the needy. Literally 5 nights last week as this is our busy season.

We also pick and distrbute natural fruit from generoys neighbors to needy and elderly. And I bake/cook for a few who no longer can.

Frankly any affiliation with churches or politicians limits what we can do to help people so we decided to do it ourselves.
:) Be the change.

JLeslie's avatar

Do you patronize your public library? Yes. Do you visit local parks? Yes.

What about volunteering at a food bank? No, but I have donated food.

Have you ever called a city councilmember to ask about local programs? No, but I call my city or county when I have questions.

Do you vote? Yes.

Do you like to talk to elected officials or their staff? Do you write or call them? I write them on rare occasion. I would love to talk directly to them if they really give a damn. I have only talked directly to a council member or other representatives a few times in my life.

janbb's avatar

I do most of those things. The first two most definitely. Volunteer work is mostly through my faith congregation. There is a Congressperson I run into at our local bakery and have talked with him there. U have phoned Congress people in the past but lately I feel it is so dysfunctional as to be a waste of time.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I guess more than I realized until I thought about it. I do use the library, local greenways, and parks frequently as well as community events. I volunteer, donate to charity, give blood, and vote. My job involves publically owned infrastructure, for which I consider myself to be a steward.

YARNLADY's avatar

Not very much. I occasionally contact my congressperson and always vote. I send money to Sierra Club, Red Cross, Yellowstone Forever and ACLU.

cookieman's avatar

Do you patronize your public library?
Yes. A couple of them. Mostly just to hang out.

Do you visit local parks?
Much more when my daughter was younger, but yes.

What about volunteering at a food bank?
No, but my daughter just mentioned she’d like to do that at Thanksgiving.

Have you ever called a city councilmember to ask about local programs?

Do you vote?

Do you like to talk to elected officials or their staff? Do you write or call them?
No and No.

smudges's avatar

I vote. Other than that, I’m just treading water myself. Those that donate to food banks, thank you. When I had cats, I was even able to get food for them.

My beading group makes jewelry for Casting for Recovery. It’s a group that helps breast cancer survivors build up their muscles on the side missing the breast by taking them fly fishing in groups of 10–12 twice a year. The patients requested that there be no pink in the jewelry.

We also make jewelry for the local VA hospital. We give them to our contact there, and she lets the men select what they’d like to give their mothers on Mother’s Day.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Thank you to all who donate their time and energy to helping others. Just imagine a world where every single person does that, in one small way, how much better and unified we can be.
Thank you @Hawaii_Jake, I think some of us needed this reminder.

seawulf575's avatar

Somewhat hit or miss. I get involved when it seems necessary. I’m not sure I see using the library or a local park as being civically involved. I see it more as using town resources. I don’t use the library very much but I go to a park quite frequently.

We used to volunteer at our church as they used to do quite a few things to help the community. Food banks, back-pack drives, toys for the needy at Christmas…these sorts of things. The leadership of the church, however, started drifting away from that so we drifted away from them.

I do vote in just about every election. More importantly I research the topics so I know what I am voting for or against.

I have spoken to elected officials and/or their staff. Much like I do on these pages, if I see something I deem to be wrong, I address it. At one point the chief of police of the town in which lived in Ohio got to where he just didn’t like seeing me heading his way. Most recently I attended a couple of town meetings that were discussion putting in new housing near us. Since our little neighborhood has become the main way in and out of the area they want to develop, I felt it was necessary to point out to them the danger they are creating. The neighborhood behind us grew from about 15 homes to about 400 homes. Our little neighborhood started getting, on average, 734 cars per day coming from that neighborhood. Speeds ranged from 25 mph (speed limit) to 57 mph. There are no sidewalks in our neighborhood so anyone walking (with or without a dog) or riding a bike or any kids playing are in danger. Now they want to put in another 400+ homes. You can imagine they didn’t like hearing what I had to say.

syz's avatar

I vote.
I don’t try to get out of jury duty.
I watch City Council meetings.
I march.
I write and call my senator.
I donate blood every 6 weeks.
I bottle raise and foster orphaned kittens to the county shelter.
I have volunteered with Habitat, though it’s been a few years.

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